I Believe...

Since we have so many passionate arbiters here at the Nation I thought it would be nice to be able to post what we each believe so that others would know where the philosophical basis of our arguments come from.

It is my hope that we can be respectful of other’s beliefs and opinions on this thread and recognize the individual’s rights to his or her belief and opinion. This is purely from a philosophical standpoint that I wish to engage this conversation. You do not need to back up your belief or opinion with fact, proof, attribution, or validation from another person–it is yours alone to give.

Please respect the conventions of open dialog.

I am an atheist.  I believe there is no higher law than nature and man made laws must abide natural law.  I believe in evolution--everything evolves.  Nature is the law.

I am an anarchist.  I do not believe in government.  I do not believe in borders.  I do not believe in nationality.   These are conventions of man and do not follow natural law.  I believe all organisms rule themselves.  I believe in one world economy.  I believe all living organisms exist and share in the world economy for their own benefit.  

I am an existentialist.  I do not believe in reason or rationality.  I believe humans are emotional creatures and always act in accordance to how they "feel".  I believe suffering to be caused by alienation of natural law.  

I am a relativist--everything is relative to everything else.   I do not believe in independence--everything is dependent on everything else. 

I am a scientist.  I believe in observation and that knowledge that does not come from observation is faith.  I believe that as emotional and hence irrational creatures, humans can be tricked by what they observe.  I believe in absolute uncertainty.   

I am an epistemological nihilist.  I believe the closest humans can come to "truth" is thru generalization.  I believe science seeks to generalize nature and thus must limit what humans can know about their own and universal existence.  I believe words are incomplete in their meaning and as conventions of man must limit human communication and by extension how knowledge or information is perceived thru communication.

I believe these to be immutable laws of nature.

I do not believe in reason or rationality.[/quote]

Ah, so that explains your arguments.

Kidding. Sorta. :^)

Doesn’t that contradict the “I believe all organisms rule themselves.” given earlier?

Are we all dependent, or are we all sovereign?

I’ll post my stuff later.

I thought it would be nice to be able to post what we each believe so that others would know where the philosophical basis of our arguments come from.[/quote]

For me, my arguments come from reason, sometimes emotion. But mostly I try to use reason as much as possible since its always good to think with a clear head and without bias.

Usually my argument is about the solution (or set of beliefs) that would be best in long term to lead to harmony.

Whether it be that we should reduce the excess CO2 in the atmosphere, or teach Evolution in schools (damn good to know for medicine), or etc…

But sometimes I just like to rag on people. The idiots mostly.

[quote]pookie wrote:
I do not believe in reason or rationality.

Ah, so that explains your arguments.

Kidding. Sorta. :^)

I do not believe in independence–everything is dependent on everything else.

Doesn’t that contradict the “I believe all organisms rule themselves.” given earlier?

Are we all dependent, or are we all sovereign?

I’ll post my stuff later.[/quote]

And it is hard to reconcile these:

I am an existentialist. I do not believe in reason or rationality.


I am a scientist. I believe in observation and that knowledge that does not come from observation is faith.

As is, this is the same man that insisted that the state/community cannot tell someone that gay marriage can’t be recognized because the right as determined by individuals is independent of the state and inviolate (Gay Marriage thread) and then informs us that there really are no such things as individual rights and all rights originate from the community (Communism thread).


I, too, will add my set later as time permits.

I believe that having contradicting ideas makes us human, in that they reveal our philosophical core.

I don’t have solid beliefs, but I hope to have a few when I finish “Sophie’s World” along with my philosophy course.

Definitely though, I believe that everyone has many thoughts that contradict others, and that having those different ideas and not following one blindly is what makes us human.

[quote]thunderbolt23 wrote:
pookie wrote:
I do not believe in reason or rationality.

Ah, so that explains your arguments.

Kidding. Sorta. :^)

I do not believe in independence–everything is dependent on everything else.

Doesn’t that contradict the “I believe all organisms rule themselves.” given earlier?

Are we all dependent, or are we all sovereign?

I’ll post my stuff later.

And it is hard to reconcile these:

I am an existentialist. I do not believe in reason or rationality.


I am a scientist. I believe in observation and that knowledge that does not come from observation is faith.

As is, this is the same man that insisted that the state/community cannot tell someone that gay marriage can’t be recognized because the right as determined by individuals is independent of the state and inviolate (Gay Marriage thread) and then informs us that there really are no such things as individual rights and all rights originate from the community (Communism thread).


I, too, will add my set later as time permits.

Sovereignty is a human concept. It does not exist anywhere else in the animal world. Organisms collectively rule themselves and not at an individual level–as this does not make any sense. Why would an individual need rule? However, all organisms follow an ordered structure that is unique. I believe it is impossible to be independent from structure. I am an anarchist which also means I also reject the idea of formalized government.

