How I Learned to Stop Worrying & Love the Barbell

lower strength day
AM BW: 191.4

back squat 3x5@120kg
barbell hip thrust 3x10@122kg
3 sets of Russian leg curls

The squats were roughly my 5RM and went pretty well. Hip thrusts good other than last few reps of last set might not have gotten as much hip extension. Russian leg curls, while still assisted, are starting to get a lot better. In other news, today (the day after my 2nd hang snatch lesson) my shoulder is much less aggravated compared to Saturday (the day after my first hang snatch lesson).

bench day
AM BW: 191.6

Benched paused reps up to 1@195 just to stay used to handling singles and pausing reps for my meet. Unfortunately my shoulder didn’t feel great after this when I tried inverted rows either because my shoulder never likes rowing when it’s irritated or because of the benching. The rest of the day was mostly corrective kinds of exercises.

oly day
AM BW: 193.0

hang snatch 44kg for many singles
c+j 74kg for 8 singles
core work

Still baby weight (though I missed a few jerks), working up slowly.

lower body strength day
AM BW: 193.2

deadlift 2@150, 155, 160kg
front squat 5@90, 95, 101kg
3x15 KB swing 32kg

Next time I’ll do the front squats 3x5 all at 101+ kg. I also wish we had a kettlebell larger than 32 kg… maybe I’ll jerry-rig something. Legs were ok today, I did too many top-weight clean and jerks yesterday-- I think 5 would have been plenty.

upper body nonsense
AM BW: 193.0

light OHP (3x5@35kg)
3x12 inverted row
3x10 seated row 120#
3 sets curl/pushups
kettlebell overhead shrugs
farmer walks w/ 32kg kettlebells
3 sets left/right pallof

Trying to gently introduce OHP, I’ll up the weight a bit gradually after my meet. Shoulder felt good on rows, so I took advantage. Overhead shrugs and farmer’s walks were to work on some postural problems. In the past I had done loaded carries (usually suitcase carries) holding my shoulder in its natural position (which is very depressed), so this time I put my shoulders in a more desirable “neutral” position. The difference was huge-- it was actually hard on the traps instead of just grip (and lateral core since I usually do unilateral carries).

oly day
AM BW: 191.8

hang snatch
4 sets abs

Took a surprisingly long time. Cleans started feeling a bit better by the end, and I may start snatching from the floor next week. We shall see.

last easy lower body strength day before meet
AM BW: 194.2

back squat 1@110kg paused
3x10 barbell HT 123kg, 10L/R 1 leg HT
3 sets russian leg curl
32kg farmers walks

Apparently I forgot to log this before my time off between the start of break and my meet. Normally I would have wanted to keep lifting every day up to the meet as normal except make everything easy, but because I was on break from school and didn’t have free gym access, I just didn’t lift between tuesday and the saturday meet. Apparently that was a good idea (see below).

UPA IL championships PL meet
weighed in the day before at 198.0

It was my first meet, so of course I didn’t have a damn clue what I was doing. It all ended up going pretty smoothly for me, although there were some issues with events being switched around (but not announced audibly in the warmup room) at the last minute and some technical difficulties which delayed the start of my deadlift flight. It seemed organized enough apart from that, and everything worked out fine in the end, so thank you to the organizers!

I had to pick my openers by weigh-in the afternoon/evening before. I decided to open with 130kg/286.6# for the squat which was probably my most aggressive opener (my last squat day ~2 weeks before was 3x5@120kg/265#). The great thing about this meet, though, was that the squats didn’t need to be paused as long as they hit depth. I had done a decent amount of paused squatting in training, but not having to obviously helps put up more weight. I warm up pretty quickly in the gym, so going into my first lift I had warmed up much earlier than I was used to and with much more standing around. Previous experience indicated that doing so was bad-- when I had half warmed up in the gym, taken a break (i.e. to show beginners how to deadlift and the like), and then finished my warmup/worksets, the results weren’t pretty. For whatever reason, though, it was fine at the meet. 286 felt like 225. Since my PR was 300, I made a conservative jump to 135kg/297.6#. This was also easy, and the announcer commented on my excessive depth (again). The same announcer (who, by the way, picked probably half my 2nd and 3rd attempts that day) suggested I should make a bit bigger of a jump, so my 3rd attempt was 145kg/319.7#. On this one I finally felt some slight T spine rounding (which I have on heavy squats), but it still wasn’t bad.

On to bench. I warmed up to 185#. I wasn’t sure where bench was going, because prior to this I had gotten 190 for 5 but failed 205 for a touch and go single. Then the week leading up to the meet, I wanted to hit a moderate paused single to be ready for the meet, and ended up getting 195 fairly easily (5 lbs off my touch and go PR). My opener was 87.5kg/192.9# which was pretty easy. Still going somewhat conservatively, I took 92.5kg/203.9# as a second attempt which was still not hard. By this point I was picking up on the fact that I was having a very good powerlifting day, so my 3rd attempt was 100kg/220.5# which still wasn’t bad.

For deadlifts, because of the technical problems I warmed up half way (to ~225 lbs) too early. Once things got started again, I hit 315 as my last warmup before my opener of 155kg/341.7#. This was about the weight I’d typically hit before moving on to heavy singles, and at the meet it was easy. I decided to jump all the way to 172.5kg/380.3# for a second attempt. I second-guessed myself a bit while waiting for it, because only a few weeks prior I hit 380# for a very ugly single (after failing it the first time) and I had been stalled at 375 or lower for months. My second attempt turned out not to be much of a struggle, though, so I jumped to 177.5kg/391.3# for my final attempt. I finally had some minor form breakdown at that weight, but definitely a hell of a lot less than the 380# a few weeks prior. I think it’s pretty safe to say I could have hit at least 182.5kg and probably 185kg/407.9#, but I wanted to go 9 for 9 and I obviously wasn’t anywhere near competitive at the meet (being in the first flight out of 3, sorted by ascending opening weight).

