How's my Boxing Workout

hey guys,

I haven’t made a post here in a long while…

anyway here is my boxing workout.

I know the first question is the absence of running in my program. I my explanation ( or excuse) depending on how you look at it :slight_smile: is that I am a firm believer in sport carry over and I believe that my time running should be spent on the bags or sparring.

working the muscles that need to worked. I also belive that boxing is a skill sport and focusing on skill at every chance can only help you in the long run.

so here is my work out

P.S. also I am hoping to find a mma gym to train at soon. but for right now I will work on my base which is what this program works on for me

boxing workout

Plan of action:
strengthen the muscles that a boxer needs:


method of choice:

inno-sports areg type of training mythos (drop off method)
along with traditional boxing methods (bag work)

work out rate(how often you work out)
4:1 frequency to fatigue rate ratio (every 4 days at 6% fatigue- every 7 days at 4%(( fatigue will also have bag work so drop off will lower)))


workout 1 (an2 lower bound(9-25 sec))

Iso bent over row (Load method)

PIM front raises (load Method)
N- 9-25

ISO ab hold (load method) (crunch hold)
N- 9-25

ISO Olympic dead lifts (load method)
N - 9-25

Workout 2 (traditional boxing)
Rounds =3 min

shadow boxing 2x3

sway bag 4x3 rounds

Heavy Bag 4x3 rounds

double end bag 4x3 rounds

neck bridges 2x 30sec


Workout 1 (an1 upper bound (5-9 sec)

PIM seated military press (load method)
N- 5-9

ISO ab hold (Load method)
N- 5-9

Olympic dead lifts (load method)
N- 5-9

ISO pull ups (load method)

** work out can be done back to back or split through out the day**

shadow boxing 2x2

Sway bag 2x3

heavy bag 2x3

double end bag 2x3

neck bridges 2x30 sec

instead of running, jumprope,1000 punches a day

I have no idea what the person above is trying to get at, but… What the fuck does all that abbreviated and percent shit mean? How long have you been boxing?

That either sounds like a program designed by an expert trainer who specializes in program design - or some shit you looked up on the internet and it looked cool so you decided to use it.

Either way it looks ridiculously complicated and unless your a pro fighter, shouldn’t be worrying about stuff like that anyway. I had a post on the “how to train” thread that deals with the phenomenon of the newbie boxer/fighter who goes overboard with program design - this looks like a perfect example.

Are you currently working out at a boxing gym, do you have a coach? If by iso you mean isometric strength, why are you working on isometric strength for boxing? What are your goals my friend?


well I have been boxing for a like 13 years.

I have been training in diff sports my whole life I am far from the “newbie boxer/fighter who goes overboard with program design - this looks like a perfect example”

Like I said above I am looking for a mma gym to train at… I figured it was hinted at but I’ll spell it out - I am looking to turn pro asap but I need alot of work on others aspects first this is too get me in pro fighting shape now.

look it up… check my other posts… I have been using this system for a while.

or better yet do a search with inno sports


So your trying to go pro in MMA? Hows your grappling experience? As far as hinting at becoming pro - I could barely understand what you were actually trying to get at from your post. Your initial post was vague and scattered - which led me to the conclusion that you might have been new (along with the low post count).

Apparently I was wrong - and I apolgize for my presumptions. However may I ask how many fights have you had? Boxing for 13 years doesn’t really say much if you haven’t ever fought. Particularly if you haven’t had a coach.

As far as inno stuff goes - it seemed like it had merit and if it works for you then great. But I still don’t really know enough about your situation to give feed back on the actual exercises being utilized in the program.

If your trying to go pro in MMA, and you have experience in grappling, boxing, and kickboxing, and you understand and can utilize a program as advanced as that inno stuff - I don’t really think there is much to say apart from good luck and keep up the good work, as I feel you can never hurt to work on your boxing.

If the above isn’t true, your in for some tough surprises regarding turning pro in MMA. I look forward to hearing about your progress, and seeing how you do. Keep us posted.

