[quote]electric_eales wrote:
JohnnyBlaze wrote:
undeadlift wrote:
electric_eales wrote:
the video looked faked to me, maybe im wrong but thats the conclusion I have drawn
I agree. I studied eunuchs last sememster. Blood, semen and urine should be gushing out of that thing if it was real.
Maybe so, but they bound up the parts tightly before chopping them off. So that would prevent a lot of the gushing.
I checked out the origin of that video and it’s real. It is hosted on an ‘Extreme Body Modification’ (bmevideo) site featuring all kinds of sick FUCKING shit like that - maiming, castration, blood play, cannibalism, just to name a few. Who the hell would be fans of things like that? I am definitely not. It’s deeply, deeply disturbing and psychopathic behaviour. It is NOT cool. People who engage in that kind of thing, or get off on it, are pathologically insane. Forget all that talk about good and evil being relative or not absolute. That is universally wrong. I would say it is plain evil.
Jonny when you found the source of the video, what made you belive it to be real? can you link the source please
Eales, the original source of the video is www.bmevideo.com
There’s a LOT more of the same kind of sicko shit on there, under categories from A to fucking Z. There’s 27 fucking castration videos alone so it looks pretty common.
Personally I’m not even going back to that site.
I don’t even find any of it amusing at all.
[quote]electric_eales wrote:
js385787 wrote:
Can someone post a beheading video, I’d like to see one.
post one though please, I would like to see one too 
They all used to be on ogrish.com but that site is down now. There is a mirror site at:
It’s basically like rotten.com but worse. I learned about ogrish.com from a student doing a presentation on pornography and violence on the internet.
The beheadings were connected to Zarqawi or something or the other. Some Muslim extremist group allegedly connected to Al Qaeda.