Hows This Diet/Routine?

Work Out Day

6:00 - Wake Up and take 1 pill of HRX
6:10 - Start Cardio
7:00 - End Cardio
8:00 - 1 Metabolic Drive Complete Protein Shake
11:00 - Low-Carb Metabolic Drive Protein Shake
12:00 - Take 1 pill of HRX
2:00 - Chicken/Lean Beef/Fish w/ green veggies
4:30 - Start *Work Out (Half Of Surge Shake Before)
5:30-6:00 - End *Work Out (Drink 2nd Half of Surge Shake)
7:00 - Chicken/Lean Beef/Fish w/ green veggies
10:00 - Low-Carb Metabolic Drive Protein Shake

*The workout I’m doing will be the same one from the velocity diet.

Day #1: Monday

Pull-up: 10 x 3 weighted
Bench Press: 10 x 3
Squat: 3 x 8
Hamstring Curl: 3 x 6
Calf/Biceps/Triceps exercises: 1 set each 6-10 reps
Ab exercise: anything goes

Day #2: Wednesday

Deadlift: 10 x 3
Rack Pull: 3 x 3-5
Flyes: 3 x 8
Overhead Press: 10 x 3 standing, cleaned from floor
Calf/Biceps/Triceps exercises: 1 set each 6-10 reps
Ab exercise: anything goes, but different than previous session

Day #3: Friday

Dips: 10 x 3
Rows: 10 x 3
Lateral Raises: 3 x 8
Lunge variations: 3 x 6-8
Calf/Biceps/Triceps exercises: 1 set each 6-10 reps
Ab exercise: anything goes, but different than previous session

NON-Work Out Day is the same just replace Work Out with Another Form Of Cardio For An Hour. I will also be drinking nothing but warter outside of the Shakes.

I weigh about 300lbs right now and looking for a drastic change down to 175-200lbs. I know this will take a long time and I’m in for the long hall. Wondering if this diet/routine will be enough for this drastic change? Also wondering if I should be taking Flame Out?

Flameout would be a great addition to your diet.

I don’t think this is the way you should go. I think a healthy low carb diet is great for losing weight, but you are eating very few calories. You may end up eating into your muscles more than you think.

I know that from beginning to end you will make a drastic change (from 300lbs to 200 lbs.) but the journey to that is just lots of little changes stacked up. Calculate your maintenance level of calories, then eat no lower than 80% of that. Start at 95% with good exercise, then reduce as necessary to continue adding to the caloric defecit. Remmeber your maintenance will change with time as well. So maintain current numbers.

A less than maintenance calorie, low(ish) carb diet will probably work wonder for you, but this seems very restrictive and you will plateau quickly eating this little food.

Stick to whole foods if possible.

6:00 - Wake Up and take 1 pill of HRX (or 2) warmup
6:20 - Whey protein shake (40 P, 3 C, 1 F)
6:40 - Start Cardio
7:00 - End Cardio (shower etc.)
7:30 - Breakfast - 2 eggs, 1/4c oats, 1 scoop MD Low Carb (~35g pro, ~20 carb, ~20 fat)
10:00 - 1 Metabolic Drive Complete Protein Shake (41P, 23C, 8F)
12:00 - Take 1 pill of HRX
1:00 - Chicken/Lean Beef/Fish w/ green veggies (shoot for 40 Grams protein)
3:00 - Protein snack, small meal (20g protein)
4:30 - Start *Work Out (Sip Surge Shake throughout)
5:30-6:00 - End *Work Out (Drink 2nd Half of Surge Shake) (25, 50, 0)
7:00 - Chicken/Lean Beef/Fish w/ green veggies +Flameout (Shoot for 40g Pro)
10:00 - Low-Carb Metabolic Drive Protein Shake (40 grams Protein)

total: 250 grams protein, 110 carbs, ~60 g Fat = 1000+440+540 = 2000 calories

I made some adjustments to your diet. That’s not bad, now that i look it over, I would even add some more fats, and lower the carbs a little more. Try to keep it under 100, but 110 won’t hurt you.

Hope that helps.