Sounds like youre the only one who can critique that workout plan.

I have a long way to go as far as turning pro. I have some experience in grappling. my kickboxing game is very limited lol

I know enough boxing but my sub game, and thai boxing need some work. I am no sucker to hard work tho. I am really looking for a gym to train at so I can begin my journey.

I was thinking of keeping a journal on this site but thats a lot of extra time that I don’t have. but I will do my best to keep every body posted

yea the inno sports stuff only looks advanced cause of all the funny talk( PIM is just a regular rep)if followed it keeps you from over training and gaining each and every time you workout. I would suggest their mythos to anyone.

shadow boxer,

I don’t know about know - but back in the day there was a few of good people who knew much more about the inno sports way of training. search it and you will see

sparring isnt even included in that routine…really you have barely any anarobic training there at all, if u dont wanna run, then i suggest you start swimmin laps

its hard to spar when your by yourself. I have a small boxing gym in my garage that my dad built when was pro boxing. I am training by myself until I can get to a gym.

If you really want help…

Post that shit in a method that other people can understand. Or at least give a brief explanation of the inno method. If you post an obscure training method no one else can understand and expect help you’re kind of obligated to make it easy for us. At least throw up some links. :slight_smile:

Ok now lets actually look at this shit…

#1, there’s a reason every successful fighter ever has done some form of roadwork. It teaches your body how to work under cruise control. I think what needs to change is that there’s a point that you can get to where you don’t need as MUCH roadwork but it’s still an important part of being a fighter.

You don’t have to like it, you just have to do it.

What are you hoping to ‘strengthen’ with your exercises? why? Front raises? for what purpose? What are your goals for lifting weights what fight attributes are you hoping to improve.

I encourage you to check out &

Free articles might give you a better idea of what might be ideal for you. I don’t understand what your goals for your strength training are so I can’t really comment. Imo though it looks less than ideal, but if it’s working for you I wont say anything negative.

Your boxing training is great, if you push the pace you can get most of your cardio in. I don’t know what kind of pace you’re keeping or what kind of condition you intend on being in.

If you intend on going pro in MMA you need to get into an MMA gym asap. your boxing might be fucking fantastic. But that won’t save you. Shit that wouldn’t save floyd mayweather. You need the entire game. And you need to be GOOOOOOD at it and leave no holes to exploit.

You need to immediately learn to

  1. make certain changes to your boxing that will deal with kicks, clinch, and takedowns. there isn’t a whole lot to change but it’s going to take a bit to drill some bad boxing habits out of you.

Crazy Monkey is the perfect adjustment for you. Specifically because it’s just going to be a few changes to your stance and just a change in strategy. Everything else in your arsenal will basically remain the same.

  1. Get a ground game. QUICK. I recommend you fight a BJJ gym that has a very active competition team. Train everything, but compete mostly in no-gi. That’s going to be your bread and butter. Ask them from the get-go how their wrestling is or if they have any former wrestlers. You’ll want to work with those guys on your takedowns. If you approach them with HUMILITY and let them know your aspirations they’ll be glad to help. Everyone wants to fucking fight MMA now of days but if you approach a trainer with humility and he sees talent in you he will help you as much as possible because its just good business for them to have a ‘big name’ come out of their gym

  2. If you can, depends on your area how prevalent they are. Find a full MMA gym. Not somewhere that has bjj/thaiboxing/boxing classes but somewhere that has PURE mma classes.

It’s great to learn bjj, but rolling with strikes is like night and day. The problem most bjj guys have when they start to fight is they almost forget that you can hit them

Thaiboxing, and boxing without takedown defense is just inept. 90% of clinchwork will get you takedown fast. Likewise the inability to strike and work your strikes INTO takedowns completely makes you invalid as a fighter once you face someone who strikes better than you.

What separates the great fighters right now are the guys who didn’t train aspects of fighting as different areas but they trained it all as ONE.

Fedor will throw a straight right, drop his other hand to catch your kick and sweep, or throw a left hook step in deep, pivot, wrap around your waist and take you down.

