This and this:
I 100% agree with. In fact I agree with all of @hardartery’s post but these bits the most. If you push your 10 rep max from 200lb to 300lb in any lift - you will get bigger. How much depends on the method you take to get there. But no one adds 50% to a lift with out adding muscle mass.
My thoughts are:
Your bench is only 50lb less than your squat. I would address that. I like big squats and deadlifts. And I’m not sure about anyone else but I don’t measure and don’t care about my pull down strength. Just do it for 8-12 reps. If its too light add another set with more on it.
If you are after a programme:
Or to build on Hard artery’s points:
Build your own programme around these principles:
The works outs can be full body:
Squat, bench, barbell row
Stiff leg deadlift, press, T bar row
Or push pull legs:
Press, Incline bench, bench press
T bar row, bent over row, pull down
Squat, SLDL, Lunge
Add a bit of fluff like curls ETC. Those are SOLID work outs.