I have this sign up near my door…it says “No Soliciting, no loitering, no trespassing, violators will be persecuted”. Its an eye sore but it gives me the right, in Texas, to answer my door with with a pistol if I wanted to. Still scumbags try selling us stuff. Last week, as a matter of fact, this young man in his late 20’s knocks on my door at 10:30 at night trying to “collect money for disadvantaged kids” for his college.
I asked him to wait at the door, called Police non-emergency, opened the door and stalled him till the officer arrived. Didn’t file a trespassing on him, but told him never to show his face around my house again or he will get shot.
Never open the door for someone you dont know or expect to be there. If they arent going to do anything right then, they’re casing you, your place, and the neighborhood for future targets. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
OP, seems like you have a much different idea than I do about what being harsh and blunt with somebody means. You were polite.
I consider this polite also. Jehovah’s witnesses were at more dore once, and my parents were trying to just ignore them. I had to go to work though, so I opened the door (closed it behind me), said “hi” and walked right past them. As I was opening my car door they said “Can we talk to…”. I said “No thanks!” and drove away.
Another time they came, my dad opened the door, said “Hi, no thanks guys” and closed the door before they could respond.
the only people who come to the door are little kids selling chocolate, which i am more than happy to pay the 2 dollars for. just saves me a trip to the bulk barn.
for the most part i dont even answer my door… if its important they’ll text me… lol or fb me
alright great. yeah thats how i am with most people quick and to the point. my mom agreed that he was getting pushy and i was in the right but for some reason my cunt of a sister got on my tail about it and somehow made me feel bad. I thought i was kinda nice too lol, i usually dont care.
most of the time people walk away before i even open the door when they see my dog, or when i open it shirtless in boxers holding my dog by her choker collar. this guy got lucky seeing as there was a t-storm rolling in and my dogs a big baby when it comes to that lol.
On the topic of people calling the house I one time had to actually have a lawyer friend of the family make a phone call to a guy who called at least 3 times a day trying to recoup money on a credit card for my dad, who has never lived in this house but feels it ok to write down my information on his shitty credit card information. I tried everything to get this guy to stop i threatened him, i threatened a lawyer and he wouldnt take it then one day he stopped calling because a family friend called and threatened to press charges if he didnt stop calling.
[quote]AndrewG909 wrote:
I bet you felt like a real man after that, huh?..
I did question if it was an intelligent course of action or not, but I did it anyway and would do it again.
I also just found out census takers can come into your residence in your absence as well:
He’s lucky you didnt break his nose…asshole was tryn to hustle your mother!
he crossed the line
[quote]Captnoblivious wrote:
He’s lucky you didnt break his nose…asshole was tryn to hustle your mother!
he crossed the line
yeah and he commented on how big i was, made me feel good lol. i was about ready to just call the dog though she takes care of things well
[quote]fighting_fires wrote:
[quote]Captnoblivious wrote:
He’s lucky you didnt break his nose…asshole was tryn to hustle your mother!
he crossed the line
yeah and he commented on how big i was, made me feel good lol. i was about ready to just call the dog though she takes care of things well [/quote]
Yup dog, or 12 gauge pump!
Still it was good of you to let your mom decided what she wanted to do. Her house, her rules.
Next time run the slimebags off before they get a chance to run their game…
Truth is the guy could have been prospecting for home invasion… you did nothing wrong
i think the last time the jehova’s witnesses came to our house was when my dad answered the door naked.
i have never seen that many pamphlets floating in the breeze. or two women run that fast.
I like how Jim Florentine handles telemarketers. LOL
You guys are missing out on the best fun. Let me help you -
When telemarketers call, We talk. Like old friends. The game is to try to keep them on the phone for as long as possible without ever buying anything. - So where are you from? What’s your last name? Do your parents like what you do etc… but you have to be convincing.
I once talked to one girl from the phillipines for about 15 minutes before she decided to go and get her manager. I spoke to him for a couple of minutes then demanded that he put her back on the phone.
I reguarly get people on Saturdays (you know, when you’re doing yard work or cleaning out the garage). Its great - I talk to them, ask them about their product and make them think I’m really interested. Now here’s the fun part - I make sure they don’t mind if I work while they talk and then I get them to help me with my chores. Hold a garbage bag, sweep up a pile you know find busy shit for them to do.
Try it and see if you don’t like it.
[quote]Loudog75 wrote:
I reguarly get people on Saturdays (you know, when you’re doing yard work or cleaning out the garage). Its great - I talk to them, ask them about their product and make them think I’m really interested. Now here’s the fun part - I make sure they don’t mind if I work while they talk and then I get them to help me with my chores. Hold a garbage bag, sweep up a pile you know find busy shit for them to do.
Try it and see if you don’t like it.[/quote]
Last summer I was doing yardwork out front when 2 Mormon guys came a knockin’. I told them no thanks and that I already have a relationship with Jesus.
They then asked if they could help me with the yardwork!
[quote]DickBag wrote:
[quote]Eric 2.0 wrote:
OP, seems like you have a much different idea than I do about what being harsh and blunt with somebody means. You were polite.
I consider this polite also. Jehovah’s witnesses were at more dore once, and my parents were trying to just ignore them. I had to go to work though, so I opened the door (closed it behind me), said “hi” and walked right past them. As I was opening my car door they said “Can we talk to…”. I said “No thanks!” and drove away.
Another time they came, my dad opened the door, said “Hi, no thanks guys” and closed the door before they could respond. [/quote]
You definatly were not rude. You didn’t let them control you with a conversation.
Its sort of life bullying, they look for people who are not comfortable with “appearing rude” then they won’t let you politly get away.
Wow, I really wrote “more dore” instead of “my door”. What the hell?
I just rip stop signs out in a (all natural baby!) rage. They run away quick.
[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:
[quote]Loudog75 wrote:
I reguarly get people on Saturdays (you know, when you’re doing yard work or cleaning out the garage). Its great - I talk to them, ask them about their product and make them think I’m really interested. Now here’s the fun part - I make sure they don’t mind if I work while they talk and then I get them to help me with my chores. Hold a garbage bag, sweep up a pile you know find busy shit for them to do.
Try it and see if you don’t like it.[/quote]
Last summer I was doing yardwork out front when 2 Mormon guys came a knockin’. I told them no thanks and that I already have a relationship with Jesus.
They then asked if they could help me with the yardwork!
My dad does this. Granted, he’s laid up with rheumatoid athritis, but when the Mormons come knocking, he gets them to mow his lawn, do housework, etc., and he makes them cups of tea. Nice guys if you ask me, most of the time happy to chat without trying to convert you as long as you say so.
I have no sympathy for these people. My wife and I got scammed once by the magazine people. It was a girl, probably 19-20, gave the whole sob story and sales pitch. At first we told he no thanks, then she tells us how the van dropped her off in our neighborhood and she would have to wait for it to came back after picking up the other kids. They were all trying to raise money for some cause similar to what OP was talking about.
We finally gave in, ordered about 5 different magazine subscriptions, gave her a check for like $75 and off she went.
We never saw a single one of those fucking magazines! By the time we realized we werent going to get any of them it was to late to stop payment on the check. Turns out that they scammed a shit load of people around town with the same deal.
So now I just say “No!”, dont even give them the opportunity to talk back. If they try to keep up the sales pitch I give them the old “get off my property” and then call the dog out.
Your best bet is to just cut them off, be rude, be aggresive whatever it takes, and dont feel bad about it.