Advice on How to Improve my Physique

I’m 26 years old. My height is 165 cm and weight is 58 kg. Currently I’m doing home workouts using dumbbells . It would mean world to me if you guys can comment on my phsyique and areas to improve myself . Thanks

Improve all areas… So far there is nothing much else to say.


Thank you for your honest feedback. Any specific areas which is very pathetic ?

No, its nothing like that. Its just that currently nothing has been done. Idk how long have you been doing it and what are your expectations but its just that it takes 3-5 years for most people to cover all the bases and then we can maybe talk about such nuances as weaker body parts or stuff. The weak part of a beginner is that everything is weak. You study about diet, about training or get a coach or an online coach and then follow the plan for 5 years before you think about things with such little meaning as weak points. Most people never in their lives need to think about that.

So this is a start. Id say - lets get to 75kg and see whats up then. There is no bodypart you can ignore as a beginner. You just do the basics till you are 75kgs and by that point we could maybe see how your body reacts to basic stuff. Then, maybe some changes would be needed, OR in most cases not.

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