[quote]Lonnie123 wrote:
[quote]Professor X wrote:
[quote]bdybuilderchuck wrote:
[quote]Lonnie123 wrote:
[quote]bdybuilderchuck wrote:
Thanks for all the Input guys. It is humbeling something feels so wrong about seeing the scale decrease and decrease. I am not losing strength, in fact I am gaining so I dont believe I am losing muscle. Measurements are going down, IE arms went from 17’s to 16.5 when i dropped from 210 to like 193. Feeling smaller in street clothes really feels awful and clothes that used to be more “snug” now are looseer its not a fun feeling lol.[/quote]
Nope, it blows. When you start approaching levels of leanness you havent been to before it gets even worse, because you want nothing more than to start gaining weight again and get bigger, but you have to push forward and get even smaller… Its worth it though.[/quote]
I suppose it is worth it lol. I keep telling myself fat weight isnt something I want to be carrying aroudn anyway. The leaner one is when they start bulking the more proporional their gains will be of muscle as opposed to fat.[/quote]
This is just not true. Why would your body gain more muscle over body fat simply because you started gaining at “8%” rather than 12%? That makes no biological sense unless speaking about extremes.[/quote]
True, but getting down to 8% (if one can do it with minimal muscle loss) instead of 12% gives you a little buffer on the way up.
Now granted, I’m really talking about more experienced lifters as new lifters really should be worried about 5 pounds either way… But when you are nearing your genetic ceiling every little edge helps.
Also, and this is at least talked about by more advanced coaches, there is supposedly a shift in insulin sensitivity when one gets leaner that one does not have at higher BF levels… I cant tell you where the difference lies obviously, but if its true it makes sense to get lean before bulking up again FOR ADVANCED LIFTERS who need every edge they can get to push the limit of their genetics.[/quote]
I also believe it has something to do with insulin sensitivity in addition to the more fat mass you carry the more estrogen levels will be raised which will promote more fat stroage. (I apologize if my physiology behind this is incorrect)