And this sometimes…
It might look a little gay (not that there’s anything wrong with that) but I was wearing a real sword so nobody mentioned it.
SleelyEyes… Now thats what I was talking about. Doing something, hell anything. Thats awsome. Nice pics…
Yes nice fun stuff SteelyEyes.
You live in that landscape? What did you bag that elk with?
Did your loyal friend the horse help you carry it out?
Here’s my new toy. With all the rain we got this year, we haven’t been able to go Mtn Biking, so a bunch of us got road bikes.
SteelyEyes, that’s an awesome pic of you skiing. Where where you at?
I live near places like that. My daughter and I spent the night in a meadow surrounded by 60 elk last week. It was an hour and half drive and an hour on horseback in. We rode out in the morning and I had time to unload the gear, get a shower, and still get to work on time at 2 PM.
That bull I took with a bow. We were packed in 14 miles, although he was 3 miles farther in than our camp. My horse did help but I have others that actually carried the meat.
I’m really lucky to be able to participate in the things that I do and the things that I used to do, like scuba diving. Not seen on those pics is that I shared every one of those experiences with my wife and in most cases my kids. My wife shot every one of those pictures. I think the best part is that I realize and appreciate that good fortune and my family on nearly a daily basis.
I posted a reply once but it seems to have gone missing. Anyway, I live in an area a lot like the one in the elk pic. I can be in the higher basins in the Cascade Mountains north of Mt. Rainier in an hour and a half of driving and an hour or two on the horse.
The skiing shot was on the back side of Granite Mountain which is one part of the Red Mountain ski area in Rossland BC. We have skiing like that close to home as well but it’s fun to go new places.
The elk was taken with a bow. We pack in to an area 14 miles from the trail head and stay for 10 days to 3 weeks. We come out to get supplies once or twice in that time. My horse in the picture does pack if need be but mostly he’s my saddle horse. We have a pack horse and a mule to haul frieght.
My wife took every picture. It’s great to be able to share fun and adventure with her, and the kids (daughter is 20 and son is 18 now). I’m a lucky guy and I think about that almost every day.
Ok, Bohdi, took me a few days to dig these up, but here they are! It’s actually been awhile since I’ve done this (had kids & moved to “flatwater” coast), but I still get to go now and again.
This one’s surfing a nice wave…
As I read this thread/look at the pics, I’m thinking … man I want to try rock climbing, I want to try wakeboarding, I want to go waterskiing, I want to try kayaking, I want to get back into skiing, and I want to stare at … ahh … nevermind that last one.
Great thread - check out the rating!
I gots more, but they didn’t post this morning, will try again later.
Man you guys are awesome it’s like a Coors commercial! I need to get out and live so more!
Oh ya a bit of the winter fun…
I love bodyboarding, just spent a solid week at Cape Hatteras, NC doing it. Yeah, I know its not “real surfing” but I haven’t had the time at the beach to learn to do that yet :P. Bodyboarding seems pretty tame compared to some of the stuff you guys are posting, but I love it, and when the waves are mean (like they were the week I was there), its possible to come out with some minor injuries so its all good I guess :P. I’ll try to post some pics when I get them, no clue when that will be though.
Nice looking climb. I haven’t done the Cascades yet. How many pitches was that route? Were you on lead? What is the rating on that route?
Bohdi, come on… Give us a real sledding pic, like you going 8 feet in the air off a jump with the snow spraying… you know those kinds they have on mags all the time.
I actually have a video of me doing that, but no pics. Someday i’ll finally get around to loading that video onto computer so I can get pics and such out of it.
Sadly though last 2 years here in minnesota have been WORTHLESS. Almost no snow, last year was the record low total for the nov-jan part of winter. All my buddies with new sleds were crying their eyes out…lol
Got another question about the wakeboarding for you guys who do it. Does it really require having a pylon or cage for the rope mount? I have a bayliner, 18.5 foot I/O, family type of boat. The rope peg is of course on top of the back end, which is about 2 feet above water when running. Yes it’s not high, but not as low as those peeps who use those straps around their outboards at water level. Will that make wakeboarding no fun or what?
Pylon’s are a bit out of my price range at moment, not to mention the hassle factor of installing it and using boat with it in there.
That is Sharkfin Tower near Boston Basin. It involves a 3 hour approach crossing over the Quein Sabe glacier, steep snow and some 4th class rock. Once you get to the technical portion you climb a couple pitches of mid-fifth class rock (great rock quality) and make 2 rappels down the face in the photo or continue up the ridge line another easy pitch to the summit. The route in the photo goes at 5.10 and I was struggling to following it, I suck on friction climbs. Not a tough climb and easily doable in a day from the car.