How Bad are My Free Testosterone Levels?

Hi I would like to know how bad my free Test level is considering my age, 28

Free test 10.01 ng/dL
Total testosterone 6.90ng/ML

What are the ranges?

Your FT is low and TT high, your SHBG is high. If you reduced SHBG by half, your TT would drop and now be suboptimal. In healthy 28 year old men you would see FT close to the top of the ranges.

Last time time I checked your SHBG is 54, not many men have optimal FT levels with SHBG this high, in fact I know of none.

The free T had no reference but the total Testosterone = to 690 in easy terms with reference on 250 to 950

Gotcha. Yeah that’s about what mine were before I started. Quite low free T. Has to be high shbg. Mine was 150 :flushed:

Yeah my shbg is around 60 aprox,
Is my free T that of a 60 year olds ?

Ok the reason im sitting on the fence about starting is that Im not doing to bad as it is,

And Im worried that if I start and can get it dialed in nicely Il have no option but to keep trying because My natural levels will probably diminish,

I do believe that if I could get it dialed in properly I would feel better than I Am now,

What do you think ?

Did you investigate why your shbg is high? You may be able to fix that underlining issue.

You can’t decrease SHBG naturally, you need TRT to decrease it. Your situation will only worsen as time passes.

Whether your FT levels are matching up with 60 or 70 year olds, what does it matter if it doesn’t match up with men your age?

Let me ask you something, why in the world would you want go back to your suboptimal levels in the 1st place?

@systemlord I have similar issues my FT is 9 finally Im convinced cannot increase it naturally significantly and I start TRT next month. Hope not to fuck up myself more :smiley:

I get what you mean systemlord, to be honest I didnt know that If I was able to free up more testosterone that would decrease my total T levels, so that a new one for me,

Hi yes Iv been trying to find out what caused the high shbg for a while,
I had a consultation with anabolic doc and he believes it’s anabolic steroid induced hypogonadism, or on the other hand maybe I have always had High level shbg and its genetic and thats the reason I struggle to put on size all these years,

Dont try to fight high SHBG, this battle is already lost I guarantee you.

According to the calculation based on Vermeulen your free T is 11 ng/dl.

This corresponds to you being in the ~40th percentile of your age group, ie appr 60% of your age group has higher and 40% has lower free T levels.

If you are ‘not doing too bad’ than there is no reason to go on TRT.

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Hi buddy I just checked the blood test again and my free test is Actually 9.55ng/dL
Bio available testosterone is 214ng/dL
Reference 180-430

Do you also have decent total testosterone and low Free testosterone?

How are you feeling with your current levels
Physically and mentally?

9.55 measured or calculated?

I have 564 total t and 9 free t with 54 SHBG and I feel like shit most days. Literally, especially mentally.
I can either suck it up or start TRT, and Im not longer sucking up this shit

9.55 on the blood results from the hospital

Ok good luck on your journey mate