This thread is intended to praise the Nanny State for protecting us from non-crimes.
Heck, we gotta keep Johnny-law employed somehow.
FEBRUARY 5–A 19-year-old man was arrested Sunday night for singing the lyrics to a profane rap song as he walked on a Florida street. Christopher Holder was nabbed after a woman complained to police that her two children (ages five and 14) heard Holder repeatedly reciting the words “mother fucker,” according to a Hernando County Sheriff’s Office report, a copy of which you’ll find here. When questioned by deputies, Holder “immediately began arguing that he did nothing wrong,” and explained that he was merely covering a song by Louisiana rapper Lil’ Boosie, whose most recent album, “Bad Azz,” includes cuts like “My Nigga” and “Fuck You.” But Holder, pictured in the below mug shot, added that he “agreed that he did not believe children needed to hear language such as that being hollered down the road.” Holder was charged with disorderly conduct, a misdemeanor. (3 pages)
I really hope this lady gets caught dropping an F-bomb around her children and some nosy neighbor calls child protective services to have them removed from her care.
Yay! Now we can all be in the system! Thank goodness we don’t ever have to worry about our friendly government representative NOT being able to find us whenever, wherever.
Also, from Florida, if you can believe it:
Being disarmed and helpless = job security for bored cops:
What a society we live in where I man feels comfortable enough to use that kind of language in front of women and children. In another time the police wouldn’t have been needed. A gentleman citizen would simply have asked him to watch his mouth and move along.
This thread is intended to praise the Nanny State for protecting us from non-crimes.
Heck, we gotta keep Johnny-law employed somehow.
FEBRUARY 5–A 19-year-old man was arrested Sunday night for singing the lyrics to a profane rap song as he walked on a Florida street. Christopher Holder was nabbed after a woman complained to police that her two children (ages five and 14) heard Holder repeatedly reciting the words “mother fucker,” according to a Hernando County Sheriff’s Office report, a copy of which you’ll find here. When questioned by deputies, Holder “immediately began arguing that he did nothing wrong,” and explained that he was merely covering a song by Louisiana rapper Lil’ Boosie, whose most recent album, “Bad Azz,” includes cuts like “My Nigga” and “Fuck You.” But Holder, pictured in the below mug shot, added that he “agreed that he did not believe children needed to hear language such as that being hollered down the road.” Holder was charged with disorderly conduct, a misdemeanor. (3 pages)
I really hope this lady gets caught dropping an F-bomb around her children and some nosy neighbor calls child protective services to have them removed from her care.[/quote]
Why? Rap is obscene.
These types of regulations should never be mandated from a federal level, but there’s nothing wrong with enacting local laws against them.
I bet the woman was white and the profane guy was black.
Edit: Nevermind, I see that he wasn’t. What a shame.
[quote]Sloth wrote:
What a society we live in where I man feels comfortable enough to use that kind of language in front of women and children. In another time the police wouldn’t have been needed. A gentleman citizen would simply have asked him to watch his mouth and move along. [/quote]
We don’t all live in the same society, Sloth, and that’s why such things happen. Multi-culturalism takes the blame for this one.
[quote]Sloth wrote:
What a society we live in where I man feels comfortable enough to use that kind of language in front of women and children. In another time the police wouldn’t have been needed. A gentleman citizen would simply have asked him to watch his mouth and move along. [/quote]
…Is this sarcasm? I can’t tell.
Yes, let’s all go back to the days where saying “pants” and “damn” will get you run out of town.
People need to get over casual use of language. Saying Mother fucker in a song isn’t the same as saying “fuck you asshole” to a stranger for no reason.
[quote]Beowolf wrote:
Sloth wrote:
What a society we live in where I man feels comfortable enough to use that kind of language in front of women and children. In another time the police wouldn’t have been needed. A gentleman citizen would simply have asked him to watch his mouth and move along.
…Is this sarcasm? I can’t tell.
Yes, let’s all go back to the days where saying “pants” and “damn” will get you run out of town.
People need to get over casual use of language. Saying Mother fucker in a song isn’t the same as saying “fuck you asshole” to a stranger for no reason.
Beowolf, please don’t tell me you talk like that out in public, without a care for who may hear you.
This thread is intended to praise the Nanny State for protecting us from non-crimes.
Heck, we gotta keep Johnny-law employed somehow.
FEBRUARY 5–A 19-year-old man was arrested Sunday night for singing the lyrics to a profane rap song as he walked on a Florida street. Christopher Holder was nabbed after a woman complained to police that her two children (ages five and 14) heard Holder repeatedly reciting the words “mother fucker,” according to a Hernando County Sheriff’s Office report, a copy of which you’ll find here. When questioned by deputies, Holder “immediately began arguing that he did nothing wrong,” and explained that he was merely covering a song by Louisiana rapper Lil’ Boosie, whose most recent album, “Bad Azz,” includes cuts like “My Nigga” and “Fuck You.” But Holder, pictured in the below mug shot, added that he “agreed that he did not believe children needed to hear language such as that being hollered down the road.” Holder was charged with disorderly conduct, a misdemeanor. (3 pages)
I really hope this lady gets caught dropping an F-bomb around her children and some nosy neighbor calls child protective services to have them removed from her care.[/quote]
Lets have him hang outside your window screaming motherfucker while your wife and kids are stuck inside listening to it.
There are plenty of cases of police abuse and corruption and yet you post the dumbest things.
