I love how he is always trying to have fun with his job. All of the antics, quotes, and demeanor. The guy cracks me up. Even with the league being as stupid as they are on fining and cutting down his celebrations, he still finds ways to entertain.I always check to see “what its going to be this week” anyone else?
Not a Benglas fan, but Carson looked piissssssseddd last week…
I highly concur. He is one of the best receivers in the game, if not the best. He is truly an entertainer, he knows what to do to fire up the crowd. The dances he does and the stuff he does is great. And best of all…OCHO CINCO!!! That is purely genius. HE IS THE MAN…HANDS DOWN!!!
I put him next to T.O. Hate the man. Loved it when he got cracked in the browns game.
I love the Bengals, but even if I didn’t i’d think Chad Johnson was hilarious.
I know why lots of people hate him, they’re jealous and wish he was on their team.
So far, he hasn’t done anything besides celebrate and court attention that would make him comparable to T.O. When his moronic publicist helps him fake a suicide for attention, when he takes 5 weeks to recover from a ‘minor’ hamstring injury and when he blows up 2 franchises you can get back to me on the whole TO = Chad Johnson thing.
Not a big fan of his silly antics but I would much rather have him on my team than TO.
He is a good ball player and his antics are harmless.
There are many other receivers who are better players than Chad Johnson. I think it’s entertaining what he does, but I wouldn’t want him on my team. His individualism is exaclty what team sports do not need. It definitely takes away from the team on one level or another.
Carson Palmer is the leader of that team, and he looked absolutely pissed on Sunday. How can that possibly help?! Do you ever see anyone pulling that crap on the Patriots? Hell no. I’d much rather have championships than a silly trash talker.
p.s. Back up your big mouth on the field Chad. I mean how cool would it be if Joe Namath guarunteed victory and then lost?
[quote]j4k3 wrote:
I put him next to T.O. Hate the man. Loved it when he got cracked in the browns game.[/quote]
What the hell are you talking about? This guy is jazzing things up in a positive way. There’s not comparison to T.O.
CBS Sportsline (09-24-06):
WR Chad Johnson had one catch for 11 yards against the Steelers. Johnson happened to be drawing double- and triple-coverage, and the Bengals made the Steelers pay by delivering the football to Cincy’s other receivers, T.J. Houshmandzadeh and Chris Henry. “I am somewhat of a difference maker when I am out there, and it showed,” Johnson said. “I can help my team win in ways other than catching the ball. I’m glad we had a game like this to show the world, show everybody that we could win without me being out there. That’s the way it’s going to be all year.”
There you go. When you get lemons you make lemonade, NOT put a sour taste in everyone’s mouth like overgrown infant T.O.
I couldn’t find T.O’s quote from a month or so back about not getting enough looks in the first half, and not feeling “wanted”. Jesus H, give that MF a rattle and a pacifier already!
Sorry pal, but there’s NO comparison between the two.
I agreee that Johnson sometimes overdoes the antics.But to compare him TO is just plain stupid.
Btw, when Johnson trash talked the Patriots the other day, even Bill Belichick and Rodney Harrison took the comments playfully and did a lot trash talking of their own.
I agree. I hate the Bengals with every fiber of my being, but I think Chad Johnson is hilarious. I just wish he’d score more TDs so we could see his new endzone celebrations. His mohawk is really stupid looking though.
Carson Palmer, on the other hand, is a fucking nitwit crybaby.
Here in Cincy, we’ve been starving for a football team worth watching for MANY years. The team is now worth watching, and Chad is the icing on the cake. IMHO, no real comparison to TO - Chad wants the ball, but he’s never been the kind of poisonous influence Owens is. 99% of his stuff is just tongue in cheek fun.
I’ve always wondered, though: Why are NFL receivers the most egotistical of all pro atheletes. I guess “most egotistical” is debatable, but you have to admit, there are a lot of nutjob receivers.
[quote]Zap Branigan wrote:
I would much rather have him on my team than TO.
I think thats safe to say about any player. Hell, I’d rather have Kristen on my team than T.O. Shit, I think I’d rather my younger brother on my team than T.O. Fuck, I’d rather have bauer on my team than T.O.
If the Chad Johnson antics increase the excitement level for his teammates, and fans alike - what are you losing?
When he got cracked did he hold onto the ball? I dont remember… He is a very good reciever from what I’ve seen.
[quote]Steel Nation wrote:
I agree. I hate the Bengals with every fiber of my being, but I think Chad Johnson is hilarious. I just wish he’d score more TDs so we could see his new endzone celebrations. His mohawk is really stupid looking though.
Carson Palmer, on the other hand, is a fucking nitwit crybaby.[/quote]
Yeah well big Ben is a Big pussy…
he could have ran that ball in last week and made a TD instead he fucked it up and that probably cost them the game…
Nice record you guys got to…
[quote]Skuebb wrote:
Why are NFL receivers the most egotistical of all pro atheletes. I guess “most egotistical” is debatable, but you have to admit, there are a lot of nutjob receivers.
You can usually lump d-backs into these as well- but I think it’s just because of how the positions are. Think about it, the wide receiver’s basically out there on an island against a defensive back. If he beats his man, there’s a good chance he takes it to the house. It’s just a very individual position.
Compare that to a running back, who grinds out his yards in small chunks.
For the record, I really like Chad Johnson. He’s kind of a wacko, but he’s known for being one of the hardest workers on his team every year in the off-season workouts, he’s never had a holdout problem (I’m pretty sure) and he puts up some great numbers. Is he the best receiver in the game? Probably not but he’s certainly up there. Bottom line, he helps the team win.
Chad Johnson is great, gotta love the simon phoneix look
[quote]blitzkrg wrote:
Steel Nation wrote:
I agree. I hate the Bengals with every fiber of my being, but I think Chad Johnson is hilarious. I just wish he’d score more TDs so we could see his new endzone celebrations. His mohawk is really stupid looking though.
Carson Palmer, on the other hand, is a fucking nitwit crybaby.
Yeah well big Ben is a Big pussy…
he could have ran that ball in last week and made a TD instead he fucked it up and that probably cost them the game…
Nice record you guys got to…
If I had to continuously chant WHODEY I think I would fucking kill myself. Even chanting WHODEY? WEDEY! to make fun of you assholes is annoying as shit.
Seriously though, do you think Carson’s ring finger is itching? I know Ben’s isn’t.
Ok back to Chad. I think celebrations in general take away from the team concept just by nature. Everytime a QB gets sacked, some sort of celebration is done. Chad Johnson makes it funny while being serious. He makes a list of DB’s that he is gonna burn every week? Not only is that funny but it steps up the competition a little.It’s a way to get pumped up, pump your team up and yes Chad Johnson is good enough to get double covered and leave T.J open. He still makes great catches when the ball is thrown to him. He still doesnt bitch like T.O and is still having fun like he showed last week.
[quote]Steel Nation wrote:
Seriously though, do you think Carson’s ring finger is itching? I know Ben’s isn’t. ;)[/quote]
I’m sure those referees pockets aren’t itching either after that superbowl performance they had for you guys.
Oh, and I know it’s part of the game, people get hurt, but if Carson hadn’t gotten his knee torn up you guys never even would’ve made it to the SuperBowl to buy those rings… I mean win them, sorry.