E2 recently tested at 12.7 and I haven’t been interested in sex at all. Girlfriend is freaking out thinking it’s her, but I’m not interested in anyone. Even looked at some porn and got bored and did something else instead lol.
Is it a death sentence to your libido as well guys?
Yes, Low e2 absolutely crushes your libido.
Higher e2 its just harder to get up, libido slightly hindered. Low E2, its gone. Dick don’t work.
Believe it or not estrogen balance is needed for erectile strength and libido, I expect AI’s to be a problem for you and you need to inject more frequently or this may not be the last time you knock estrogen low.
You may even feel emotionally blunted from low estrogen, I get racing thoughts when estrogen was 12 pg/mL. Low estrogen is death sentence for erectile strength and libido, unless you get estrogen to a healthy level.
It’s doesn’t sound like your GF is understanding.
No, it is not. What are you currently taking?
I think he just meant “Is low e2 a death sentence for your libido, while its low” . Don’t think he meant long term.
Yep. My e2 was <5 at one point and sex was the last thing on my mind. After 2 weeks of no AI it started coming back
If your running 200 mg a week or lower some would say dont mess with ai blockers not necessary until higher dosages
Learning this the hard way. Can’t wait for my body to sort itself back out and feel even better
The more time that passes the more obvious it is that AIs are being wildly over prescribed and thus overused. I dropped my AI midway through a blast and haven’t used any since. I notice zero difference in mood, libido, or anything else.
I think this is true. Many of the low T, Men’s Clinics, etc. use a standard protocol, cookie cutter approach, for everyone, which includes testosterone, hCG, anastrozole and DHEA.
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Agreed…I looked at a few in the area here after my girlfriend asked me to verify my protocol with a second opinion. I’ve had some shit doctors in the past, so I agreed to at least look.
Everything the other clinics’ sites list seems archaic. IM injections with 23g needles, once a week, an AI (or a medication to control estrogen as they say), and worst of all…one said their blood test consists only of TT and PSA. If that doesn’t scream TRT mill I don’t know what does.
“Your TT is 600”
“What’s that mean?”
“Should be 650 for a guy your age”
“Oh no!”
“Here line up for your 200mg SHOT and take this ANTI ESTROGEN PILL”
“What’s the pill for?”
“Do you want estrogen? That’s for WOMEN”
“Oh no!”
“Do you want kids?”
“Uhh maybe”
“Get this SHOT too or you can’t have any!”
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What is your Cruise Vs blast dose? if you don’t mind me asking sir.
Blasted once not terribly long ago with 420mg test. Trt was 200mg but have since dropped that down to 140mg due to hct issues.
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