If your boxing more than 3 times a week, you have no chance of getting to 210, or even fat, and you defiantly do not want to take any metabolism boosting supplements.
[quote]seventysetti wrote:
If your boxing more than 3 times a week, you have no chance of getting to 210, or even fat, and you defiantly do not want to take any metabolism boosting supplements.
Good luck and eat a shit load of food [/quote]
That’s not true. Yea it will make it more difficult, but you can gain while doing aerobic activity. The amount of calories you burn while exercising is surprisingly low. (as long as you aren’t killing yourself)
Yes, you can take it. While boxing three times a week, taking a metabolism boosting supp, and [presumably] a fast metabolism to begin with (weighing 136 lbs), youre going to have to eat your fuckin ass off day in and day out. Probably for a few years.
Good luck. And thanks for actually wanting to bulk up instead of asking us how to cut.
As eengrms76 has said, buying Carbolin-19 would be just fine. I’ve actually bulked and have taken HOT-ROX at the same time, it was during my best gains. I got more acne though that’s just starting to go away. Was it worth it? Nah, just eat some good ol’ clean food and lots of it (eat more on boxing days).
For the record, I used to be one of those guys who would worry about getting the slightest BF % increase. But than I started to learn quickly that confidence (not coky) overrides having a bulk belly (a REAL one, not a “I’m a fat ass and bulking is my reason” belly) when dealing with women. If you’re not doing it for women and you just want to look good to yourself well think of it as an investment.
In 2-3 years, you’ll thank yourself for bulking and more importantly thank t-mag for providing great articles without having to pay $10 or $15 per issue (they need to add more women into their articles though).
Sorry for the double post. Not to bad mouth HOT-ROX, it’s a great supplement but use it for only cutting. (my last post made it seem like HOT-ROX was shit when I said “Nah”)
[quote]eengrms76 wrote:
I wouldn’t waste your money on HOT-ROX. I seriously doubt in your case it will make any difference. Buy standalone Carbolin 19 and Methoxy-7 instead.[/quote]
I dont mean to start a fight, but if we’re going to argue about ‘wasting money’ Carbolin 19 plus Methoxy would be 62 bucks a month whereas HRX would only be 42.
I’ve used HRX for about 3 weeks on my bulk and so far it’s worked just fine.
[quote]Goodfellow wrote:
Ok first things, I’m not boxing. I have no idea why it said ‘HOT-ROX while boxing’ i never even typed it.
Anyway,RSG, yea im 136 lbs, i’m 5’7" and im also 17.
We gotta get off the boxing theme, the thread title says bulking. somebody innocently misread it and it took off from there, LOL.
If this means anything, years back I put on around 40 lbs of meat while eating the old white cross ephedrine tabs like candy. Went from 157 and mid 20’s bf to 200 and a little change 6% bodyfat. Yes, I got checked before and after. Took 2 years.
I was taking 4 25mg white crosses twice a day with tons of caffeine for the last 12 or 14 months of it and running 3 1/2 miles 3 times a week. BTW my blood pressure, standing heart rate etc. were superb, not to get on that discussion. I don’t know how or if that translates to HOT-ROX, but there it is.
[quote]rrjc5488 wrote:
eengrms76 wrote:
I wouldn’t waste your money on HOT-ROX. I seriously doubt in your case it will make any difference. Buy standalone Carbolin 19 and Methoxy-7 instead.
I dont mean to start a fight, but if we’re going to argue about ‘wasting money’ Carbolin 19 plus Methoxy would be 62 bucks a month whereas HRX would only be 42.
I’ve used HRX for about 3 weeks on my bulk and so far it’s worked just fine.[/quote]
I actually meant to say or, not and. Either way I get your point. However when bulking, those two products will yield you better results than HRX alone.
HOT-ROX is a weight loss helper. If you’re trying to gain weight, HOT-ROX is only going to work against you.
And all these guys recommending supplements for you… to be honest, I really don’t think you need to buy anything. At most, you could buy a carb/protein drink for postworkout. Spend your money on food instead. At 17, you don’t need anything except lots of food and a good program.
[quote]georgeb wrote:
HOT-ROX is a weight loss helper. If you’re trying to gain weight, HOT-ROX is only going to work against you.
And all these guys recommending supplements for you… to be honest, I really don’t think you need to buy anything. At most, you could buy a carb/protein drink for postworkout. Spend your money on food instead. At 17, you don’t need anything except lots of food and a good program.[/quote]
Best. Post. Where are these kids getting all of this money for supplements? If you are trying to gain, why waste money on a thermogenic?
[quote]daniel d wrote:
Sorry for the double post. Not to bad mouth HOT-ROX, it’s a great supplement but use it for only cutting. (my last post made it seem like HOT-ROX was shit when I said “Nah”)[/quote]
Yeah, but you’re still wrong. While perhaps not ideal for the particular poster [though it should be fine if he’s eating enough and perhaps speed muscle growth while minimizing fat gain], many use HRX for bulking with great results and Cy and other knowledgeable people have recommended it for such.
[quote]georgeb wrote:
HOT-ROX is a weight loss helper. If you’re trying to gain weight, HOT-ROX is only going to work against you.
And all these guys recommending supplements for you… to be honest, I really don’t think you need to buy anything. At most, you could buy a carb/protein drink for postworkout. Spend your money on food instead. At 17, you don’t need anything except lots of food and a good program.[/quote]
This is mostly true. Not the fact that HRX will work against you. But the fact that at your stage of development, it will probably be superfluous. Develop good habits, lift hard, eat a lot, and establish some sort of base. Then worry about HOT-ROX or other supplements.
[quote]Professor X wrote:
georgeb wrote:
HOT-ROX is a weight loss helper. If you’re trying to gain weight, HOT-ROX is only going to work against you.
And all these guys recommending supplements for you… to be honest, I really don’t think you need to buy anything. At most, you could buy a carb/protein drink for postworkout. Spend your money on food instead. At 17, you don’t need anything except lots of food and a good program.
Best. Post. Where are these kids getting all of this money for supplements? If you are trying to gain, why waste money on a thermogenic?
After reading so many great feedback on HOT-ROX at it’s ability to burn FAT, I came up with this idea:
If I am eating ALOT, i will be having good gains muscle wise, but I will also be carrying fat.
Now, if I took HOT-ROX while bulking, I would gain the same amount of muscle, and less fat.
Bottom line is: I want to be cut, but i’m too small to do a fat loss program =/
From reading up on the material, I understand it can be surprisingly highly anabolic. It contains Carbolin 19 and as far as my own training goes if cost wasn’t an issue I would use it during a bulk for a couple of reasons.
One for the kick ass energy blast it gives me prior to a workout and for the anabolic and fat minimizing effect during a high calorie bulking phase. I agree with Prof X however, that making sure you are eating right should be the number one priority during a bulk (enough).