People need to get over casual use of language. Saying Mother fucker in a song isn’t the same as saying “fuck you asshole” to a stranger for no reason.
This is more than the casual use of language. Screaming motherfucker, song or no, is intentionally trying to offend people. As soon as motherfucker becomes acceptable to all it will no longer be enough to use it and nastier more enraging terms will be used.
He was not arrested for casual use of language. He was arrested for being a jerk and trying to start trouble.
Lets have him hang outside your window screaming motherfucker while your wife and kids are stuck inside listening to it.
There are plenty of cases of police abuse and corruption and yet you post the dumbest things.[/quote]
Yep. Imagine the audacity of a local community not wanting people shrieking foul language or epithets within earshot of children, or yelling from the public street in the middle of the night, or any other low level public morality laws.
Why, it’s positively unlibertarian!
And, in a fit of irony - or hypocrisy, yeah, that makes better sense - Lifticus actually does heart the nanny-state he claims he loathes: they sign his paycheck. If it weren’t for the nanny state, Lifticus wouldn’t have a job, and would be on the public dole.
I really find it hard to sympathize with someone walking around swearing in public. While I think that the entire concept of a “curse word” is silly, I also acknowledge that there are lots of people for whom those words do cause a visceral reaction. Requiring that people refrain from using certain objectionable words in public - words that convey no particular meaning other than the shock of the listener - is perfectly reasonable.
First off, I never said the man’s actions were acceptable in “polite” society but he was hardly behaving violently. Had I been in the same situation I would have asked the man (white or black) to take his “art” somewhere else.
I question the use of the police in such situations. This woman couldn’t politely ask the man to shut his trap and instead used the police. There would have been a time in this country where we did the “libertarian” thing and took responsibility for our own well being without the use of coerced violence.
Heck, I am even convinced that in the long forgotten past a passing stranger would have stood up for her and her children’s “virtue”. Sadly, that rarely happens anymore and instead we rely on uniformed representatives of the government for all our woes.
This is a non-crime and the police waste tax payer time and money by policing it.
[quote]Zap Branigan wrote:
Lets have him hang outside your window screaming motherfucker while your wife and kids are stuck inside listening to it.
Why do you insist on making invalid arguments with bad analogy?
You do know the difference between these situations, don’t you? You do know the difference between public and private domain, don’t you?
If this happened my wife would probably open the window and give them some of her music…which to me is way more offensive. Cannibal Corpse, anyone? Neither is she afraid to open her mouth when the situation is warranted. Sadly, we need more strong women like her who don’t piss their pants every time some punk-ass crosses their path.
How in the world can you classify Cannibal Corpse as offensive? I can’t even understand what they are saying. I assumed they were speaking in some bastardized version of German crossed with Arabic, interspersed with frenetic grunting. Now that’s art.
As to the cursing, I think a less victimized method of handling the situation would be to ask the person in question to please stop using such language in front of my children, and if he refused, I would leave the area. Or call in an air strike, you know - whatever.
First off, I never said the man’s actions were acceptable in “polite” society but he was hardly behaving violently. Had I been in the same situation I would have asked the man (white or black) to take his “art” somewhere else.
I question the use of the police in such situations. This woman couldn’t politely ask the man to shut his trap and instead used the police. There would have been a time in this country where we did the “libertarian” thing and took responsibility for our own well being without the use of coerced violence.
Heck, I am even convinced that in the long forgotten past a passing stranger would have stood up for her and her children’s “virtue”. Sadly, that rarely happens anymore and instead we rely on uniformed representatives of the government for all our woes.
This is a non-crime and the police waste tax payer time and money by policing it.[/quote]
You don’t think the lady was perhaps intimidated by the man, and fearful of reprimanding him in any way?
This being the likely case, it was perfectly acceptable for her to get the police involved.
I don’t really mind that some of my tax money may have gone to policing this incident. I wish it wouldn’t have had to, but only because I wish we didn’t have people thinking it was okay to talk like this in public in the first place.
First off, I never said the man’s actions were acceptable in “polite” society but he was hardly behaving violently. Had I been in the same situation I would have asked the man (white or black) to take his “art” somewhere else.
I question the use of the police in such situations. This woman couldn’t politely ask the man to shut his trap and instead used the police. There would have been a time in this country where we did the “libertarian” thing and took responsibility for our own well being without the use of coerced violence.[/quote]
That is the point of enforcing public morality laws - having a third party intervene instead of having two people get into a disagreement and possible confrontation. The police - as much as you whine about them - are there to enforce the law so others don’t have to, or so others don’t have to run the risk of disagreement with someone they would rather avoid.
The woman in question may not want to confront a teenage punk with a molest-ache belching out obscenities or violent language. She could have, but she didn’t have to - and the police doing their job upholding duly passed laws is no sign of “giving over our responsibilities to the nanny state”. We pay them to do exactly what they did in the situation - enforce the law and avoid private confrontation.
The woman could have asked the kid to stop - this happens all the time. But there was nothing wrong with her decision to have the cops intervene either. Dealer’s choice.
Please. Is there an end to your constant whining about low level police activities that have been around since the birth of the country?
We don’t stand at the gates of liberty’s Armageddon because a woman asked the police to enforce a local law so she doesn’t have to go do it herself.
You have become nothing more than a maker of mountains out of molehills.
It was a crime and the police enforced the law. Don’t like it - petition your councilman or run for the post. There was nothing unreasonable about it - and the same thing would basically occur in every town any of us have ever lived in, and always will.