spider guard? you guys were gis on your dates?
[quote]slimjim wrote:
spider guard? you guys were gis on your dates?[/quote]
one of the guys I used to train with got married in his.
[quote]admbaum wrote:
[quote]slimjim wrote:
spider guard? you guys were gis on your dates?[/quote]
one of the guys I used to train with got married in his.
One of my least favorite things about going to my new school is that they want to put me through a “waiting period” or whatever you’d call it (a couple months) before they’ll let me jump back into no-gi. If it were up to me, I’d train no-gi exclusively.
[quote]admbaum wrote:
these are the kind of people that come in and get humbled.
Are those hand wraps?[/quote]
only thing missing are the half naked chicks.
Catalog ninjas FTW
and please lets all thank joegood in over 35 for the coinage of brotard.
that is where I saw it first.
fight training on any level seems to attract the wildest shit
a dude in college came to wrestling practice to try out and tried Pro wrestling moves.
actually it was kind of awesome cause he yelled out the names and lasted through most of a practice.
I used to play at a serious but very tolerant Judo gyms.
pretty traditional kodokan gym but still very friendly.
every now and then we would get a pair of ‘jujutsu’ types
who would come in in like american flag gi and one
had a camo gi. .
they where actually ok- considering.
ok not really ok but they where like blue belts.
someone very kindly offered to loan them a white gi
and basically said they where welcome but it would be nice if they wore
a white gi- or even a blue one- its not that kind of gym
a few months later- one shows up with a white Gi with more patches on it then
a vietnam vets ‘commando’ vest he had MILES of Gracie Barra embroidery-
flags , patches,
shit was all Nascar
I got one of those, it goes well with my 12 inch E-penis.
Fail, my penis is my black belt, all 33 inches of it.
[quote]lucidfuel wrote:
I couldnt get over this.
Some guy walked into our school and told my team he had a Black belt in MMA. Yes, you heard right… a black belt in MMA! That totally beats the guy who came into my old club saying he is a master ninja with a straight face. lol
I so wish i was actually there. Between my mates looking at him like pornstar in church and my coach rolling his eyes and famous face palm, it would’ve been a priceless moment. i’d have one liners, coming out left and right, “ya, and i got a brown belt in jogging and a 3rd dan in Deadlifting” lol
For those wondering, his heavyweight ass got handled.
Goes to show, come in humble or leave humbled. [/quote]
:))))))) AWESome!!! :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))
[quote]Spartiates wrote:
[quote]admbaum wrote:
d00d…can women be monks? Aren’t they nuns…or Bhikkhuni or something?[/quote]
We have a lot of “new age-y” Buddhists around here, and there are women monks. I don’t know how traditional it is though.[/quote]
wing chun was created by a female monk, i honestly dont know the name you call chick monks. We dated for a short while before a bunch of drama ended things for us.
*Kata master 45.th DAN :))))
[quote]lucidfuel wrote:
[quote]Spartiates wrote:
[quote]admbaum wrote:
d00d…can women be monks? Aren’t they nuns…or Bhikkhuni or something?[/quote]
We have a lot of “new age-y” Buddhists around here, and there are women monks. I don’t know how traditional it is though.[/quote]
wing chun was created by a female monk, i honestly dont know the name you call chick monks. We dated for a short while before a bunch of drama ended things for us.
This is such a shame. I feel for you man.
[quote]lucidfuel wrote:
[quote]Spartiates wrote:
[quote]admbaum wrote:
d00d…can women be monks? Aren’t they nuns…or Bhikkhuni or something?[/quote]
We have a lot of “new age-y” Buddhists around here, and there are women monks. I don’t know how traditional it is though.[/quote]
wing chun was created by a female monk, i honestly dont know the name you call chick monks. We dated for a short while before a bunch of drama ended things for us.
There are women monks, but the creation of WIng Chun is up to debate
[quote]admbaum wrote:
someone needs to put a stop to stuff like this. [/quote]
Why would you want to deny Darwin a chance to do his thing?
[quote]devildog_jim wrote:
[quote]admbaum wrote:
someone needs to put a stop to stuff like this. [/quote]
Why would you want to deny Darwin a chance to do his thing?[/quote]
I like where you’re heads at
HA! I was just thinking, here comes Mr. Darwin!
On topic, we had a guy come into the studio once to inquire about our BJJ program. He told me, “I pretty much consider myself to be a seventh degree black belt in MMA”. My friend Matt’s eyes bugged out but I just smiled politely. Girls are used to guys making outrageous claims.
I kind of feel bad for you MMA guys because of stuff like what’s in the video, almost. However, that kid in the gray shirt means business! Official UFC gloves? I wonder how many yards he’d to mow for those. That other kid probably got knocked out for having the lame Everlast “wraps”.
[quote]lucidfuel wrote:
Well, ended up she was a master in karate and did Jits as well… [/quote]
Did you call her Jits McGee?
did you know?
if two ninjas ever got in a fight to the death
the fight would never end,
because nothing will stop a ninja
not even another ninja.