[quote]epitome wrote:
I wouldn’t throw them out.
But 1 gram for 3 grams saturated is bad. Bacon and butter are like .3 trans for 10 saturated. And that’s high for unprocessed food.
In general, I would rather eat 100 grams of saturated fat which is unclear whether it is bad for you and is debatable, than 1 gram trans fat, which everyone agrees is bad.
It’s not the blueberries themselves. I’m not aware transfats form in fruits and veggies in any kind of noticable quantitity. It’s likely hydrogenated oils in the mix.
What I would do is: eat them. Then throw out the mix, and next time you make the muffins, use something else for flavour.
Are you sure Power Drive is as effective after baking?
CrewPierce wrote:
Ok so I was making my protein muffins as usual but I decided to go with a different flavor. So I start mixing up the batter with 3scoops Metabolic Drive, add in some fiber one, ect. and I start baking them.
Then I read the nutrition label and like the blueberry flavor each muffin has 3grams of fat, but with this flavor 1 gram is trans fat!
So my question is just how bad is this stuff? Is it worth throwing out 11muffins that have perfectly good Metabolic Drive in them? I didn’t use all of the mix so my guess would be that I have 10grams of trans fat total in the muffins. I was planning on giving about 1/2 of them away at the office.
Any thoughts?
I know it’s not the fruit; it’s listed in the ingredients as partially hydrogenated oil, and its 3grams total fat in the mix, 2grams unsaturated and 1 gram Trans fat.
No clue if the MD breaks down during baking, but I figure some extra protein can’t hurt. To make them I add in the MD, egg whites, fiber one, and some flax seeds with the idea of making them healthier. I don’t make them that much, just every now and then.