House arrest sucks! I’ve posted more in three days, than previous four years,haha
If you get thrown in the can, you will be wishing for your own home.
What happened? Why do they believe what they do? What did you do if you don’t be telling us.
Where I grew up the cops hated me. They would bust me every opportunity that they got. They even started parking outside of my house and harassing my regular customers, pulling them over after they left and I’m pretty sure they even turned a couple on me.
Granted I was guilty as fuck, but still, they didn’t have to do that.
When I was like 25 I was a big kid, got caught up ridding bikes and everything that goes along with it
Skyzyk haha funny shit, I used to have custys at my house, but it seems like a lifetime ago. I did 18 mths in my early 30’s, been upstanding tax payer ever since
I hear that if you get a record it’s nearly impossible to find a white collar job.
Jake, were you in a gang? The stuff you described leads me believe you were involved in drug trafficking and prostitution (pimp).
Canadian commercial bankers must be nice people, 'cuse who would lend credit (to open a gym) to a felon?
Dude, count your blessings that you’re not in a fucking cage and doing Push-Ups
in an 8x10’ instead.
House Arrest? You got off pretty easy if you ask me, so man up a bit before your
sentence ends, because I’m certain had they put you in a Cell with a guy who thought
your ass looked sweeter than honey, you’d be screaming for a house arrest option and would happily work out in fucking Antartica in a T-shirt and be eternally grateful for it.
[quote]MaximusB wrote:
If you get thrown in the can, you will be wishing for your own home. [/quote]
Amen… the food sucks and the toilet amenities are less than posh. Better off at home.
[quote]AnytimeJake wrote:
When I was like 25 I was a big kid, got caught up ridding bikes and everything that goes along with it (sort of fits with strength training and boxing) drinking, drugs’ and naked ladys. At 34 I straightened up, got married,had a baby, and opened franchise gym (call name) in a small town, it’s been 5 years. Somehow small town cops got wind of my past, and this past year has been hell. One cop even said to my face ( I don’t like you, and I don’t like you owning a gym in my town)Dude I’m clean and sober I work with local kids, through the gym, steering them in the right direction. This shit pisses me off[/quote]
Then why are you in the position you are in? I dont understand.
I spent part of the summer in a cage, my lawyer got me out on bail,
[quote]AnytimeJake wrote:
I spent part of the summer in a cage, my lawyer got me out on bail, my conditions are strickt, I wasn’t a pimp or a dealer. When your living that lifestyle, it pulls you in and it all seems normal. I’m thankful my gym almost runs itself, so money is ok. When i straightened up I had some money, and borowed some privately, it costs about 1\2 mill to start up this type of gym. I think this is part of what bothers the cops. i have a barbell, a trap bar, and 450lbs weight 2 ajustable db’s and a quality bench, but my garage is cold,and I live three blocks from my gym, thats what sucks. I’m thankfull just board as fuck[/quote]
Read, work out, rest, eat.
Maybe start writing, something you can give your kids when they grow up.
Thanks i’ve been thinking of writing a book, but nobody would ever belive it
[quote]AnytimeJake wrote:
Thanks i’ve been thinking of writing a book, but nobody would ever belive it[/quote]
Who cares about others. You got the time, might as well make it productive.
Cause other wise you could spiral down into doing stupid shit, like watching day time TV.
[quote]AnytimeJake wrote:
Thanks i’ve been thinking of writing a book, but nobody would ever belive it[/quote]
At least start by telling us a bit.
This is a PG crowd
[quote]AnytimeJake wrote:
This is a PG crowd[/quote]
I have never been so insulted in my entire life and that is a stiff comnpetition.
This could be extreme, but you could put a hidden camera in your gym and tape him bothering you. Then send it to the media, and his supervisor.
The eye in the sky don’t lie.
My girl was making fun of me,I asked how to type LOL, she said what is wrong with you,