GSP does it as well.

Anderson silva floats so uniquely between boxing, clinch, and takedown ranges it’s beautiful.

hopefully this makes sense but,

These skill sets are UNIQUE to someone that trains MMA as just that…MMA not boxing/thai/wrestling/bjj

The transitions are unique to specifically MMA.

hard to spar by yourself, huh, then go get in a fight learn how to apply those techniques you spent those countless hours training on.

thanks bro that post was really good thanks

that explains the inno sports lingo in easy to understand terms written by kelly baggett

my program is written to strengthen the muscles that a boxer would you in a fight. PIM front raises are used because the front part of the shoulders are taxed the most through out a boxing match. in fact each exercise that I am doing works one or more key muscle groups that a fighter needs to be stronger.

I have been working on my skills purely for a long while now with out doing much work for my attributes. That has changed.

the weights workout is designed just for that reason to strengthen my boxer muscles.

but I see your point could you futher explain the crazy monkey system it sounds interesting. I have started working on my dirty boxing clench work to get myself ready for mma training everything is just so damn expensive lol

if you look at my boxing work for those who question my cardio, its 14 rounds of hard work at different paces ranging from warm up to an intense level. more then enough cardio imo

go get in a fight?

lol no thanks I am too pretty to go to jail :slight_smile:

[quote]Thug Poet wrote:
shadow boxer,

I don’t know about know - but back in the day there was a few of good people who knew much more about the inno sports way of training. search it and you will see[/quote]

It seems like a solid, if very complicated, general fitness system. Doesnt look very oriented toward fighters though- and I saw none of the founders had any fighting background.

All the boxing coaches ive met so far have been pretty old school- to get better at boxing, you’ve gotta box. And run. Sounds like youve got a ring- so find some people to spar with! Hell, theres gotta be someone who would.

They dont even approve of me weightlifting, but i like hitting the weights at least once a week and doing dls, squats, pullups, and maybe some bench if my wrists/hands/shoulders arent too beatup.

Great system, great coaches use it. Kelley, james smith, etc. The terminology explains a lot of stuff I have to use analogies for. But I’ll stick to the analogies unless this stuff becomes common.

doing front raises because it’s a “boxer muscle” is very short sighted. Lats are a boxer muscle too because they help you retract your punch. Triceps are a boxer muscle because you snap the end of your punch with it. Do I need to do rubber band extensions with my big toe because i start my straight right from there.

I hope you get my point.

You CAN train for specific localized muscular endurance but that’s some in your free time type shit. And honestly there are better ways to go about it. It also shouldn’t be include in your STRENGTH training thats more conditioning based. If you increase the efficiency in your technique a lot of that can be eliminated.

For a fight, Especially a MMA fight, It’s not enough cardio and not nearly specific enough. If you’re really set on doing something for your front delts you can definitely pick a better exercise.

If I were you i’d work on improving my overall relative strength dips, pullups, squats and deadlifts. Thats about it. And spend the rest of my time skill training and conditioning.

read the free articles from those sites and you really can’t go wrong with stuff they recommend. I don’t mean this as an insult, so please don’t take it that way, but I think you’re a bit misguided with some of your training philosophies. That stuff is complicated or whatever, but you’re not using it in an efficient manner. MMA is a sport of skill and attributes you need to know what attributes you need to improve/maintain and train specifically for those. It’s a lot to explain and there are a LOT of threads already on this site regarding how to train for MMA because that’s basically what you’re asking

start with the: “how to train” thread, it’s a sticky.

search for the other one’s.

As far as MMA being expensive. I thought so too till someone (on this forum I believe) put it in perspective for me. It’s really not that much more expensive than other hobbies (and believe me unless you’re getting paid to do it that’s all it is), Golf or Tennis are vastly more expensive. You can spend more one night at a strip club. Most of the costs aren’t reoccurring if you buy high quality (gloves, etc) The only reoccurring expenses are gym fee’s. But yes i understand it’s pricey. Just depends how much of a priority it is to you. If you want to be able to eat off of that shit then prioritize it like that.

