I’m worried about muscle loss as I age. My mom has osteoporosis and has weak bones, etc. So it’s important to me from that perspective. My motivation is to help me be more independent as I get older. I don’t want to be a frail senior who has little muscle, etc. Also, I would like just a modest improvement in body composition. That’s why I want to lift weights.
This was me too man, my natural body type resembles a marshmallow with 4 toothpicks for limbs. It doesn’t have to stay that way. 200+ lbs at 15-20% body fat looks better than you think it does.
5/3/1 will do pretty much anything to your body composition that you want, as long as you eat for it. See original post. 5/3/1 BBB works, so does the program from the original T- Nation article.
Regarding the squat, you gotta try it and stick with it. Post videos here and let us help you learn it if you can’t get a coach. Most people will suck at squatting at first because it’s a movement pattern we’ve done wrong (or not done at all) since we were about 4 years old. It will take awhile, but damn is it worth it.
I still remember trying to teach one of my managers how to squat. Big boy, done manual labour most of his life, fell over repeatedly with an empty bar because he couldn’t do the movement.
My best friend is the most athletic person I’ve ever met, could have played 3 different sports in college, but has never been able to squat properly. Working with him now that I half ass know what I’m doing and we’ll see if we can fix that.
I’m having the same experience, my mother and sister started working out this quarantine, out of boredom and motivating by watching me and my brother constantly working out in the backyard.
I started by making them squat holding on to a pole. Incredible! My mother: arhtritis-ridden, knees surgeries and all, squatting deep and upright like a friggin chinese oly lifter. Regular air squats they were both folding over like wallets. Next was goblet squats, increasing the weight over time. It looks good! Then I’ll see, zercher and regular squats probably
I still remember the day I was taught to squat, by a guy in the gym who must have got fed up with my incredible knee bend PRs (I don’t want to brag, but my knees were bending with up to 120kgs on my back).
It was a humbling experience finding my real squat was less than half what I was claiming.
Especially through puberty, because then your right shoulder will be locked into internal rotation…not that I know anything about that…but at least it expanded my clavicles overall!
I did a training session that I thought would be easy with 135 lbs on the bar (before I started doing real squats, but was leg pressing 500+). Then the guy brings out this little box, and makes me do 5 or so sets of 10 below parallel. I could hardly walk the next couple days.
There are 12 months in a year. In 13 years, there are 156 months.
Spending 1 month to address an issue the limits your ability to do a substantial amount of programs dedicated to getting bigger and stronger is investing roughly .6% of your time at it.
Let’s put that into terms we can understand. According to business insider, the average (mean) time for a lovemaking session between couples is 5.4 minutes. If you invested .6% of that time on foreplay, that would be 1.9 seconds.
When you only invest .6% of your time on something, the results won’t be satisfying.
People want to get stronger now. I thought starting with 135 on 5X5 was a waste of time. It was probably the best training time I have ever done as I learned the motion. If I was going back I would have started with just the bar and spent more time learning the skill of squatting. It is a long term investment and it pays dividends.