It (the plan to kill the terrist’s family) did seem to work on Kadhaffi, since blew his family into 70-virgin-land, we haven’t heard a peep out of him. In fact, every picture I’ve seen of him he’s looking around like the wicked witch of the west waiting for someone to drop one on him too.
I’m not a fan of killing innocents to punish the guilty, but since it has come down to their innocent people dying or ours, I’d just as soon it be theirs.
This is a war between civilizations, and peace will only be found after one of us is destroyed. Not negotiated or reasoned with, destroyed.
When the Egyptian ferry went down, and Israel offered to send naval ships for search and rescue, they were told no, we would let our people die before they are saved by you.
Does anyone honestly think that these animals can ever assimilate into a peaceful culture?
[quote]alstan90 wrote:
People like you are giving the U.S the bad name it has, and are the reason why people want to attack you anyway.[/quote]
This coming from England, a country that within fifty years will have a muslim majority, 60% of whom want to be ruled by Sharia (Islamic law), including honor killing of their daughters if they are victims of rape, scraping a woman’s clitoris off to prevent sexual infidelity, and beheadings of 12 year old Christian school girls.
Europe is in a world of shit, fortunately England has some sense of it.
But, just wait until the mad mullahs bring the Balfour declaration to the front of the media, the current generation of lunatics doesn’t know what it was, and when they find out, there will be hell to pay.
[quote]alstan90 wrote:
Exactly thats your problem, you dont give two shits. BUT THE REST OF THE WORLD DOES. [/quote]
Which part of “the rest of the world” are you referring to?
The part who’s asses we’ve had to kick over the course of the last hundred years, or the part who’s asses we’ve saved from the aforementioned ass-kickees?
[quote]GeorgeMontyIV wrote:
We have a policy of no assasinations…If we did do that sooner or later people would be taking shots at our politicians so its a good policy.[/quote]
parter…now this is a sincere gesture, not being a smartass, but ask yourself if a person who beheads a twelve year old girl, hacks her head from her still kicking body, from the front, so that the spinal cord is cut last, so that she can feel herself dying, gasping for air, and downing on her own blood, really cares that our government has a no assassination policy.
[quote]PantyPeePunch wrote:
Blowing up ones self is IMHO a legitimate war tactic (WW2 Japanese pilots come to mind), but to prevent a terrorist from blowing up a Cafe or Mall packed with innocent folk the terrorist needs to understand that his or her family will be quietly wiped out after the fact.
If dying doesnt deter a terrorist from targeting innocent people then perhaps the efficient extermination of the terrorists family will lead to him or her giving up the explosives and taking a more political route to get what he or she wants… like filling out an application for MTVs next Real World.
You are insane. That is not going to work. It won’t work to deter them from wanting to terrorise. If anything it will make other people more likely to be a terrorist.
Don’t you get it - you can’t SCARE them out of being a terrorist.
You don’t understand how their thinking works.
THEY don’t understand YOU either - because they stupidly think that actos of terrorism will scare YOU into doing what they want. Despite infinite evidence otherwise. Their acts of terrorism just make others more violent back.
But really, that strategy you proposed just shows you have just as little understanding as the terrorists themselves. Your thinking is EXACTLY how they are thinking … “my cousin got killed by westerners, I am gonna blow some up”
If a terrorist really wanted to make a difference they should blow themselves up, and ONLY themselves, and film it. That act of self destruction, and at the same time showing concern for all other people ie not hurting anyone else, that would get people’s sympathy and I believe, action for their cause.
[quote]kristopherts wrote:
parter…now this is a sincere gesture, not being a smartass, but ask yourself if a person who beheads a twelve year old girl, hacks her head from her still kicking body, from the front, so that the spinal cord is cut last, so that she can feel herself dying, gasping for air, and downing on her own blood, really cares that our government has a no assassination policy.
I watched a video of one of the beheadings and let me tell you, that’ll completely changes the way someone views these “insurgents” (though Ms. Sheehan prefers to call them freedom fighters).
I can’t stand Savage, but this is a good site for getting all these photos and videos in one place.
And before anyone starts with “all muslims aren’t like that” and “this is only a small minorty” blah blah blah…I have yet to see one muslim cleric of any significant standing publicly denounce these monsters.
As much as it sickens me to quote Dubya, you are either with us or against us.
"But really, that strategy you proposed just shows you have just as little understanding as the terrorists themselves. Your thinking is EXACTLY how they are thinking … “my cousin got killed by westerners, I am gonna blow some up”
If a terrorist really wanted to make a difference they should blow themselves up, and ONLY themselves, and film it. That act of self destruction, and at the same time showing concern for all other people ie not hurting anyone else, that would get people’s sympathy and I believe, action for their cause."
So I have “little understanding of the terrorists” and your understanding of them leads you to wish for some fantasy terrorist who will blow himself up with a regard for innocent human life? What about a possible soulution?
A terrorists thinking is, “I’m going to destory as many infidels/Jews as possible while blowing myself up so I can go to heaven and rest easy in the satisfaction that I am thought of as a martyr and my family is revered in the community and collecting a weekly payment thanks to my good deed.” What do you propose we do? How do we defend ourselves when we offer no punishement to fit the crime?
I dont think any of the terrorists fear a quick and painless death that they themselves choose under their own terms. The key is getting them to understand that the moment they consider commiting the act they have also considered the innevitable, violent destruction of their friends and loved ones.
