I personally look at life as everyone given a situation, good or bad, and then it is up to you to deal with it. Too many people think life is what happens to you, but I see life as how you react to what happens to you.
Some people are fat, and decide to join NAFFWNASE. (National Association of Fat Fucks Who Need A Stupid Excuse.) And others come here and learn how to change themselves. And others just get their stomach stapled.
Years ago I foolishly used my credit cards a little too much. Just a few minutes on the computer using a spreadsheet I came up with a plan to quickly pay off my debts, and with only $50 extra a month. Unfortunately right after I implemented my plan, my wife came to me and mentioned she had some trouble breathing. We ended up spending $300 a month on medication. (One year delay before our insurance covered meds.) And even with 80% coverage on medical bills, we still ended up with thousands owed to doctors and hospitals.
After years, we finally dug ourselves out, and things were going good. Instead of being intelligent, we moved to a more expensive apartment, and got a decent car. Doing just one of these things was not too bad, but combined they were a little too much to prepare for unexpected expenses. (We have moved since.)
Now I look at this past, and I really have myself to blame for these problems. If I had not let my debt pile up in the first place, my family would not have had years of difficulty.
I don’t know if this is quite the response you were looking for.
I don’t believe in a true meaning of life. I believe it is up to people to create that for themselves. If there is a true meaning of life, I believe people would be disappointed by the answer. If there is a god, and a person were to ask why we were created, how would you like to hear, “Oh, I was just bored one day, decided what the hell.”