I am 19…and a half if it helps for the support, and am a senior in highschool. Despite being a senior in high school I have always been commented on looking older than my age so its not like I have a whole lot of growth left in me, so I think anyway.
I am 6’2" 221 lbs, I have gained 33lbs in 6 months. But I plan on taking very small doses of Humatrope next month (about mid April).
I have a relative going to Costa Rica which he has been doing for about a yr now to buy a 6 wk cycle for me. It is to my understanding that Humatrope (HGH) is not nearly as intense as all this sustenon and anadrol and whatever else you can think of and have read and heard 1st hand from about 3 users that they have had no side affects.
I am not expecting to become god after taking this stuff nor do I plan on abusing it even the slightest because I realize I am still young and have no means of causing problems for my body that I have been training for about 7 yrs now if you can believe that. I am posting this though to see if you older and more experienced folks have any input on this.
Would appreciate any feed back.
I have posted a picture of myself from about 2 1/2 months and 10 lbs give or take ago.
Is this a troll job? I’m no steroid expert and I don’t post in this frum too often, but damn.
You’re too young for AAS.
2 You’re especially too young for HGH.
You clearly don’t know anything about AAS/HGH.
Besides being too young, you seem to be making fine progress already.
What makes you think HGH is less intense? If anything, it’s more “intense” and more dangerous. HGH is diabetogenic and carries more serious irreversible sides than that nasty test you seem to think so poorly of.
If it has taken a year to accquire enough for 6 weeks worth then by the time you have enough for an actual cycle you will be plenty old enough to use it. Good news.
While you wait you should DO A SEARCH ABOUT THIS TOPIC!
Dude you looking good for a 19 year old guy. It is clear you are at your ‘best’. Reap as much muscle as you can while you’re at your best, then when you have acquired knowledge and have weight lifted for a few more years consider using steroids. THEN and only then when steroids can’t give you much more benefit consider using HGH.
Natural->Steroids->Steroids + HGH
The above is within the span of YEARS of weightlifting seriously, with proper diet, lessons learn’t bla bla bla
Ah and don’t even mention insulin, because I’m seeing that coming soon…
Never underestimate a drug, regardless of what you read.
Fuck dude 33 pounds in 6 months? There is no way that you dont have alot of growth left in you. It seems that you’ve got pretty good genetics going for you. If you can keep gaining natty dont fuck it up with aas/hgh just keep doing what your doing.
[quote]GetBig227 wrote:
Fuck dude 33 pounds in 6 months? There is no way that you dont have alot of growth left in you. It seems that you’ve got pretty good genetics going for you. If you can keep gaining natty dont fuck it up with aas/hgh just keep doing what your doing.[/quote]
I’m Jealous to be honest. 33 pounds in 6 months ISN’T the norm. At least not in my book. I don’t know what you’re doing man but keep doing that shit and you gonna be fine.
Ditto what everybody else said about not using gH.
I’m frankly not sure what the sides of gH usage would be in someone so young. But that’s really besides the point because in order to have a productive cycle of gH for anything besides increased fat loss you’d need at least triple what you can currently afford. gH is too expensive to consider because of the amounts and time of cycle required.
Man I’m no expert, but just the research that I’ve done personally shows you are wayyyy too young to be doing HGH. Hell, the last growth plate in your head doesn’t COMPLETELY seal off until you’re 24-25 anyways. Do you want to go around with a huge protruding forehead? I think not…
[quote]BONEZ217 wrote:
Johnny367 wrote:
Do you want to go around with a huge protruding forehead? I think not…
Telling a 19 year old not to use growth hormone is one thing. But do you really know how much GH it takes to cause that?? Certainly not 6 weeks worth. [/quote]
Does jaw and forehead growth only effect some users, or is it universal?
[quote]Game Time wrote:
BONEZ217 wrote:
Johnny367 wrote:
Do you want to go around with a huge protruding forehead? I think not…
Telling a 19 year old not to use growth hormone is one thing. But do you really know how much GH it takes to cause that?? Certainly not 6 weeks worth.
Does jaw and forehead growth only effect some users, or is it universal? [/quote]
Well considering the fact that all pro-BBers are using large amounts of growth hormone, and they all still look like homo-sapiens, I’d say it is not a universal thing.
GO to your local abortion clinic and dig around in the trash. Collect a couple fetuses and smuggle them home. Eat one fetus a day. The naturally occuring GH and stem cells may be enough to help you get HUGE!!!