Humalog Insulin Log

ima do 2UI insulin prework out and in the AM ganna bring it up 1UI everyday 15g carbs for every 1UI 10g protein for every 1UI

is this good? ganna do omega 3 6 9 3 times a day to stay sensitive to insulin should i also eat high gi or low gi carbs

I really hope you aren’t serious man.

after us telling you not to?
do you listen to anything?

what is wrong with you for real
this is a horrible horrible idea

i need too sorry

[quote]HowieFeltercooch wrote:
i need too sorry[/quote]

insulin by itself will not help you. You have no idea what you are doing and should stop. This is not a joking matter and you obviously do not grasp the concepts we are trying to convey to you.

You need to address the problem at hand and hazardously taking misc bodybuilding drugs will not make that problem go away.

Grow up, gain a heap of maturity and rethink your planned actions. As if you are serious of what you plan to do you have a pretty good chance of ending up dead.

This guy is playing with everyone. I haven’t read one post of his that sounds legit. Don’t waste your breath on him. In the remote possibility that he is for real, he is so clueless that it is beyond the scope of our responsibility to look out for him.

BBB, isn’t that a little harsh? There will always be idiots out there. Do you really want the purpose of this forum (exchange of educated ideas) to be undermined by the fringe exceptions?

LMFAO come on kid are you freaking serious, if you take insulin after protein only you will become hypoglycemic and possibly start seizuring. your body; and your brain specifically will become starved for glucose, a condition known as neuroglycopenia will develop. it causes brain and neural damage. At this point at least hope that you will die because if not such you will be forced to live as a vegetable forever. Have fun at school when you are disabled or have chronic neuropathy, people will surely be nice to you when you are drooling out the side of your mouth because you cant control your facial nerve.

Also, sexual nerves are usually the first effected, so good luck getting a girl friend when you have diabetic impotence. you got a real nice life ahead of you… lol if you wanna take roids and screw up your body thats one thing. but this will KILL YOU or even worse make you one big ass chore for the rest of your familys life… kids in africa watch their parents die of AIDS while they themselves are starving. i have a friend who was continually raped by her step father for 3 years… whatever you are going through SO MANY people have it worse. TRY doing something for someone else whos being tortured alive, and you will realize how lucky you actually have it! may god help you

I agree with that BBB mate! :wink:

Let em die!

Now… about that high dose slin, pre-workout, ketosis diet we had mentioned…


[quote]HowieFeltercooch wrote:
i need too sorry[/quote]

NO, you need to realise something.

We on this board are not like any other board that have drug related topics.
If you would go onto another board,any other board with your BS and sniviling you would no doubt be banned,Out of sight,Out of Mind.

Not here,besides the fact that we are not mods,We actually care about the people on here.
thats why you have the quality of advice,and why you see more times that not everyone trying to steer an OP away from drug use.

Us telling you not to do this,is not for no reason.

We are decent people that care about felow human beings and We all genuinly think this is a horrible idea and we all would hate to see anyone hurt,if we know the person or not.

We are all on here trying to learn,and help with what knowledge that we have obtained from different sources.

Some of us have the knowledge and schooling that rivals some of the highest esteemed doctors in the world,
some are competing bodybuilders,and some have done the stupid stuff you are wanting to do and learn4ed the hard way what not to do.
You would be wise to listen.

and on that note,you bringing this here also weighs very heavy on alot of peoples conscience.
Some will not loose any sleep over your antics,but some on the other hand will be bothered by knowing they offered you sound advice,your not only refused to take it but you also may severly hurt yourself in the process.

Just think about that a little bit.
troll or no troll this is whats up

[quote]Nich wrote:
HowieFeltercooch wrote:
i need too sorry

NO, you need to realise something.

We on this board are not like any other board that have drug related topics.
If you would go onto another board,any other board with your BS and sniviling you would no doubt be banned,Out of sight,Out of Mind.

Not here,besides the fact that we are not mods,We actually care about the people on here.
thats why you have the quality of advice,and why you see more times that not everyone trying to steer an OP away from drug use.

Us telling you not to do this,is not for no reason.

We are decent people that care about felow human beings and We all genuinly think this is a horrible idea and we all would hate to see anyone hurt,if we know the person or not.

We are all on here trying to learn,and help with what knowledge that we have obtained from different sources.

Some of us have the knowledge and schooling that rivals some of the highest esteemed doctors in the world,
some are competing bodybuilders,and some have done the stupid stuff you are wanting to do and learn4ed the hard way what not to do.
You would be wise to listen.

and on that note,you bringing this here also weighs very heavy on alot of peoples conscience.
Some will not loose any sleep over your antics,but some on the other hand will be bothered by knowing they offered you sound advice,your not only refused to take it but you also may severly hurt yourself in the process.

Just think about that a little bit.
troll or no troll this is whats up


2x that

DOOD! After people tried to help you, you pull this!

whatever man…

‘self removers from the gene pool’ LOL sums it up best BBB.

Out of all the stuff you could mess yourself up with you choose slin…come on, If I was in an effort to get huge to solve my problems there are many other drugs I’d screw myself up with.


If BBB gets pissed off at you, then you KNOW you fucked up.