How to Boost Testosterone and Libido?

Hello, everyone!

I’m 27 years old. I finished my cycle two-three years ago. (testosterone enanthate for 8 weeks and anabol for 3 first weeks).
I finnished PCT and everything was fine, untill the last year or year and a half.
My libido is low now, poor erection (able to have sex, however semi redgit erection occurs and low sex desire), and my workout weights dropped significantly, etc.
I ran some bloodwork.

The most recent results were from may 2018:
FSH - 3.78 (ref: 0.95-11.95)
LH - 2.03 (ref:1.14-8.75)
E2 - 56 pmol/L (ref:40-161)
Testosterone: 15.93

June 2018:
Testosterone - 17.09 nmol/L (490 ng/dl)
SHBG - 27.4

September 2018:
Testosterone dropped to 11.3 nmol\L
However, I had my blood tested at different lab than usually, so I repeat the bloodwork, where I usually go and update here info.

So I have a couple of questions.

  1. If I want to increase my T levels and stay fertile ( I want to have kids in future) should I take clomid \ nolva? And what would be the scheme?
  2. As I understand SERMs work as E2 antagonist, however in some tissues work as E2 agonist. Moreover my testosterone will be binded, therefore libido will be as well low. Therefore no benefits of higher testosterone.
  3. Should I take anastrazole along with clomid\nolva to get rid of e2 and therefore boost libido? I guess that makes no sense, since it will cross out SERMs effects.

Would be gratefull for any advice.

How are things in other areas? What’s you diet like? Alcohol consumption? Lifestyle?

You can’t just throw a bunch of numbers into a formula and say “here ya go…do this”. If it were that easy I’d be a millionaire because I could write an iPhone app for this and put all of the hormone specialists and forums like this one out of business! Lol

Best I could offer now (even though there are others here that could mine a lot more out of what you have provided) is that your E2 is a little high, and your total T is a little low, but I have a feeling that you already knew that! That’s what we love about ya…your attention to detail!! (Lmao…sorry had to throw that Ace Ventura quote in there. It’s kind of a mild case of keyboard Tourette’s Syndrome I have going on!)

E2 is actually a little low. Although the pg/mL range usually says <29.


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Good catch…I missed the units there!

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Diet is rich in calories 30% fats 40% carbs 30% protein, no alco, drugs or any specific medications.

I fully understand that there is no formula, therefore I mentioned mybloodwork results.
Maybe I should extend it and run some additional tests?


As you can see, I like to kid and joke around. Sometimes that does border on smartass but believe me man…, the last thing I want to do is offend someone or hurt anyone’s feelings…That said, there is a tiny bit of method to that madness and I’ll try to clarify that.

When someone comes to a forum like this asking questions, they usually approach it in one of several ways.

  1. They throw a 5000 word essay with so much information that you have to read it 50 times to absorb it all.
  2. They ask a very loaded question and give absolutely no information as to which to try and give an intelligent response.
  3. They don’t really ask a question, rather they demand some kind of explanation.
  4. They ask a very specific question and give a brief summary of the information that they believe could help in providing an answer but most of the time, more info is really needed.

Now keep in mind that it is impossible to “fill in the blanks” to any of these types of approaches from the point of view of the subjective reader because we simply do not know anything about you. To do so would require a deeper probing for information.

Believe it or not, that’s where the “method” part of my jokester ways comes into play. I gave you a very oversimplified answer, while at the same time probing for more information, while throwing in the added bonus of kidding around with you in a borderline smartass way. Crazy as it sounds, the joking is all in good fun, but this provides us with more details than most realize.

  1. It lessens your expectations that we are just going to have the “perfect” answer to cure all your ills.
  2. The joking around helps to lighten the mood and bring a little levity to a situation that obviously has you concerned enough that you would seek answers from a bunch of total strangers. (Who for the most part really do want to help you by the way).
  3. Your response to the joking helps give a tiny bit of insight into who you are, or at least what state you are in at this point in your life.

So what do I “gather” from all of this? Glad you asked lol. I think your approach is more of a number 4 as described above. You really are humbly seeking an answer to a very deep concern. You respect people’s time enough to not ask them to read a full life history, so you give what you think are the pertinent details. Your response tells me that you most likely either A, avoid conflict and are a little on the timid side or…B, you’re a little too passive and would rather avoid any side tracking and keep it straight on point. Since your approach seemed to be one of respect and humility, I would lean more toward A, but both A and B do suggest a little depression?

This is all subjective mind you, and I’m not a very smart man and by NO means qualified to diagnose symptoms, but I said ALL of this bullshit (not all of it but some of it for sure) to say this… I really am trying to help you, but since I’m not clairvoyant and I don’t know you, were going to have to just keep talking back and forth until I can figure out a way to do that, or at least drag enough pertinent information out of you that some of the other more brilliant people here are able to give you some better insight lol.

So… your response did provide some detail, and thank you for that.

Couple of further questions…

What does “rich in calories” mean? How many calories. What kind of carbs? Etc…

You stated you are 27 and have ran steroid cycles before…weight? Height? Fat%?

You do work out so I would expect those numbers to not be too far out of whack, especially if you avoid drugs and alcohol as you said. Have there been any tragic events happen recently? Anything in particular that you can trace this back to as a starting point, or did it just gradually start getting worse?

Your LH is a tad low as well, which I think could lead one to look more closely at pituitary. You will need more bloods to give the more medically savy guys a better idea about what’s going on hormonally.

Did you see a Dr about your blood work? If so, did he/she give you any diagnosis or advice?

Thanks for reading this all the way through and playing along. I hope this has at least been entertaining even if it didn’t help at all! Lmao

Good lord.

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I know right??!!!

Told you guys…keyboard Turret’s.

The struggle is REAL!!



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