I Need a Good Multivitamin

Anyone know of one that actually works? I know to stay away from the GNC crap that is out there. I haven’t taken one in quite a while and need to get back on one. Thinking of adding some additional Vitamin D to the mix as well.

Thanks and Merry Christmas to all!

Now Foods seems to have decent ones. They are about half as potent as they need to be but the prices are pretty good. I get mine @ iherb.com. 2000 IU Vit D3 gelcaps there as well for a reasonable price.

cool will check them out


You would be better served fixing your diet so you get your vitamins from food. If your diet is in check there are very few things you need extra of besides vitamin D. Secondly, most multis are garbage with poor bio availability.

This is true for ALL name brand multis you can get in any RX (Centrum, One A Day, etc.). If you wish to get 'script quality multis (those used in patients with clinical deficiencies) the price becomes great enough to make buying more vegetables the sensible choice.

With vitamin D gel caps can get expensive, especially if you are dosing over 4000 iu’s a day. Biotics Bio-D-Mulsion Forte sells a year supply for about $20. My doc prescribes this product for patients with clinical vitamin D deficiency. 2 drops a day gives about 4000 iu’s. Well worth it.

Yeah I was worried all of them suck.

so any multivitamins I have from either centrum…or even the mega man GNC suck?

That’s gay.

[quote]rasturai wrote:
so any multivitamins I have from either centrum…or even the mega man GNC suck?

That’s gay.[/quote]

This place has an anti-GNC bent to it. Probably because most of the guys who work there are clueless and tell you you need one of each if you let them. Their multi is fine, but might not be the best.

The critical thing to remember is that they are supplements, not replacement for real, good food. I try and hit my vitamin quota without supplements, but take them anyways just in case. Most of vitas can’t be overdone. There are a few that can, but the risk isn’t that high.