Hypothetical Minimum Time Between Cycles?

Let’s say you were a top athlete in a sport where realistically PEDs are very common like MMA, Football etc. Say you are running anabolics but you still want time off, but you had to be at a certain performance in a relatively period of time , what is the minimum amount of time you could take between two light-moderate AAS cycles without severely increasing the chances of permanent issues with your natural production and such? This is time off after PCT I’m referring to. For example, say it’s 4 weeks, would doing a Test E 500mg/wk cycle for 12 weeks with standard 6 week PCT and then 4 weeks off, starting the second identical cycle right after be not too outrageous if you don’t sustain that type of cycle pattern?

No, I do not plan on doing this “experiment” myself nor do I think anyone should look at this question and try to figure it out on yourself if you’d like to stay healthy. Just a hypothetical physiological question as I’m often curious about these types of things

I think the normal rules don’t apply here. Someone cashing checks with their body, especially in sports that involve frequent head trauma, have already given up on the notion of longevity.

But to answer your question, yes that cycle plan would be outrageous because it’s scientifically stupid. You would end up blowing up your endocrine system doing it that way. The time off is important because your body craves homeostasis. The roller coaster you used as an example is the opposite of homeostasis.

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Depending on the sport, most athletes don’t come off. I know in bodybuilding they just rotate compounds but never actually come off, they cant afford to come off and potentially lose size.

Only difference with professional athletes would be the regular health checks that they would carry out to reduce permanent damage, but I can’t see them actually ever coming off.


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Of course most bodybuilders at the very least bridge with “TRT” which is more of like 300 mg test which isn’t really TRT. I wonder if athletes like football players and combat sport competitors come off cycle

UFC guys have to be very careful. The drug testing is really strict and pretty tough to beat. The NFL…feels like they’re all on and the league has some serious motivated reasoning to not have a lot of positive tests.

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Lol @ cruising on 300mg. Times that by 10 perhaps yes. I’ve heard pro’s cruise on a couple grams.