Inspired by @Alpha, @T3hPwnisher, and @strongmanvinny2 inny, decided to give strongman a try. Best decision I’ve made in a while.
Currently training out of Global Strongman Gym in Brooklyn, owned and operated by Hans Pirman. Dude is a fantastic person to be around while lifting and the gym is easily the best in New York.
I’m 5’8", 180lbs, working on getting to 195. With little to go on re: how to train for strongman, I started out copying Chase Karnes log (adjusting numbers for my own strength) in December while still in Washington state. Switched in early February to a three day Lower/Upper/Events split. For presses, pulls, and squats I’ll work up to a daily max, then do some 3-rep work at 80% for volume. I try to do the same with logs, stones, farmers, and yokes, but am still learning these events and and have lately (as you’ll see in today’s write-up) been doing lighter singles to solidify my technique.
I’m starting this log both as a way to pay tribute to the help I’ve received on this forum (both through convo but also just by reading others logs) and in the hope that those smarter than I (and that’s all of you) can point me in the right direction re: programming.
My goal’s to compete in nationals at the Under 200 class as soon as possible. So here goes.
3/12/16 – Events
Circus Dumbbell – 80x3, 90x3, 110x3, 135x1; volume: 5 sets of 3 @ 110 (each arm)
Stones to 48" – 175x3, 210x3, 240x1; volume: 1 single @ 210 every 60 seconds for 10 minutes. NOTE: I’m still working on technique; this was my second time ever doing stones. I was happy with the 240 since my first time I barely got 210, so I dropped back down to it here and did a little early conditioning.
Tire Deadlift – 3 sets @ 550 for time (60sec); 22 reps, 12 reps, 8 reps. NOTE: wanted to do the yoke, but multiple people were duck-walking, and I hadn’t deadlifted due to a slight lower trap issue for almost two weeks, so I jumped on it.
Power shrugs – 3 sets @ 225, 20 reps
Grip work – pinched 45’s between thumb and forefinger and walked til they dropped; 3 rounds.
Thanks again and looking forward to being stronger than @Alpha (in twenty years)