All in all, it was a good learning experience and putting a total of 51.5 pounds of PRs on my lifts made it that much more enjoyable. Thanks again to all the organizers, spotters, loaders, etc.

Edit: deadlift opener was 2.5kg off of what I originally thought it was.

easy oly day
AM BW: 194.2

I told myself that I wouldn’t let myself go above 40kg in the snatch or 70kg in the c+j to keep things easy after my meet Saturday, so that’s what I did. I did, however, do about a million reps at 40kg for the snatch and it was also my first day doing snatches from the floor. After that, I tried some clean pulls from blocks with 70kg and finished with some ab work.

easy back squat
AM BW: 195.2

squat up to 1@110kg with long pause
4x15 barbell HT 100kg
4 sets russian leg curl
4 sets ab hell

Bar felt kind of heavy on my back unracking 110 presumably from the meet (in fact it probably felt heavier on my back today than most or all of my squat attempts that day), so scheduling an easy day was wise. Today (10/16), though, I am going back to normal intensity. Got better glute recruitment on HT after keeping feet wider apart. I would like to be able to do one unassisted russian leg curl by the time I graduate… right now they’re definitely a lot better than they used to be, but I feel like I’m a long way away from being able to pull back from full leg extension without upper body help.

upper body
AM BW: 195.2

OHP 3x5@40kg
3x5 L/R 1 arm row 95#
3x8ish close grip bench 135#
some sn grip overhead shrugs w/ bar
12, 12, 10 inverted rows
farmer’s walk 3x3 lengths 2x32kg

Glutes actually sore from higher rep HT yesterday. Right elbow doesn’t really like close grip bench and dumbbell bench feels too awkward, so I’ll have to figure something out there.

oly day
AM BW: 195.2

snatch 5x1@50kg
c+j 5x1@77kg
hang and high hang snatch during snatch warmup
3x5 clean pull from blocks 90kg
30, 30, 20 second weight belt plank 36kg

Snatches felt decent. I can pretty easily get 50kg overhead, but it took a few tries to learn how to catch it. The high hang snatches really seem to help the final part of my pull.

deadlift day
AM BW: 193.0

DL 5x1@125kg (deload)
snatch pull 3x3@90kg
fr sq 5@100, 3@105, 110, 1@115, 3x1@120
15, 15, 20 KB swing 32kg

Deadlifts easy, snatch pulls fine but harder w/ 90kg since I actually have to go somewhat fast from the start. Front squats were decent, first time I’ve gone to singles. I heard a 1RM front squat should be 85% of a 1RM back squat, so mine would be right about dead on (120kg vs 145kg, ~83%). Now I just need the “clean and jerk 85% of your 1RM front squat” rule to apply…

Wish we had heavier kettlebells.

bench day
10/19/13 (actually logging the day of for once)
AM BW: 194.2

bench 5@165, 175, 175# (all reps paused)
3 curl/pushup supersets
3x8 seated row 140#
3,3,2 lengths farmer’s walk 2x75#
3x12 L/R pallof press, PT, SMR

I’m thinking I may start doing more paused bench reps in training, especially when benching for lower reps. The only thing that would stop me is if doing so would make me more injury prone. I’ve never paused for sets of 5, so the first set of 175 was surprisingly hard but then the second was already considerably better. Grip could have felt stronger on farmer’s walks, it being only 75# per hand…

monday- oly day
AM BW: 193.2

snatch 5x1@54kg
c+j 5x1@80kg plus some misses
3x3 clean pulls from blocks 100kg
3x30 sec weight belt planks 36kg

Went too heavy on c+j. Snatches still easy.

Tuesday, back squat

squat 3x5@125kg
3x1 5 breath paused squat 90kg
3 sets russian leg curl

New 5RM squat for 3 sets, I’ll take it. Probably could have gone heavier on paused squats-- I’ll look up what I used to do these at.

Wednesday, OHP day
AM BW: scale ran out of battery

3x5 OHP 41kg (ha)
3x8 1 arm row 90#
3x overhead shrugs w/ bar
3x inverted row (10ish each set)
3,3,4 lengths farmer walk 75# DBs
3x~12 pallof, PT, SMR

Obviously there isn’t much talk or concern in the lifting world about what your OHP to 1 arm row ratio should be, but I’m pretty sure if I can row more with one arm (fairly strictly, too, not kroc row-esque) than I can overhead press with both arms something is wrong. In fact my OHP is currently worse than it was in the first few weeks I started lifting. The good news is I found a way to help my overhead position a bit (unfortunately not until after lifting)-- SMR on the triceps with a barbell in a rack and on the lats with a foam roller.

Thursday, oly day

Snatch 5x1@55kg
2x3 overhead squat 40kg
c+j 2x1@80kg
4 or 5 sets abs

Poor self-coaching today, legs weren’t feeling great but tried 80kg again anyway and missed 2 or 3 attempts at it.

Friday, deadlift day

3@135kg, 145kg, 152kg, 160kg
3x10 goblet squat 50, 60, 70#
3x2 lengths front squat walk 70kg

Felt better today. Previous DL 3 rep PR was 335#, or ~152kg.

Saturday, bench day

5@175, 175, 180 (all reps paused)
3x10 seated row 140#
3 curl/pushup supersets
3, 2, 1 lengths farm walk 75#

All good except I didn’t notice I had already done farmer’s walks this week.