[quote]Shadow_Boxer wrote:
Thug Poet wrote:
shadow boxer,

I don’t know about know - but back in the day there was a few of good people who knew much more about the inno sports way of training. search it and you will see

It seems like a solid, if very complicated, general fitness system. Doesnt look very oriented toward fighters though- and I saw none of the founders had any fighting background.

All the boxing coaches ive met so far have been pretty old school- to get better at boxing, you’ve gotta box. And run. Sounds like youve got a ring- so find some people to spar with! Hell, theres gotta be someone who would.

They dont even approve of me weightlifting, but i like hitting the weights at least once a week and doing dls, squats, pullups, and maybe some bench if my wrists/hands/shoulders arent too beatup.[/quote]

And yes, traditionally boxing coaches wouldn’t like you lifting weights. Most guys don’t lift “right”.

1- They train like bodybuilders. Pursuing a pump isn’t going to do it. You don’t want to go in an “thrash” your muscles. Train attributes. Shit you might not even be that tired after you lift, and thats a GOOD thing. lifting isn’t a priority. your skill training is.

2- Not enough balance in the training. for one thing you’ll need a lot more mobility work because you’re really putting your joints through hell lifting AND doing all that technique training. Plus if you’re boxing you spend all your time working certain muscles in your training if you don’t work the antagonist you’ll develop muscle imbalances and be more prone to injuries (And just be achy) if you start doing overhead presses to help your shoulders so you can punch harder you’re just going to be wearing out your joint.

3- guys misunderstand what they’re trying to accomplish and don’t define goals appropriately. Why are you lifting “to get stronger.” Thats like me asking you why you’re boxing and you say “to fight.”… to fight pro? to get an ammy fight? to just workout? be specific. Lifting to improve your cardio is inefficient except for very specific methods. On the other hand lifting to improve your relative strength is a lot different than 3x8 curls 10x10 bench.

[quote]Xen Nova wrote:
Great system, great coaches use it. Kelley, james smith, etc. The terminology explains a lot of stuff I have to use analogies for. But I’ll stick to the analogies unless this stuff becomes common.

doing front raises because it’s a “boxer muscle” is very short sighted. Lats are a boxer muscle too because they help you retract your punch. Triceps are a boxer muscle because you snap the end of your punch with it. Do I need to do rubber band extensions with my big toe because i start my straight right from there.

I hope you get my point.

You CAN train for specific localized muscular endurance but that’s some in your free time type shit. And honestly there are better ways to go about it. It also shouldn’t be include in your STRENGTH training thats more conditioning based. If you increase the efficiency in your technique a lot of that can be eliminated.

For a fight, Especially a MMA fight, It’s not enough cardio and not nearly specific enough. If you’re really set on doing something for your front delts you can definitely pick a better exercise.

If I were you i’d work on improving my overall relative strength dips, pullups, squats and deadlifts. Thats about it. And spend the rest of my time skill training and conditioning.

read the free articles from those sites and you really can’t go wrong with stuff they recommend. I don’t mean this as an insult, so please don’t take it that way, but I think you’re a bit misguided with some of your training philosophies. That stuff is complicated or whatever, but you’re not using it in an efficient manner. MMA is a sport of skill and attributes you need to know what attributes you need to improve/maintain and train specifically for those. It’s a lot to explain and there are a LOT of threads already on this site regarding how to train for MMA because that’s basically what you’re asking

start with the: “how to train” thread, it’s a sticky.

search for the other one’s.

As far as MMA being expensive. I thought so too till someone (on this forum I believe) put it in perspective for me. It’s really not that much more expensive than other hobbies (and believe me unless you’re getting paid to do it that’s all it is), Golf or Tennis are vastly more expensive. You can spend more one night at a strip club. Most of the costs aren’t reoccurring if you buy high quality (gloves, etc) The only reoccurring expenses are gym fee’s. But yes i understand it’s pricey. Just depends how much of a priority it is to you. If you want to be able to eat off of that shit then prioritize it like that.


about crazy monkey, it looks simular to the boxing that I have been seeing from people like rampage and tito the way they defend punches I mean. I use alot of the defense movements naturally anyway as my stance is a lil wider then most.

