Anyone here a Christian? I’m a teenage male. How do you deal with “repeated sin”.
Never heard the term - just like repeating the same sin over and over?
Lame troll
I go on the internet in order to destroy other posters’ arguments and make myself feel better about not having friends.
If this is about beating off you have to keep that shit to yourself.
My religious education taught me that the Christian God has an infinite capacity for forgiveness. Repeated sin should be a non-issue.
Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is an unforgivable sin.
But besides that, which I doubt is the repeated sin (though, that would be pretty comical if he just couldn’t stop committing an unforgivable sin), you’re probably not sorry enough about whatever you’re doing to actually stop doing it.
Based on this guys mad girl skillz id put him at 3x/day sinning minimum.
Switch religions frequently.
Man, if I can sin so hard God himself doesn’t have the power to forgive it, who is the REAL omnipotent one?
I’ve never understood this. If I pray to God about getting a bike, I won’t have any. But if I steal one and ask for forgiveness it’s okay?
God helps those who help themselves.
I can only think of one sin I repeated as a teenager. Over and over and over. Things got really bad when I didn’t have a sock nearby.
I can only hope God has mercy on me.
I may be a Catholic. Cut off the offending body part and enter heaven or go to hell whole. That’s all you can do.
But in the land of the blind the man with one eye is king.
Think of the advantages…
Wait, you’re that kid who tries to score chicks with conversations about Dragonball Z. You’re already going to hell.
Christian in the title draws out athiests like moths to a flame.
Where are they?
High volume doesn’t work for natties.
No. Forgiveness doesn’t mean zero consequences. Like God will forgive OP’s mother for giving birth to him but she still has to live with him until he’s 40.
Wait, does that mean Paul Carter is God?