It doesn’t matter how simple, or how explicit the guidelines are. People will always find a way to fuck it up somehow. I should know, I’ve shot myself in the foot a lot.
If I got the chance to start over with myself and articulate a framework for success for that guy, that would have not had me fuck it up — assuming I followed it — would have been this,
- Eat whole foods 3-5x per day until satiated. Don’t be afraid to overshoot it in the protein department, meat is satiating. Have a lot.
- Train hard and progress measurably (don’t change exercises all the time, stick with it)
- If the scale is moving too quickly (>400g a week, dial back the caloric intake a smidge)
- If the scale is moving too slowly (<250g a week, increase the caloric intake a smidge)
When progress stalls on 2 for two weeks and the scale is still moving up, here’s the rule:
- Go on here, say that you’ve stalled out and include the current diet, description of overall activity level, and current lifts and listen to the incoming advice and don’t overthink it to much.
Barring access to the internet (above). I would have started training like this,
and then when progressed stalled out progressed to this,
Estep’s Three Days a Week Beginner Program
Workout A
A. Abdominal Work: Leg Raise– 50 or Crunch– 50 or Jackknife– 50
B. Squat– Two warmup sets (15 reps and 8 reps). Work sets: 3 x 8, then add weight and do 2 x 5
C. Bench Press– Two warmup sets (15 reps and 8 reps). Work sets: 3 x 8, then add weight and do 2 x 5
D. Seated DB Curl – 3 x 8
E. Incline Tricep Extension (or dips) – 3 x 8
Workout B
A. Abdominal Work: Leg Raise– 50 or Crunch– 50 or Jackknife– 50
B. Deadlift – Two warmup sets (15 reps and 8 reps). Work sets: 3 x 8, then add weight and do 2 x 5
C. DB Row – 3 x 8
D. Behind the Neck Press (or military press) – 3 x 8
E. Shrugs – 4 x 6
F. Calf Raise – 3 x 12
And then when I start failing on that, again, presuming weight was going up, I would have done CTs double progression
A. Back squat
5 sets of 3-5 reps using the double progression method
B. Front squat with heels elevated
3 sets of 6-8 reps using the double progression method
C. Bulgarian split squat
3 sets of 6-8 reps/leg using the double progression method
D1. Leg extension 8-12 reps
D2. Lying leg curl 8-12 reps
D3. BB Hip thrust or kneeling hip thrust with band 8-12 reps
Done as a circuit 3-4 times
A1. Bench press
5 sets of 3-5 reps using the double progression method
A2. Barbell row or “chinese row” where your chest is supported on a bench and parallel to the floor
5 sets of 3-5 reps using the double progression method
B1. Close-grip floor press
3 sets of 6-8 reps using the double progression method
B2. T-bar row or seated cable row
3 sets of 6-8 reps/leg using the double progression method
C. DB incline press
3 sets of 6-8 reps/leg using the double progression method
D1. DB flies or pec deck machine 8-12 reps
D2. DB front raise 8-12 reps
D3. Rope triceps extension 8-12 reps
Done as a circuit 3-4 times
A. Deadlift
5 sets of 3-5 reps using the double progression method
B. Romanian deadlift or goodmorning
3 sets of 6-8 reps using the double progression method
C. Barbell shrugs or snatch-grip high pull from hang
3 sets of 6-8 reps/leg using the double progression method
D1. Back extension 8-12 reps
D2. Lying leg curl 8-12 reps
D3. DB shrugs 8-12 reps
Done as a circuit 3-4 times
A1. Military press or push press
5 sets of 3-5 reps using the double progression method
A2. Chin-ups or lat-pulldown
5 sets of 6-8 reps using the double progression method
B. High incline DB press
3 sets of 6-8 reps using the double progression method
C. Arnold press
3 sets of 6-8 reps/leg using the double progression method
D1. DB laterals raise 8-12 reps
D2. Rear delts machine 8-12 reps
D3. DB front raise 8-12 reps
Done as a circuit 3 times
E1. Straight-arm pulldown 8-12 reps
E2. Preacher curl 8-12 reps
E3. Hammer curl 8-12 reps
Done as a circuit 3 times
After that, either a BB-split or 5/3/1 depending on what I wanted.
Whole foods (not exhaustive):
Fish (salmon, tuna, …),
Rice (any kind),
Eggs, and egg whites,
Sweet potatoes,
Beef (doesn’t even have to be lean)
Occasionally bacon
Yoghurt/Greek Yoghurt
Cottage Cheese
Fruits, berries, and any vegetable