To me and now this isn’t to start a long winded debate however I think that the exersices I picked are very sport specific, and here is why:

with the inno sports system the exercises you do are done with in a specific time bracket anaerobic 1 (0-9 sec), anaerobic 2 (10-25sec),aerobic 1 (50- 100 sec)

working in those time brackets any exercise can be considered a strength, explosive, or endurance exercise. however adding a method to the exercise, it becomes even more specific.

for example with front raises I con prefer it for strength in the front delt by you the PIM method at the anaerobic 1 bracket. for increasing explosiveness, I could you OI method. again in the an1 bracket. and lets say for endurance in that muscle I could use the PIM method again however instead of the an1 bracket I would go to the aerobic 1 bracket and work from in there.

now all that being said I understand were you are coming from and that there are better exercises I could be using for my program and I will take that into account.

as far as my cardio is considered I have never had a problem with my cardio in the past I train for the long post meaning that I train in case it does go to the distance. I have always focused on being relaxed in the ring I can say it saves soo much energy. however I will start adding tempo work to increase my energy systems, but running will be minimal, and the tempo wirk will be very in sport specific.

thanks for taking the time to help out and give your insight.

also do you use crazy monkey, I would love to use it but I don’t see any specific strategies or techniques to use other then how to market your system.

man I have bills and debt… I have to take things in stride I understand that if its something I want to do I need to suck it up… but I have to keep my life in order and I can’t afford it right now…

what is crazy monkey ?
most old school boxing coaches don’t like weightlifting because they think it developes bulky muscles which may slow you down or limit range of motion.
there’s a couple mma school’s around va about 125.00 a month

thers another one like 350.00 a month but with a bigger facilities weights ring and all
mma can be expensive but you get what you pay for.
I myself go to the 125 a month place just for groundwork combat submission wrestling and brazil ian jiu jitsu my stand up is wing chun , i myself dont train for the ring though, so dont hold onto my words

[quote]Xen Nova wrote:
Great system, great coaches use it. Kelley, james smith, etc. The terminology explains a lot of stuff I have to use analogies for. But I’ll stick to the analogies unless this stuff becomes common.

doing front raises because it’s a “boxer muscle” is very short sighted. Lats are a boxer muscle too because they help you retract your punch. Triceps are a boxer muscle because you snap the end of your punch with it. Do I need to do rubber band extensions with my big toe because i start my straight right from there.

I hope you get my point.

You CAN train for specific localized muscular endurance but that’s some in your free time type shit. And honestly there are better ways to go about it. It also shouldn’t be include in your STRENGTH training thats more conditioning based. If you increase the efficiency in your technique a lot of that can be eliminated.

For a fight, Especially a MMA fight, It’s not enough cardio and not nearly specific enough. If you’re really set on doing something for your front delts you can definitely pick a better exercise.

If I were you i’d work on improving my overall relative strength dips, pullups, squats and deadlifts. Thats about it. And spend the rest of my time skill training and conditioning.

read the free articles from those sites and you really can’t go wrong with stuff they recommend. I don’t mean this as an insult, so please don’t take it that way, but I think you’re a bit misguided with some of your training philosophies. That stuff is complicated or whatever, but you’re not using it in an efficient manner. MMA is a sport of skill and attributes you need to know what attributes you need to improve/maintain and train specifically for those. It’s a lot to explain and there are a LOT of threads already on this site regarding how to train for MMA because that’s basically what you’re asking

start with the: “how to train” thread, it’s a sticky.

search for the other one’s.

As far as MMA being expensive. I thought so too till someone (on this forum I believe) put it in perspective for me. It’s really not that much more expensive than other hobbies (and believe me unless you’re getting paid to do it that’s all it is), Golf or Tennis are vastly more expensive. You can spend more one night at a strip club. Most of the costs aren’t reoccurring if you buy high quality (gloves, etc) The only reoccurring expenses are gym fee’s. But yes i understand it’s pricey. Just depends how much of a priority it is to you. If you want to be able to eat off of that shit then prioritize it like that.


