There should be a powder spicket or something. I got powder all over my lap, but at least I got a full serving from licking my fingers.
Well, the scoop isn’t all that hard to figure out.
[quote]fedorable wrote:
I got powder all over my lap[/quote]
What, you were trying to make a protein shake in the car? Make them before you leave the house, it’s safer.
Is the container almost empty? That can get pretty annoying. When I did the Velocity Diet, I’d cut the tubs in half to get at the last of the powder.
[quote]fedorable wrote:
There should be a powder spicket or something.[/quote]
That’s actually a really great idea, I may have just come up with a way t make one too, I’ll get back to ya.
edit: Nevermind, I realized that my great idea is actually already invented. They have those plastic things on nuts and dry cereals sometimes at grocery stores and cafeterias.
It’s like a cylinder with a hole drilled into the side of it so when the hole is facing up, it fills with the product, then you spin it and you get a perfectly measured serving poured out the bottom. Now I just need to find a place I can steal one from and epoxy it to an old Surge container.
My gripe with protein containers is that the opening is too small. I have a man-sized hand. It is difficult to get at the stuff once the first third of the product is gone. Just make the freaking opening larger.
This is also my gripe with T-Nation t-shirts. Here is a site dedicated to making people massive and half of the t-shirts they sell come no larger than XL.
For you guys who can’t get your bear mitts into the containers, why don’t you go out and buy a large tupperware container and pour all of the powder into it when you first open it up? That way, you can easily get at all of the powder.
[quote]dollarbill44 wrote:
For you guys who can’t get your bear mitts into the containers, why don’t you go out and buy a large tupperware container and pour all of the powder into it when you first open it up? That way, you can easily get at all of the powder.
or, better yet, get an empty keg, bleach it clean, and make up a keg of Metabolic Drive at a time. Then just keep it in a kegerator in your kitchen or gym or wherever and you’ll have protein on draft. 15.5 gallons to a keg, 27 servings to a containter at 8 oz water per serving… Figure about 10 jugs of Metabolic Drive should do it.
Actually, even better would be one of those frozen margarita machines, Metabolic Drive slushies sound great.
[quote]dollarbill44 wrote:
For you guys who can’t get your bear mitts into the containers, why don’t you go out and buy a large tupperware container and pour all of the powder into it when you first open it up? That way, you can easily get at all of the powder.
Jesus DB…You’re one smart mother fucker.