I am obese, type 2 diabetic, and I am fine with my blood sugar. Blood tests (HOMA-IR, HbA1c) are reporting that I am in an asymptomatic condition, i.e., I have to say that I am diabetic thanks to ketogenic diet.
My issue is this: I deal with my ketogenic lifestyle in a weak manner. Everything is a reason to cheat. Sometimes I rather think I am doing a ‘cheatogenic’ diet than an actual ketogenic one. These undesired events are responsible for a slow weightloss. But, due to covid, I am very interested to exit from the obese range to decrease my risks in case of be infected.
Hearing me, my doctor suggested Ozempic (semaglutide GLP-1) which is an weekly injectable drug which helps obese, type 2 diabetic patients. Another side-effect is that people feel satiated and can lose weight. There are some cases of 120 lb of weightloss using it. He told me this med can help me to keep focus on my meal plan and I can get a kickstart
The reason I wrote this post for you, nice people, is the following question.
How many of you took Ozempic, stopped it, even regained some weight (some little weight) and proceeded with your journey, keeping your new bodyweight range? I am skeptical about this drug and I think it was made for people use it for their remaining lives.