Height 6’
Weight 214lbs
Body Fat% too much, lol, 24%
Squats 4x6 175lbs
Rom. Deadlifts 4x6 245lbs
Leg Press 4x6 400lbs
D.Bell Deadlift 4x6 90lbs
Calf Raise 4x6 155lbs, then 90lbs to failure
Height 6’
Weight 214lbs
Body Fat% too much, lol, 24%
Squats 4x6 175lbs
Rom. Deadlifts 4x6 245lbs
Leg Press 4x6 400lbs
D.Bell Deadlift 4x6 90lbs
Calf Raise 4x6 155lbs, then 90lbs to failure
Pull Ups Bodyweight 4x6
Dips Bodyweight +15lbs 4x6
Bench Press 145lbs 4x6
Cable Row 140lbs 4x6
D.Bell Shoulder Press 55lbs 4x6
Lat Pulldown 140lbs 4x6
Squat 185lbs 4x6
Deadlift 245lbs 4x6
Leg Press 410lbs 4x6
D.Bell Deadlift 90lbs 4x6
Calf Raise 160lbs 4x6
pull ups 3x6 bw/+5 lbs 1x6 bw
Dips 4x6 bw/+20 lbs
Bench Press 4x6 145lb
D.Bell Shoulder Press 4x6 50lbs
Row 4x6 140lbs
Lat Pulldown 4x6 140lbs
Squats 4x6 185lbs
Deadlift 4x6 245lbs
Leg Press 4x6 420lbs
D.bell deadlift 4x6 90lbs
Leg extensions 4x6 110lbs
Leg Retractions 4x6 95lbs
Calf extension machine 4x6 300lbs
Pull Ups 4x6 +5lbs
Bench Press 4x6 155lbs
Dips 4x6 +20lbs
Shoulder Press Cable 4x6 70lbs
WoodChop High to Low 90lbs
Low to High 60lbs
Cable Row 4x6 160lbs