I couldn’t have said this better.

I’m not really addressing the OP here, but it’s always easy to say “I don’t have the money for it” until you spend one night in some strip club and spend more than you would have for the month of training.

And, to the OP- aside from the skillwork, the rest sounds like overblown bullshit. I haven’t heard you say anything about sparring, either- if you’re even thinking about considering maybe letting the thought cross your mind of fighting professionally in any way, you need to spar.

Do all the front delt raises you want, but you need to get in there in order to make any of this worth it. And roadwork, of course… I don’t believe the bullshit about barbell complexes making up for roadwork. It’s needed, it’s been done by every fighter that ever lived, get on it.

[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:
Xen Nova wrote:
Great system, great coaches use it. Kelley, james smith, etc. The terminology explains a lot of stuff I have to use analogies for. But I’ll stick to the analogies unless this stuff becomes common.

doing front raises because it’s a “boxer muscle” is very short sighted. Lats are a boxer muscle too because they help you retract your punch. Triceps are a boxer muscle because you snap the end of your punch with it. Do I need to do rubber band extensions with my big toe because i start my straight right from there.

I hope you get my point.

You CAN train for specific localized muscular endurance but that’s some in your free time type shit. And honestly there are better ways to go about it. It also shouldn’t be include in your STRENGTH training thats more conditioning based. If you increase the efficiency in your technique a lot of that can be eliminated.

For a fight, Especially a MMA fight, It’s not enough cardio and not nearly specific enough. If you’re really set on doing something for your front delts you can definitely pick a better exercise.

If I were you i’d work on improving my overall relative strength dips, pullups, squats and deadlifts. Thats about it. And spend the rest of my time skill training and conditioning.

read the free articles from those sites and you really can’t go wrong with stuff they recommend. I don’t mean this as an insult, so please don’t take it that way, but I think you’re a bit misguided with some of your training philosophies. That stuff is complicated or whatever, but you’re not using it in an efficient manner. MMA is a sport of skill and attributes you need to know what attributes you need to improve/maintain and train specifically for those. It’s a lot to explain and there are a LOT of threads already on this site regarding how to train for MMA because that’s basically what you’re asking

start with the: “how to train” thread, it’s a sticky.

search for the other one’s.

As far as MMA being expensive. I thought so too till someone (on this forum I believe) put it in perspective for me. It’s really not that much more expensive than other hobbies (and believe me unless you’re getting paid to do it that’s all it is), Golf or Tennis are vastly more expensive. You can spend more one night at a strip club. Most of the costs aren’t reoccurring if you buy high quality (gloves, etc) The only reoccurring expenses are gym fee’s. But yes i understand it’s pricey. Just depends how much of a priority it is to you. If you want to be able to eat off of that shit then prioritize it like that.

I couldn’t have said this better.

I’m not really addressing the OP here, but it’s always easy to say “I don’t have the money for it” until you spend one night in some strip club and spend more than you would have for the month of training.

And, to the OP- aside from the skillwork, the rest sounds like overblown bullshit. I haven’t heard you say anything about sparring, either- if you’re even thinking about considering maybe letting the thought cross your mind of fighting professionally in any way, you need to spar.

Do all the front delt raises you want, but you need to get in there in order to make any of this worth it. And roadwork, of course… I don’t believe the bullshit about barbell complexes making up for roadwork. It’s needed, it’s been done by every fighter that ever lived, get on it.

its fine that you say whatever you want. however as I have said 20 times…I am training by myself until I can go to a good gym. so sparing is not an option right now… I do what I can with what I go brother

and I really don’t have the extra cash I don’t go to strip clubs I don’t give away money thanks- its easy to talk bs on the internet and be all rude or whatever I on the other hand is simply asking for advice on how I can make this better.