[quote]Apothecary wrote:
[quote]dt79 wrote:
Now you’re just pulling nonsense out of thin air. Stop making stuff up and let it go. Or do you really type just to hear yourself hit the keys?[/quote]
I don’t know, I think he actually made his point pretty well. He’s not disagreeing with anyone, he was answering a question. Now, the legitimacy of the original question is certainly…questionable…but to be fair, he did address the OP’s actual query. OP isn’t looking for a lifestyle change, just wants to tweak what he has.
Now, is that wise? Given the pictures, probably not (no offense, OP). He would be better served to build up a solid base before even thinking about tweaking weak spots, since it’s pretty much ALL a weak spot. And that’s what EVERYONE has said. However, the OP was just asking how to tweak now, regardless of how counterproductive that may be in the grand scheme.
It’s understandable to want to guide everyone (especially the misguided but well intentioned) on the iron path, but not everyone wants to hear that or is ready to. Kid just wanted an answer to his question.
We’re really all on the same side here, and Hero clearly has the understanding that we all do about the “right” way to do it. Just went against the grain of tradition of preaching SS and 5/3/1 to beginners.
Also, spit my coffee out at the Ripp-hova’s witness comment. Well played.[/quote]
He horrendously missed when addressing the OP’s situation, then got mad when called out on it.
I do having access to dumb bells, kettle bells, rings, pull up bar, dipping station, skipping rope, boxing bag & even a climbing rope. My problem is consistency I think, I’ve noticed a big change in endurance over all since that last thread a year ago. [/quote]
The basics here, barbell bench, barbell deadlift, barbell rows and dumbell rows. But I would also throw in and say lat pulls and laterals would be beneficial to your shape, it’ll draw out your shoulders and make you look wider which naturally makes a person’s waist look smaller. [/quote]
Okay, so, other than missing a barbell, you have everything you need to follow a good program. For a twice a week plan, consider something like this:
It’s a framework that you should be able to fill in with intelligent exercise choices. [/quote]
Which one of the last two responses is appropriate given the info given on the trainee??