For real. Idk where this notion started that you have to be miserable to eat healthy. I enjoy the hell out of everything I make.
Me too!
Knowing how to cook gives you complete control over the ingredients you use and the results you get from them.
Its a huge life skill that pays endless dividends.
Now thats a chicken breast!
For sure, even if you just restrict yourself to “chicken, rice and veg”, do you know how many different meals you can make with chicken, rice and veg?
Chicken Stirfry = infinity. Thats just 1!
Make a rissotto, another 2 million possibilities. Paella, another few more. Asian cuisine? Another few million. Mexican? African? The possibilities are nearly endless.
Mmm… chanterelle risotto.
Thanks for all the replies.
A common theme I see is the importance of being able to cook good meals.
I can cook some decent, basic meals from various proteins, can cook eggs several different ways quite successfully and a few other things. The bigger issue here is that my budget really allows me to buy any kind of meat quite rarely, a few times a month perhaps. And by meat, I mean actual meat, not the cheap ultra-processed stuff.
Eggs are dirt cheap. Milk is dirt cheap. Oats and various other grains and rice are dirt cheap. Frozen veggies, frozen berries, some kind of fruit are dirt cheap. Ground beef can be really cheap, but often I prefer milk instead, because it has less fat and more carbs, with just as much protein basically. But I can afford it, if I can fit it in my macros.
And therefore, I will have to figure out how to make tasty meals from the above mentioned stuff, 90% of the time.
Not a lot of choice there and it gets dull FAST. but at least I don’t get bored of well-cooked eggs very quickly.
I’m very confused how you can’t afford meat but can afford to order in butter chicken?
But order out butter chicken 2x/day.
Cut the shit my man. We’re trying to help you.
If I had 2x the budget for food thay I have currently, I would be making those recipes thay you guys mentioned, almost every day.
Dude, I am trying to save up money for actually important stuff - plus there have been times that my food ordering have put me in debt.
Not bullshitting anyone. I have some spare money still, as of now. I don’t want to waste it all on butter chicken.
My realistic budget is very low.
To the shitlist with you my man!
Good luck!
Grade A asshole.
I am partially supporting both my parents financially because they have trouble working due to health.
I told you that I have spare income, but it’s not a lot, and my planned budget for food is low. I was supposed to stick with it, but i’m wasting it on food.
I should not be ordering shit. I should not be cooking recipes with chicken and mexican food and whatnot, every day. I can sometimes, but not as often as I would like.
Just because an alcoholic buys vodka every day, doesn’t mean he has a lot of money. Many times it’s borrowed, and many times they have dug themselves into a deep hole already.
Your priorities confuse the crap out of me. You can’t afford to eat meat because you want to save for more important things (totally valid, by the way). But at the same time, you can afford a gym membership and several takeouts a day? I think my last bit of advice to you is to figure out what your priorities are for this point in your life, because you seem to be confused, trying to chase too many rabbits and catching none of them.
My gym costs 20€ a month, european equivalent of planet fitness (except we have better equipment.)
I am wasting money that I should be saving up, yes. Of course I shouldn’t be ordering 2 takeouts a day. I am planning to move abroad next year, I finally want to get my drivers licence, and I want to be able to pay for my mom’s doctor visits that she can’t currently afford.
My addiction to ordering shit food doesn’t care about all this, and that’s why i’m trying so hard to stop.
Trying to explain this to people here, but i’m being put on shitlists.
No one came to you asking for anything.
If I needed to know how to bench 130 lbs, id ask my 12 year old self how he did it.
And don’t try to analogize your silly impulsive eating habits to a guy that used to smoke crack and shoot dope, but now has 22 years sober.
I appreciate that context, and stand by the advice to reevaluate your priorities. It feels to me like you have all the good intentions in the world, but a lack of focus on priorities is stopping you making progress. I wish you luck
Thanks. That was all that I was trying to explain. Slowly burning my savings on butter chicken is not what I would call “being able to fit it in my budget, so why do I whine about not being able to buy meat.” My budget is small, and I need to leave my savings the fuck alone.
Yeah, focus is something I need for sure, I agree. I should’ve cut this crap a long time ago.
That only took 15 hours.
And you go on my list of mf-s who are thicker than a bowl of oatmeal left on the counter for 10 hours, to avoid talking to. I’ve spent several paragraphs trying to make it clear that even though I can still (maybe for a couple more weeks, then I will be in debt) afford to piss away money on takeout 2x a day, and then i’m fucked. For all the money that i’ve wasted, I should be fasting every other day. Instead, I want to buy cheap, simple food and start doing that as soon as possible.
Try to grasp the difference of specific budget vs total funds. I still have the funds, but not for long, and the food budget that I should stick to fucking immediately, is tiny. I can still cook recipes with meat, but I shouldn’t do it often, is all I was trying to say.
I didn’t disagree with you. I didn’t say “fuck your advice.” I wasn’t trying to make excuses. I simply stated the facts, I said multiple times that I shouldn’t be buying takout or expensive ingredients all the time, but it’s like banging my head against a wall.
Thankfully I got some really good advice from others here, and i’m starting to implement this right away.
Have a nice day and congratulations for overcoming a long addiction. My dad was an alcoholic, so i’ve seen a person in the grips of a substance addiction up-close. You can’t really shock me with too much.