How Much Test E to Improve Test Levels?

I am 45 not a body builder. Looking to get my t levels back up a lil. I have 250mg test e. Will one cc a week be good enough in your guys opinion?

Generally speaking we dont boost our test up. We replace it.

Okay, that’s what I’m trying to do. Is the 250mg enough to replace my t level and

It’s hard to tell without knowing what your current T levels are now. It’s certainly at the upper limit of what is typically seen in the TRT protocols.
250 mg a week will do a bit more than boost your T levels ‘back up a lil’.

There are a lot of questions needing answering here. Have you read through the forum stickies? Are you saying you are going to use 250mg a week for the rest of your life? Need blood work done in order to monitor. Why are your levels low?

Age I guess, I’m 45 and have noticed the way I feel and act drop in the last 6 years. In Louisiana it’s hard to get prescription test. You have to have damn near zero.

So, if I did half a cc that would be 125? I did t a while back. Probably 5 years ago. Made me feel good great even. My mood was better I had better self esteem. And was able to compete in cross fit. That’s why I know they are low. I have always been an energetic person. Now I’m just like ehh. But I want to be

Do this: find a place that allows you to order your own blood test (a few seconds on google should produce results)…order at a minimum, Thyroid function, Testosterone (free and total) and estrogen; once the results are in then you’ll ‘know’ what’s what. This will provide the added benefit of establishing a baseline for you to refer back to in the future.
While you’re waiting for the results spend some time reading KSMAN’s stickies here so you know what you’re about to get yourself into. This will become a lifetime commitment and I assume you want to be smart about this.
Once you have the blood tests back share them here and you’ll get more advice that will actually be directly helpful.

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It’s likely too much, most men only need 100mg weekly split up once, twice or more shots per week. More frequent smaller injections will got you to a higher Total T using less test and can keep hematocrit and RBC under control.

Thanks systemlord I appreciate the information

Here’s the link to the Stickies referenced above. Gotta do your homework and know what you are doing. SO MUCH more to TRT than just a little Test now and then.