I Don't Know What To Do

Well i weight around 191, but after 3 weeks, i lost 12 pounds. So i weight 179. And now want to know how to get muscles or even a six pack…what do i have to do? So any suggestions? what do i have to eat, or how many hours do i have to exercise?

Lift fucking weights. That’s a start.

Then use that search button at the top.

[quote]homer2010 wrote:
Well i weight around 191, but after 3 weeks, i lost 12 pounds. So i weight 179. And now want to know how to get muscles or even a six pack…what do i have to do? So any suggestions? what do i have to eat, or how many hours do i have to exercise?[/quote]

If you have any more questions… you can go to www.eclipsegym.com

height weight diet training etc

how long youve been at this

if its only been that three weeks man just train keep training HARD you need to build abs and muscle to have any to see. going to take dedication and YEARS.

give us more info read up, start on the threads pinned in thsi forum at the top.

come on back


Losing 12lbs in 3 weeks makes me think you might have serious eating issues.

dude eat cheeseburgers and lift weights

[quote]kevbo wrote:
Losing 12lbs in 3 weeks makes me think you might have serious eating issues.[/quote]

i still eat home meals, but not to much and don’t drink soda, i just exercise a lot. And I eat lots of salads

[quote]whatsmybodyfat wrote:
dude eat cheeseburgers and lift weights[/quote]

Exactly. But make them yourself. Half pound variety.

[quote]kroby wrote:
Exactly. But make them yourself. Half pound variety.[/quote]

I don’t know why exactly, but for some reason I’m starting to get hungry…

[quote]vroom wrote:
kroby wrote:
Exactly. But make them yourself. Half pound variety.

I don’t know why exactly, but for some reason I’m starting to get hungry…[/quote]

I just ate two Metabolic Drive bars.

[quote]homer2010 wrote:
kevbo wrote:
Losing 12lbs in 3 weeks makes me think you might have serious eating issues.

i still eat home meals, but not to much and don’t drink soda, i just exercise a lot. And I eat lots of salads


Are you a chick?