Hello Everyone,
I am currently on TRT and have been for a couple of years now.
I have a couple of extra bottles of depo-testosterone (aka testosterone cypionate) and would like to use them to run a mini-cycle, however, as I have been on TRT for a while I don’t know what I should increase my dosage to in order to receive any benefits from it.
My current TRT dosages are as follows:
Depo-Testosterone (aka Testosterone Cypionate) - 1.1mL injected once a week (100mg/mL strength)
HCG - 0.4 mL injected 3 times per week
Arimidex - 1 half pill taken twice per week (pills are 1 mg in size)
Could you please recommend how I could increase the intake of these drugs for any size and strength gains and the dosages and frequency per week that I should take them at?
As always, your help is greatly appreciated.