How to Recover Crashed E2?

So last week I took 0.25mg of Arimidex which was fine and was feeling great, I took another on Sunday evening, 4 days after initial 0.25mg.

First of all I know I shouldn’t do these things blindly and am learning my lesson.

A few questions and things I’ve noticed and please tell me if these are symptoms of low E2:

Lost morning wood

Feel extremely tired

Slight loss of vascular or muscle strength

Sweating a bit during the night

Unable to workout

Feel like my arms are shrinking

Difficulty concentrating

Seem to urinate a lot more

Loss of confidence and drive

Slight soreness in my left knee, this has been a persistent problem though.

Are these symptoms of low or lowing E2?

Would some Clomid or HCG help raise it?

  1. Stop taking AI forever
  2. Time
  3. If you drink have a couple beers each night
  4. See step 1
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  1. Stop taking AI forever
  2. Time
  3. If you drink have a couple beers each night
  4. See step 1

Lesson learnt my friend, thanks for your reply.

What about Clomid or HCG to fire up some aromatise one the testicles?

HCG would maybe do something, but seriously, just leave it alone man. Let things settle.


I’ve gotten my E2 low and it usually comes back in a week or less. Your injections will keep aromatizing into E2 which will bring it back up.


I’m due my next injection this evening so hopefully tomorrow I won’t feel as bad lol

It can take longer than that for sure. Depending on how much aromatose enzyme you even have left, it takes time for your body to make more, then once it has more it can begin turning some T into E2. It isn’t an instant ooh injected some T, got plenty of e2 now type thing.

Throw the AI in the garbage. All those things you listed require estradiol to work. Focus on finding an ideal weekly dose and an ideal frequency of injection. That’s it. TRT is stupid simple.

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Since Arimidex is “suicidal” (unlike Aromasin) your E2 should begin rising fairly quickly. For posterity, if anyone has access to dianabol that can be used to spike E2 even more rapidly.

Dianabol, being synthetic, converts to 17α-methylestradiol, and NOT estradiol. It is a synthetic estradiol derivative.

I will admit that I have made a mistake, E2 is so important and I’ve felt thar over the last few weeks especially and felt the heat I’ve felt on TRT but I also have to say I don’t like it when both my TT and E2 get too high as I feel uncomfortable as well, all about balance.

I will definitely throw the AI in the garbage and stick to my normal TRT regimen.

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Fine, but it is sufficient for near-term symptom resolution according to numerous user reports.

I thought it was the other way around? Anastrozole is a competitive inhibitor and Aromasin is a suicidal inhibitor. You’re still correct, his e2 will bounce back quicker if he’s taking Arimidex


It may be - I’ll take your word for it.