How do I get RIPPED?

OK, first I will say that i am not fat or anything. I have a good build and a good looking body, but i want to look ripped. Is it vital for me to keep away from Carbohydrates to achieve this goal?

Attempt to control carbs and overall caloric intake first. You’ll just have to start experimenting, keeping a log etc… and see how your body responds. Low carb diets and moderate carb diets like the T-Dawg work for most people, but not all. I still think overall caloric intake is the key.

Thanks for the support TEK.
By that you mean low carbs and calories but high in protein? I do keep a daily log of every food i eat with the Diet Watch program.
This is what i get every day (i weigh 174 pounds):

3200 calories

585 grams of Carbohydrates

165 grams of Protein.

Too many Carbs isnt it? It mostly comes from Cereal, pasta and sweet potatoes (cant live without them). I also eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. Maybe i can cut out the sweet potatoes and pasta and replace them with my protein powder mixed with milk or something like that. Because i already get a lot of canned salmon and roasted chicken in my diet.

I’ve also heard that i should particulary stay away from carbs at night. Maybe i can take a serving of the protein powder before sleep?

Well, everything I say is pretty general since everyone is different, but yes, I’d come down to 2700 calories to start with and eat at least 200 grams of protein a day. Yes, lower the carbs. Get some veggies and don’t worry too much about the carbs in MRPs if you use them, but ditch the pasta, cereal, bread and other high GI carbs. I do better on low to moderate carbs myself, so I limit my carbs to oatmeal, veggies, and MRPs. The rest is protein and good fats. Read the two T-Dawg diet articles to get started. Maybe ease into it by keeping the carbs under control at about 100 a day. You’ll need to customize that based on your results of course.

I recently finished the T-Dawg diet and I had great success. I started at 200 lbs. and after the eight weeks am at 180 lbs. I didn’t lose much strength and now I sport a six-pack for the first time in my life and got the ripped look I wanted. If you really want to get ripped and have good dicipline, try the T-Dawg diet.

Where is this T-Dawg diet? Is it in the previous issues? If so which one?

Slaine, issue 83 and 86. Paper issue 2 as well.