[quote]PantyPeePunch wrote:
I tried to make it clear that I was talking about individuals who would seek to kill large groups of innocent people (unlike Kamikaze pilots)to champion their cause. It’s one thing for a soldier to target a large group of soldiers (I don’t believe insurgents in Iraq should have families targeted), but a terrorist like one on one of the planes flown in the 9/11 tragedy might think twice if he new we would wipe out all those close to him.
My brother was a soldier in the IDF and has lost many friends in close combat trying to protect the innocent women and children of terrorists when it would have been easy for the IDF to simply missle a suspected terrorist safe house. [/quote]
Hey, PPP, I think you would qualify.
“kill large groups of innocent people to champion their cause”. Yup, you would qualify.
[quote]kristopherts wrote:
It (the plan to kill the terrist’s family) did seem to work on Kadhaffi, since blew his family into 70-virgin-land, we haven’t heard a peep out of him. In fact, every picture I’ve seen of him he’s looking around like the wicked witch of the west waiting for someone to drop one on him too.
I’m not a fan of killing innocents to punish the guilty, but since it has come down to their innocent people dying or ours, I’d just as soon it be theirs.[/quote]
Yeah, you managed to kill a 12 year old adopted daughter of something. What was she guilty of again?
This is a war between civilizations, and peace will only be found after one of us is destroyed. Not negotiated or reasoned with, destroyed.
When the Egyptian ferry went down, and Israel offered to send naval ships for search and rescue, they were told no, we would let our people die before they are saved by you.
Does anyone honestly think that these animals can ever assimilate into a peaceful culture? [/quote]
Doesn’t this mean at least one of the parties should try to keep it civilised. Because, if we didn’t, wouldn’t it be a war between uncivilisations?
Isn’t that what Israel has been doing, at least to some extent?
They did punish the family of the Suicide Bombers.
If they could trace them down, they took a bulldozer and levelled their house.
I don’t believe it helped. And I don’t know if they still do it.
Nontheless, the thread is absurd.
It’s a bit like the motto of a crazed friend of mine. When asked how he feels about religious extremist he would scream:
Sometimes I wonder if he really was serious…
First of all, England will not have a Muslim majority any time soon. Not sure where that fact came from, but according to the CIA profile, England is approzimately 2.7% Muslim, and has an immigration rate of 2.18 per 1000 citizens. Even assuming that EVERY migrant is Muslim (which would be ridiculous) it would take roughly 225 years for that prediction to come true. This is important because there is no western country at risk of impending destruction at the hands of muslims at this time. To think otherwise is to ignore all available evidence.
Second of all, Muslim resistance has been successfully put down. The Syrian government fought an internal resistance in the town of Hama, Syria in 1982. Essentially, the Syrian army stormed a resistant neighborhood, killed all suspected resistance members and anyone else who happened to be unlucky enough not to escape. They then bulldozed all of the buildings in the area without allowing anyone time to remove the bodies. The resistance was quashed. Thomas Friedman reported on this incident in detail in his book From Beirut to Jerusalem.
Finally, I agree that there are some Muslims with excessive resolve to harm America. However, it is a mistake to characterize all one billion Muslims as some kind of monolithic organization. There are fundamentalist muslims; and there are reformist muslims; and there is every point of the spectrum in between.
While I don’t care for muslims or their culture, we need to accept the reality that we cannot just wipe out one billion people. Nor will we be able to entirely wipe out Islam or Arabic/Aryan culture. We need to capitalize on ways to “bring the war home” to average muslims in areas that spawn terrorism. We also need to foment a shift from radical fundamentalism in Islam to the reformist stance.
There are some very simple variables to this equation that seem to be consistently left out.
For starters, we’re talking about a serious enemy (though a small minority of muslims this enemy may be, they are NOT “just a handful”) that believes SO STRONGLY in their cause that they would sacrifice their lives to make a point, and take a few of us with them. When you’re dealing with an enemy with NOTHING LEFT TO LOSE, you’re dealing with the most indomitable force in nature - the very spirit of mankind. Would you strap on a bomb to blow up one of their Mosques? …I didn’t think so. …and until you ARE willing to go there, we’re facing an enemy that is fighting on a whole different level, and is unbeatable with conventional means.
The only way we can defeat them is with compassion and non-violence. If they kill one of us, we must say, “are you really going to kill ALL of us? Us, who are doing you no harm? Us who only aim to help you?” If they kill a THOUSAND of us, we must continue to repeate these honest words until their hearts (their only weapon) break, and realize what foolishness this has all been.
…but since the only kind of fighting we seem to know how to do is with fire and anger, we are destined to lose.
The only way we can defeat them is with compassion and non-violence. If they kill one of us, we must say, “are you really going to kill ALL of us? Us, who are doing you no harm? Us who only aim to help you?” If they kill a THOUSAND of us, we must continue to repeate these honest words until their hearts (their only weapon) break, and realize what foolishness this has all been.
and we can all join hands and sing kum-by-yah, or however the hell you spell that
[quote]knewsom wrote:
…but since the only kind of fighting we seem to know how to do is with fire and anger, we are destined to lose.[/quote]
fire and anger is how fighting is done, watching your people murdered while trying to Dr. Phil them to death is called rolling over and taking it like a bitch.
I suppose you would offer this same line of peacenic dovehugging hippie talk to a man breaking in your house and going after your child?
and we can all join hands and sing kum-by-yah, or however the hell you spell that [/quote]
Well, while you’re typing poorly thought out retorts with no real substance, people ARE putting their lives at risk for what they believe in… so, if you beleive in your cause so strongly, strap a bomb to your chest and go to Iraq, and blow up a mosque.