I’m 22 years old, and I’ve been seeking HRT for about two years without success. My T levels with 10mg of Androgel are 575ng/dl, and without it they fluctuate from 180-350ng/dl.
My current urologist, endocriniologist, and general practicioner think that these are absolutely fine and that I should have no problems with libido or building musicle. Yet, “mysteriously” I can’t build muscle or use my penis.
I know a few guys here have had success stories, and I was wondering where you were treated. I live in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, but I’d be willing to travel to find an endocriniologist who knows more than the quacks that I’ve been seeing.
that really sucks bro. i wish i had info to pass along. just wanted to give my .02 about docs. i had two older male docs over the past 5 years that i got nowhere with. wouldnt even listen to anything having to do with my steroid use. only would lecture me on not using. then i started seeing my gf’s general practitioner. she is about 35 years old and it is like a different world with her. she is totally open minded. basically tells me i should not use but if i insist on using these “medications” as we call it then i can come to her with any questions or problems. she is very cool about it. just keep looking bro. they are out there.
If you can’t get it up, that’s a major problem. I am the same age as you, and I was on androgel for a year and a half. Ton of conversion to estradiol made me stop. In any event, I am much more muscular now, and my T levels are typically in the 200 range now. I think that the blood level number can be very deceiving. I didn’t gain a single pound of muscle on androgel, but I did gain 15 lbs. of fat and developed hypoglycemia. If you want muscle, try to get injections each week (200 mg. enanthate if the doc you find will do it). And keep the estradiol levels in check.
If you want to increase your T naturally, a good way to do it is to reduce the stress in your life. If your cortisol is constantly high like mine was, your T levels will suck. If you go this route, find a good wholistic doctor who understands adrenal stress. Good luck,
There’s a lot more to getting it up than just your T levels. For example, insulin interferes with NO, which affects blood vessel dilation and is necessary for an erection. (Probably also why obese people tend to be impotent.) If you doc is no help in solving the problem, I’d find a new one.