How Many Grapplers Do We Have?

whats the difference between grappling and wrestling. i use to wrestle d1 (i was so-so) and im graduated now so i need somethin to do

[quote]spoonce wrote:
whats the difference between grappling and wrestling. i use to wrestle d1 (i was so-so) and im graduated now so i need somethin to do[/quote]

Generally when people talk about wrestling, it’s a game based on points for takedowns, reversals, ect…and you can stop a match by pining the opponent regardless of what hsa happened in the match so far, you know this already.

Grappling involves wrestling and you are awarded points on takedowns, sweeps, and attaining dominant positions…or you can end a match outright by making an opponent submit by bending his joints in directions he won’t appreciate, or by making him aware of his need for oxygen in order to maintain consciousness.

[quote]listerfan wrote:
Grappling involves wrestling and you are awarded points on takedowns, sweeps, and attaining dominant positions…or you can end a match outright by making an opponent submit by bending his joints in directions he won’t appreciate, or by making him aware of his need for oxygen in order to maintain consciousness.[/quote]

lol, well put.

BJJ purple belt.
Been training for a long time now, but very inconsistently. I hate thinking about where I would be had I been consistent in my training efforts, but life gets in the way sometimes!