Rent: 600
Utilities: 60
Internet: 40
Food + supps: ~450 ? (fiancee pays for this)
Entertainment: 50
Toiletries, meds, other: 50
Gas: 50 (her parents pay for fixing car, which has been a couple hundred bucks in the past couple years, thank god)
University: ~7000/yr x 2 (fiancee included)
Total: 29600/yr (me and fiancee)
Don’t have cable as I watch TV shows on the internet. Same with movies. I ride my bike to work and class. Gym membership and health insurance with university enrollment. Don’t drink alcohol, and rarely go to bars requiring cover. Don’t eat out but maybe once every other week.
I am sure we spend a bit more on stuff here and there, but we have everything we need as far as furniture, computers, decor, etc. We live a very simple lifestyle, but neither of us want more. We have a social life and have fun, but we just don’t go clubbing and shit, which saves a lot of money. She probably spends more money on clothes than listed, but not much at all, a couple hundred per year.
Right now I am using student loans for living expenses and tuition, and we both have jobs. Provided we graduate and have full time jobs making 40000/yr each, which with master’s degrees isn’t too unrealistic given a couple years, that’s 80000 (before taxes of course), but we’ll be spending 14000 less each year on school.
Probably more on rent in a bigger city and utilities of course, factor in a new car, should have health insurance through jobs, but still, I don’t know what we’re going to do with all the money we make. Maybe there’s something I’m missing, but outside of my student loans (she has none), we have no debt. It all comes down to lifestyle I guess. We’re just happier with less “stuff.”