How Did TRT Affect Your Personality?


One of the most mentioned positive effects are related to sense of well-being, normalized energy levels, libido, strength, focus, determination, and so on.

For the most and the least experienced users : how would you describe the changes TRT has made to your personality ?
Did you feel any changes to your personality ? For the better? For the worse? What impact, if any, did it bring to your relationship and/or marriage in some way? Family, friends, job, etc.

Not overthinking, just trying to understand the process the best that I can.


Improved confidence. Some of that is probably from the Test, and some from the changes to my body from the Test (I look a hell of a lot better than when I started). Body fat has been easier to lose, muscle easier to build and maintain. Strength is up.

I didn’t get much difference in energy, well being, or focus (maybe a tad).

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Thanks mnben87 for the comments. So I suppose no other impacts were felt at relationship level.

Ok guys, let´s bring your input too !

Personality, I didn’t change in a way that was perceptible to me or my wife. The wife did notice a bit of increase in my libido.

My personality changed dramatically, my confidence was low pre-TRT and is very high after only 6 weeks later.

I would catch family members making positive comments as I round the corner. I am calmer and able to perform tasks with greater speed and am more productive.

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Libido is important. I´d say more than having a great (or super) Libido, it is important to be at the same level as our wife (assuming she has a normal Libido).
In this regard i´m more concerned about going over her expectations and needs and create some lack of balance.
Also of concern in that regard, that during TRT or If I ever come off my libido eventually gets worse.

Currently Libido is a solid “OK” (sometimes good, but not teen level. And rarely bad, but i´ve been there)
My Total T and T levels are on the low side of the range (210 to 300 total and 8 to 19 Free). I have this covered in my T log topic.

I am generally a calm person. I have my energy spikes which I know are followed by a crash.

That is interesting. But despite your confidence increased, you still feel like being yourself? Do others recognize a deviation in your personality or find you taking decisions or seeking situations you wouldn´t ?

TRT is not a personality swap. If you’re a jackass you will remain a jackass. Humility becomes part of the mantra if you notice that arrogance is getting in your way. Confidence comes from the positive changes that people notice and are conveyed to you, and from the fact that you’re a better version of you. TRT has been all of these things for me. Ive had more pussy handed to me than when I was younger and low T. But dont believe your own shit. You still have to hit the weights, eat right and fuck well. You’re only as good as your last movie.

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I don’t think so. I feel better, so I’m happier overall. Can’t say it changed my personality. My wife is on BHRT so there’s that, we’re both happy we feel better and are healthier.

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I’m more confident and definitely more confrontational with other blokes when they’re being twats. Not afraid to speak out as such.

I laugh more and am able to hold better conversations.

Thats mostly down to the lifting of brain fog though.

I just get things done a bit better too. If something needs doing I just do it rather than procrastinating about it.

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Trt brought me back to the time when I was younger and more fun to be around. I had gotten very serious in my early 30’s and that just wasn’t me. So trt didn’t change my personality per se, it was more like a mean reversion.

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Nice observations. Thanks for the input. I have to agree that a Donkie won´t become a horse, neither an asshole will be come a good guy.

By the way, having (and looking for) more pussy could become an issue. Are you in a serious relationship or marriage ?

Thanks for the input !

“I just get things done a bit better too. If something needs doing I just do it rather than procrastinating about it.”

This sound familiar. From time to time…happens to me.

Yes, I think the deep personality should remain the same, I don´t know.
We all age and as we get older we change from our version when we were teens or in the early 20s. But I don´t think my core values have really changed.

Probably i´m overthinking but it´s always very good to have some input from new and older users.

TRT is a very serious topic for me. I know I am low to very-low T (but not shutdown) since about 4 years ago. There have been good and bad times which I could eventually associate with low T. When everything´s good I just forget about it, but as soon as I get low…TRT just comes to mind, but eventually I never get the courage to make the move.

I just need to understand the process very well before taking what I think should be a very conscious decision.

None. Same before, same after.

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Once you are optimized these types of questions wont matter. The guys who find their dose and have been on that dose for a while do not think along these lines. They accept who they are.

You need to focus on finding that dose, being patient, and getting on with life. Eventually you will have more focus and Trt wont be that big of a deal.

TRT is really simple. Remember how you felt healthy and strong and overall awesome when you were young? Well you will feel very similar when you get your dose right. Your body and mind will revert to a state similar to the younger you.

All it does is allow you to continue growing without any hiccups. Right now folks who have low-t cannot really grow because they feel like absolute shit, they dont have much energy , focus or everything else that comes with the low t world. Once you start feeling better, you will start growing like a normal person grows as they age. Except you will most likely be healthier and more energetic.

Simple … Why would T change anyones personality. If you are not confident before T, you wont be after. Maybe it’ll make life easier, but it wont make you an Alpha male over night.

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Great answer, very objective.

I know I won´t become an Alpha male just because of that. Never been, but defenetly I used to be more enthusiastic about things in general, doing more things and feeling that there was a purpose in them that motivated me. And that used to give a sense of satisfaction and reward in the end. Those things today feel like a burden, like an obligation when I have to do them… unless I feel good that day. So getting out of the comfort zone is tricky. They dont feel cool anymore, but honestly havent been replaced by others.
I was also more ambitious.
This is all the part of me that is slighly diminuished and some atribute that for me just getting older and more mature. But fuck, i know i´ve reached 40…but i´m not 60 !

I was wondering about the impact on social and family life. Our temper, Libido (dont want to create inbalance with wife), mood and eventual changes that may not be well received or hard to manage. But, I realize that as long as we´re dialied in with normal serum levels and a balanced panel we´re OK.

There´s also the tabu about testosterone in the society of my country. It is perceived as “steroids and drugs” used with the purpose of having more muscle mass, and that people eventually die from it. Rarely it is seen as a medication for those who need it just as insulin is needed for diabetic people. Or thyroid meds for thyroid disorders. Or hypertension meds for hypertension people. Or Cort meds for many autoimmunne disorders.
It looks more like an “option”, a “cheat”, not a life threatning necessity. And something that can even bring more issues than the ones we already have.

I look at TRT as medication. I was never an advocate on its use for recreational or aesthetic purposes. I understand that, but it´s not my thing. I´m not super low on T, but I recon I´m becoming more and more low than I eventually should. When i feel good I accept it as my nature, but once I feel down, I just go return to the topic.

I don’t recall noticing any difference.

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Lot less brain fog and fatigue after 2/3 months on it though it took me about a 9 months to get my dosage frequency increased (in the UK on ths NHS) Made a massive difference to my life overall including mental health

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