Governments seek to maintain a status quo which is against the natural order. The closest thing to a form of rule that works are small closely knit communities where all organisms share in the collective. Now, this is ambiguous as to not preclude democracy or authoritarianism. Democracy is at best an ideal. Authoritarianism is the most natural. They are both equally workable taken in their purest forms as long as they never become formalized or large.

Observation is the closest we can come to reason or rationality but that does not mean nature can be properly explained. Remember, I also stated that the closest we can come is thru generalization. By observing one event one time we can generalize. Stereotyping is another form of generalization. This does not mean our observation is relevant, rational, or reasonable. We do the best we can with what we have. And as I also stated humans are emotional by nature therefore what they observe has the potential to be completely biased. It is perfectly logical to be both a scientist and an existentialist. All this means is that I believe existence transcends essence.

I believe the children are the future…

I believe in truth…

I believe that trying to define yourself or your personal philosophy limits your reasoning ability and probably your overall enjoyment of life.

It did recently occur to me that I don’t have very many -isms in my life.

I believe:
-Freedom of Religon, to worship as you choose or choose not to
-The right for NON criminals to bear arms
-We should never forget the sacrifices of brave men so that we could have our freedoms.
-Freedom is not free, as history has always shown us, our freedoms were paid for in the sacrifices of noble and brave men before us and will have to be paid for again.
-Our biggest enemy in the U.S. is our own political correctness,ignorance and liberal media.
-Sometimes you have to fight for peace.
-Anyone who will sellout their freedom for peace is a dangerous person.
-If you want to live in a communist country you should go live in one, no one here will stop you.
-If you try to escape a communist country, good luck,they will stop you.
-We are the masters of your own destinys.
-If you want to be the best you can be at whatever you want to do, you can do it here in the U.S.A, unless of course you have an excuse?
-In life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
-We could use another Ronald Reagan.
-We should blame the assholes who are killing Americans in the name of religon instead of Bush.
-There is Good and Evil.
-In protecting the rights of unborn children.
-That people who don’t take care for their children, or use their children for leverage, or have a child for a welfare check SUCK!
-That judges, that don’t protect the innocent in child rape and molestation cases by letting offenders seek counseling instead of putting them away, should recieve a life sentence themselves if the offender does it again.
-That people shouldn’t hate God so much, if they don’t believe in him.
-Most police officers and soldiers are justified in their actions and are good, brave and honorable men, but it is a shame the liberal media only hammers down on the select few isolated incidents of the abuses performed by a few of them.
-being a man of the Lord is one of the most honorable things one can do.
-a crooked minister is the scum of the earth.
-last, but not least, OJ FREAKIN DID IT, and if you don’t believe that you are an idiot.

This is just necessary:

“Well, I believe in the soul, the c@ck, the p%$$y, the small of a woman’s back, the hanging curve ball, high fiber, good scotch, that the novels of Susan Sontag are self-indulgent, overrated crap. I believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. I believe there ought to be a constitutional amendment outlawing Astroturf and the designated hitter. I believe in the sweet spot, soft-core pornography, opening your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas Eve and I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days. [pause] Goodnight.”


Sovereignty is a human concept. It does not exist anywhere else in the animal world. Organisms collectively rule themselves and not at an individual level–as this does not make any sense. Why would an individual need rule? However, all organisms follow an ordered structure that is unique. I believe it is impossible to be independent from structure. I am an anarchist which also means I also reject the idea of formalized government.

Governments seek to maintain a status quo which is against the natural order. The closest thing to a form of rule that works are small closely knit communities where all organisms share in the collective. Now, this is ambiguous as to not preclude democracy or authoritarianism. Democracy is at best an ideal. Authoritarianism is the most natural. They are both equally workable taken in their purest forms as long as they never become formalized or large.

Observation is the closest we can come to reason or rationality but that does not mean nature can be properly explained. Remember, I also stated that the closest we can come is thru generalization. By observing one event one time we can generalize. Stereotyping is another form of generalization. This does not mean our observation is relevant, rational, or reasonable. We do the best we can with what we have. And as I also stated humans are emotional by nature therefore what they observe has the potential to be completely biased. It is perfectly logical to be both a scientist and an existentialist. All this means is that I believe existence transcends essence.[/quote]

Using a Lockean argument we could posit that an authoritative power acquires it’s right to government from autonomous individuals. In the Hobbesian state of nature man is rationally looks out for his own self-interst.

Each individual is part of a prisoner’s dilemma with regards as to who to trust. The lack of unity and trust amongst the individuals in the state of nature would result in chaos one way or another. Each person would satisfy their own interests at the expense of others.

Man offers up his autonomy for the most vital of all interests, security. A state offers security and binds its citizens to a social contract through the problem of the prison dilemma is abolished (cooperation is encouraged and worthwhile).

What seperates man from animal is our abiity to reason, essentially mankinds greatest asset but a cause of conflict in the “state of nature”. the best type of state is a different matter though…