I Have Seen Worse Than 2girls1cup

It was fucking disgusting regardless.

How did I know a Woman would post that. I’m going to find some female versions and see how StratenCecile likes it.

goes to the toilet to puke guts out

you have got a weak stomach kid

hey cool matches your brain! :stuck_out_tongue:

Can’t be good for keeping cortisol levels in check…

[quote]electric_eales wrote:
the video looked faked to me, maybe im wrong but thats the conclusion I have drawn[/quote]

I fucking hope it was faked. What kind of sick fuck would hate themselves so much, that they would mutilate their own body and maim themselves for life?

That kitten.jpg, omg…the guy’s face. It reminded me of Dr. Zoidberg from the show Futurama on first impression because it looked like red tentacles hanging from his face. Could that be real? How the hell could you lose your entire face, your jaw and your nose and still survive, let alone be sitting up in a chair, conscious like that? Is it possible to even reconstruct such extensive bone, muscle and tissue loss?

Fuck that was some disturbing shit.

I don’t even want to look at the rest of the crap on that site.

[quote]undeadlift wrote:
electric_eales wrote:
the video looked faked to me, maybe im wrong but thats the conclusion I have drawn

I agree. I studied eunuchs last sememster. Blood, semen and urine should be gushing out of that thing if it was real.[/quote]

Maybe so, but they bound up the parts tightly before chopping them off. So that would prevent a lot of the gushing.

I checked out the origin of that video and it’s real. It is hosted on an ‘Extreme Body Modification’ (bmevideo) site featuring all kinds of sick FUCKING shit like that - maiming, castration, blood play, cannibalism, just to name a few. Who the hell would be fans of things like that? I am definitely not. It’s deeply, deeply disturbing and psychopathic behaviour. It is NOT cool. People who engage in that kind of thing, or get off on it, are pathologically insane. Forget all that talk about good and evil being relative or not absolute. That is universally wrong. I would say it is plain evil.

[quote]ghost wrote:
Anyone ever heard of SWAP.AVI?
Don’t look into it if you have a weak stomach.
Actually, don’t look into it ever. Makes 2 chicks 1 cup look tame in comparison.[/quote]

Oh man, that was the absolute worst thing ever filmed. I think it cost like $500 to have made too, lol. SomethingAwful is great.

[quote]Donut62 wrote:
ghost wrote:
Anyone ever heard of SWAP.AVI?
Don’t look into it if you have a weak stomach.
Actually, don’t look into it ever. Makes 2 chicks 1 cup look tame in comparison.

Oh man, that was the absolute worst thing ever filmed. I think it cost like $500 to have made too, lol. SomethingAwful is great.[/quote]

haha that fact is hilarious

www.swapchicks.com is up there with the best shock sites, alot like 2 girls 1 cup.

Just check rotten.com, if hell had a website, that wouldnt be far off what it’d contain.

Worse than 2 girls & 1 cup? I know I don’t want to watch it than. Stirs the old gag reflex just thinking about it…

[quote]Kalle wrote:
rrjc5488 wrote:
Oh, bets anyone?

Is it bathtub girl? Goatse? That dude who explodes his asshole while squatting?

horse gag[/quote]

I saw David Allen Greer do a few minutes on that one, which is funny because that clip is pre-youtube, and I don’t think too many people saw it.

Anyway, he was saying he would love to track down and marry that girl. She would be like “Honey, the gutters need cleaning” and he would just put a yeah right look on his face and pantomime a horse blowjob. “Well, I think I’ll just have this beer and watch you clean the gutters.”

[quote]JohnnyBlaze wrote:
electric_eales wrote:

That kitten.jpg, omg…the guy’s face. It reminded me of Dr. Zoidberg from the show Futurama on first impression because it looked like red tentacles hanging from his face. Could that be real? .[/quote]

I’ve seen that pic before, and it was from a motorcycle accident if I remember correctly.

[quote]JohnnyBlaze wrote:
undeadlift wrote:
electric_eales wrote:
the video looked faked to me, maybe im wrong but thats the conclusion I have drawn

I agree. I studied eunuchs last sememster. Blood, semen and urine should be gushing out of that thing if it was real.

Maybe so, but they bound up the parts tightly before chopping them off. So that would prevent a lot of the gushing.

I checked out the origin of that video and it’s real. It is hosted on an ‘Extreme Body Modification’ (bmevideo) site featuring all kinds of sick FUCKING shit like that - maiming, castration, blood play, cannibalism, just to name a few. Who the hell would be fans of things like that? I am definitely not. It’s deeply, deeply disturbing and psychopathic behaviour. It is NOT cool. People who engage in that kind of thing, or get off on it, are pathologically insane. Forget all that talk about good and evil being relative or not absolute. That is universally wrong. I would say it is plain evil.[/quote]

What kind of sick fuck cuts off their dick and/or balls for a video??? I watched the whole thing, but I definitely looked away a few times!

[quote]StratenCecile wrote:
BME Pain Olympics Finals…



Thats wrong but I still thought 2girls1cup was worse.

I guess this guy’s done some things with his dick that he regretted.

[quote]JohnnyBlaze wrote:
undeadlift wrote:
electric_eales wrote:
the video looked faked to me, maybe im wrong but thats the conclusion I have drawn

I agree. I studied eunuchs last sememster. Blood, semen and urine should be gushing out of that thing if it was real.

Maybe so, but they bound up the parts tightly before chopping them off. So that would prevent a lot of the gushing.

I checked out the origin of that video and it’s real. It is hosted on an ‘Extreme Body Modification’ (bmevideo) site featuring all kinds of sick FUCKING shit like that - maiming, castration, blood play, cannibalism, just to name a few. Who the hell would be fans of things like that? I am definitely not. It’s deeply, deeply disturbing and psychopathic behaviour. It is NOT cool. People who engage in that kind of thing, or get off on it, are pathologically insane. Forget all that talk about good and evil being relative or not absolute. That is universally wrong. I would say it is plain evil.[/quote]

Jonny when you found the source of the video, what made you belive it to be real? can you link the source please

Honestly, videos of people eating shit or cutting off their balls or whatever is pretty tame when you consider that there are videos online right now of people having their heads sawed off because they ascribe to the wrong religion or whatever.

Not to be a buzzkill or anything but seriously…

that kitten.jpg is very disturbing. I personally just found 2girls1cup funny.

However, kitten.jpg is just something else. That has fucking scarred me. And I am serious. Some of those pics just should not exist. Like that pic on the left, with some kid’s face. What the fuck was that? I am actually curious what caused his skin to end up like that.
Fucking horrible.

[quote]Der Candy wrote:
Like that pic on the left, with some kid’s face. What the fuck was that? I am actually curious what caused his skin to end up like that.
Fucking horrible.[/quote]

Harlequin Ichthyosis is what that is.

[quote]js385787 wrote:
Der Candy wrote:
Like that pic on the left, with some kid’s face. What the fuck was that? I am actually curious what caused his skin to end up like that.
Fucking horrible.

Harlequin Ichthyosis is what that is.


That is fucking awful. No being on this planet should go through that. Fuck…

I’m sorry, I just… oh my god.

Google search a video called Mr. Hands. I read about it in the news a couple of years ago, but have never had the courage to actually watch it.

[quote]phox wrote:
Google search a video called Mr. Hands. I read about it in the news a couple of years ago, but have never had the courage to actually watch it.[/quote]


Here’s vid, I’m surprised how far it was able to shove it’s gigantic dick up there. What a fucking sick fuck.