Ha ha ha… Sex, sex, sex. Get your mind out of the gutter… But that’s what I dig about you guys!
Well, ol’ ~karma~ came out to my hood and I showed her some of my fav spots so she returned the favor and let me an my boys come out and visit her. Along with checking out the lakes in Colorado, she wanted to kick my ass on a killer hike. Backfired… kept up better than she thought I would. We went up to this place in San Isabel where mountain runoffs made a pretty wicked stream and carved out a natural waterslide in a canyon. It was too cool . I thought I was in a Mountain Dew commercial.
So let’s dedicate this thread to what showing what people do for fun in the summer - other than all that tough man stuff we see a lot of or sits at a computer all damn day. Who bikes? Who climbs mountains? Who water ski’s or wakeboards? Who surfs? Who does anything?!
And this is the Bohd at the top of a long descent into the canyon. It’s about as steep down as the mountain/lake pic is up. You have to pretty much use the tree roots as a ladder to climb down.
I love Mountain Biking! I usually go to the various areas of Patapsco State Park in MD. This particular picture was from a race at Susquehanna State Park in MD.
Well, it rained a lot this year, and you’re not supposed to bike on muddy trails. So, a bunch us got road bikes to ride when the trails are too wet.
I used to live in Albuquerque NM and went up to Colorado a lot on business (beautiful country) and used to snowboard at Wolf Creek all the time (small hill but nice quaint town to hole up in and the snow was good). Lots of mountainbiking and whatnot.
Jolly: To get to San Isabel, you take I25 South till you get to the Colorado City exit (don’t remember Hwy #), go west to Rye (about 15 min), once in Rye the road will do a “Y” thing, take the north leg, go another 20 min or so and there you are! San Isabel National Forest. The lake is right off the road.
Bohdi, you forgot some of the best pics of you guys wakeboarding… Guess I’ll get to show those.