How Does This Routine Look?

Been lifting for 6 months so far. Looking to change up my routine. I have been doing a 3 day split. Well heres a new one im considering, 3 day push pull, just wanted some input. Eventually im gonna move up to 4-5 days a week. My goal is quite simple, get bigger and stronger. I have already gained 45lbs but im still skinny. Looking for feedback on exercise amount, order, selection, etc.

Push: Pull:
-Squat Deadlift
-Bench Press Barbell Bent Over Rows
-Barbell Shoulder Press Chin ups (supinated grip)
-Dumbbell Lateral Raises Barbell Upright Rows
-Incline Dumbbell Bench Press Barbell Curls
-Cable Flyes Cable Curls
-Triceps Extension cable (rope)

Damn it, got messed up when I posted. Heres one you can actually understand

Been lifting for 6 months so far. Looking to change up my routine. I have been doing a 3 day split. Well heres a new one im considering, 3 day push pull, just wanted some input. Eventually im gonna move up to 4-5 days a week. My goal is quite simple, get bigger and stronger. I have already gained 45lbs but im still skinny. Looking for feedback on exercise amount, order, selection, etc.

Bench Press
Barbell Shoulder Press
Dumbbell Lateral Raises
Incline Dumbbell Bench
Cable Flyes
Triceps Extensions cable (rope)

Barbell Bent Over Rows
Supinated grip Chin Ups
Barbell Upright Rows
Barbell Curls
Cable Curls

push pull rest?

can you repeat this on the fourth day?

are you rotating movements?


what method of progression are you using?

Just a few notes here…

flys are redundant. so are dips. so are triceps extensions. so are lat raises. so are the 2 curl choices (pick one or the other). rows OR chin ups. NO UPRIGHT ROWS. plenty of articles you can read that tell you how shitty upright rows are.

You’re new to lifting. Stick to basic lifts. You’ve got waaaay too many exercises here for any of them to be real effective. I would say out of the flys, extensions, and lat raises, just pick one of those for each push workout. On the pull, pick one type of curl, and either rows OR chin ups. One of the biggest mistakes new lifters make is trying to do every exercise they’ve seen, and over-doing arms.

For a good compromise between strength and size, since you want both, would be something along a 5x5 program (5 sets 5 reps of each).

One last thing, push pull doesn’t make a lot of sense on a 3 day split. It makes more sense on a 4 day split, right? Unless you’re doing push/pull/push one week, then pull/push/pull the next.

Anyway, best of luck sir.

Okay it goes

week 1
Monday- Push Tuesday-rest Wednesday-pull Thursday- rest Friday-push

Week 2
Monday- pull Tuesday-rest Wednesday-pull Thursday- rest Friday-push

Repeat for 8 weeks

I know this is wrong but I have been progressing by feel in the past, just upping the weight when I can go more. This usually equates to upping the weight every other week on my big lifts, not as often on things such as chin ups. Also I am doing 3 sets of 10-8-6 for each lift. My diet is tons of food, high in protein and carbs, but staying away from crap foods like preservatives and what not. I eat a ton of food and have a high calorie shake in the morning and at night. Also snack every couple of hours throughout the day. Not sure what you mean by rotating movements?

Thanks flipcollar for the suggestions. I knew those exercises were redundant but I wanted to have a good amount of volume. The thing is I started doing just the compound lifts and moved up to 3 days a week with a couple more exercises each day than this. My biggest question is, because I was doing a lot of exercises last cycle and it seemed to be going quite well, will dropping volume make me lose mass?

dude, I just realized who you are. you’re the guy asking about overtraining right? you’re so anal about this stuff man. I don’t think you’ve truly processed this concept: work hard, and good things will come. you don’t need to ask all these questions, just lift heavy stuff, and do it as often as you can. It really. is. that. simple. you’re not gonna over train. and you’re not gonna do a ‘wrong’ program.

the volume thing can be increased by doing more sets and reps, if that’s a concern. doesn’t have to be different exercises.

Okay yeah that would make sense. The reason I was doing different exercises rather than just more sets was cause in the back of my mind I was thinking another exercise would stress the muscle a different way and be more beneficial. Correct me if im wrong though I’m obviously still new to most of this.

haha yeah flipcollar, im that guy. I overanalyze things in almost an OCD manner, I hate it but I can’t help it. Sorry about all the questions too, but it is a learning process for me. I just put a lot of effort into lifting and want to make sure I get the most out of it that I possibly can.

[quote]bulkNcut wrote:
I was thinking another exercise would stress the muscle a different way and be more beneficial.[/quote]

Sometimes. Usually if the muscle has multiple heads that can’t all be targeted sufficiently with a single exercise. For example, lots of pressing moves get the long head of the triceps involved, but don’t do always give a good feel for the lateral head, so it might make sense to include another exercise like Cordova extensions in your pressing workouts so that all of the triceps gets some love. Triceps, delts, and maybe quads are muscle groups that might require multiple exercises in this way. Others not so much, though I guess you can do things like separate upper and lower chest if you like.

It’s not always more is better as far as exercise selection is concerned- there are plenty of cases where adding volume to a single exercise is enough. I think it’s fair game to hit the same muscle twice if your using an overload move and a full range move (for example, top half bench press from pins and regular bench press), but otherwise I just don’t think it’s very useful.

Thanks for the great replies guys. I am going to work on revising this routine and will post soon about the changes I make. It would be great to continue getting feedback on the subject from you guys. Haha also anyone else who has any comments feel free to say something.

[quote]bulkNcut wrote:
My goal is quite simple, get bigger and stronger. I have already gained 45lbs but im still skinny.[/quote]
Very cool progress so far, man. Keep it up.

Bench Press
Barbell Shoulder Press
Dumbbell Lateral Raises
Incline Dumbbell Bench
Cable Flyes
Triceps Extensions cable (rope)

Barbell Bent Over Rows
Supinated grip Chin Ups
Barbell Upright Rows
Barbell Curls
Cable Curls [/quote]
You seem to ignore leg training… which means you need to focus on leg training, among other things.

I’d look into a basic upper/lower split instead of push/pull. That’ll give your legs the attention they’ve been lacking the last few months, and it’ll force you to focus on a handful of basic lifts.

At your current size, you do not need to train biceps more intensely than you train legs, but that’s exactly what you’ve been doing for at least the last few months (based on your recent program).

Something like:

Workout 1
A) Squat 5x4-6
B) Romanian deadlift 3x8-10
C) Dumbbell lunge 3x8-10
D1) Standing calf raise 2x10-12
D2) Random ab exercise 2x10-12

Workout 2
A) Hang clean and press 4x2-4
B) Reverse-grip pulldown 4x6-10
C) Low incline dumbbell press 4x8-10
D) Bent dumbbell flye 3x10-12

Workout 3
A) Deadlift 5x3-5
B) Leg press 3x8-10
C) Leg curl 3x10-12
D) Seated calf raise 2x10-12

Workout 4
A) Incline bench press 4x5-8
B) Cable row 4x8-12
C) Standing dumbbell shoulder press 3x8-10
D1) Random biceps exercise 3x6-10
D2) Random triceps exercise 3x8-10

Thanks for the response, yeah i have been kinda ignoring legs which needs to stop. I hate leg workouts, even the squats and deadlifts. What makes it especially worse is that my legs are a genetic weakness, my dad was a powerlifter and had skinny legs compared to the rest of his body, so did my grandfatether (although not a powerlifter). So its kinda hard to get them to grow and can be frustrating. But youre only as strong as the weakest part of your body, haha thanks for calling me on it though.