I Don't Warm Up, I Don't Stretch

OP appears to be doing one of those cool threads where he links to an article that says something, then takes that to an extreme, and will proceed to dodge any questions about his ability or experience that might call into question why, exactly, he would be worth listening to.

Likewise: I don’t do any static stretching before lifting workouts, but I certainly do “warm up” - as a few others have alluded in this thread, the precise warmup that is required will be affected by what someone is actually doing.

To prepare for a heavy deadlift, I like starting st 135 and slapping a fresh plate on each time until I get above 405, at which point I tailor the subsequent jumps a little bit to where I’ll land that day.

That would be different if I was doing an upper body high rep session, or a run, or jumping rope, etc. Which is why this is a dumb thread to begin with. The only good thing that can come from this is finding out this is a new handle for PureNsanity.


Just a fun aside, but I can pretty much immediately tell someone isn’t strong when, if asked for proof of how strong they are, they ask for a definition of strong rather than throwing up a video.

I will shamelessly spam deadlift videos all day if someone challenges me on being strong, haha.


I’m actually somewhat forgiving on the definition of precisely what “strong” is; recognizing that there are many who can easily enough look down upon my level of strength and ask why I am worth listening to as well.

But it’s especially funny when someone with absolutely ZERO indication that they have achieved any proficiency in pursuit of strength, muscle or leanness pops off about how to do X, then bristles at the first “By the way, can you show us a vid or photo to indicate what you have achieved with this method?”

OP does indicate that he has trained for 9 months in this manner without getting injured, but that’s no big deal. I know plenty of people who have “not gotten injured” for 9 months by simply not training at all. It would be much more noteworthy to learn that the OP had achieved something meaningful, such as adding 100 pounds to their deadlift or squat, or placing in a local physique or bodybuilding show, while following their method.


I’m honestly at the point where I just can’t even forgive the bashfulness/modesty. At least, not when it comes from someone attempting to use their own experience as proof of concept. It’s one thing to say “Hey, I can’t really say if I’m strong or not” if it’s simply someone asking you the question, but if you’re saying “You should listen to me”, when someone asks you “Are you strong” it should be a confident “Yes”, or else maybe people shouldn’t listen to you.


Or, the bill for pec tendon reattachment surgery will.


I deleted so many things I wanted to say. I’ll leave it at op is an idiot.


If I don’t warm up, what negative things will happen?

If the OP played sports he would know why warming up is important. Many a groin strain caused over the years by people going from 0 to 60 without warming up, foolishly done it twice myself.

I did field and track and martial arts in high school and got a groin strain from, guess what? Stretching

Then you were probably stretching incorrectly

Also I mentioned warming up not stretching

Are you ever going to answer the question of how strong are you? I still don’t understand why your opinion is worth considering on this topic.

If you have become very strong with this approach, I will believe this is a superior way to train. If you have not, I will not.

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can we just clarify what is meant by a warm up, though?

I feel like the OP is probably talking about things like mobility drills, activation exercises, etc., rather than starting with a lighter weight and working his way up. I could imagine such an individual existing - I mean the idea behind those drills or whatever is to address dysfunction and I don’t think we could assume that everyone has some kind of postural deficits that would be severe enough to lead to dysfunction.

If I’m wrong, and he just jumps into his work sets without any warm up sets, then yeah he’s probably benching 40k.

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Bro, Gazelle go 100% when a predator strikes. It’s evolution!


More relevant question: what positive things have you achieved using this method? Besides “trained for 9 months without getting injured” - have you added meaningful strength and/or size during that time? Enough for anyone in this thread to believe that your method or statements are worth considering?

The weak don’t need to warm up, since guys like flip warm up with your max.

Throw 20 more years of wear and tear on your body, train seriously, eat and become actually strong and your opinion on this topic will completely change.


Warming up is essential.
Trust me it’ll catch up with you in the long run.

You don’t need to do voodoo and foam rollin and spend 30 minutes trying to loosen up your shoulders.

But spending 10 minutes getting some blood to your joints and being able to unstiffen and then ramping up will do wonders.

I squat 385. No way in hell im slapping on 3 plates and a 25 and getting to work. I go from 135, 225, 275, 315, 335, 365 before I even put on 385! Sometimes I’ll even throw in 185, 205, 245, 295 if I’m not feeling as confident.

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I must be an old man, lol, I walk around like an idiot with one of those hip circle things Mark Bell sells, then BW, then the bar, then like 10kg/side, so on and so forth. My back, hips, and knees would explode otherwise.


Bwahahahaha! This.

Oh man I never get in on one of these stupid threads on the ground floor. This is exciting.