HOT-ROX Extreme

[quote]WantAbs wrote:
I just recieved my shipment today and am excited about taking with my workout tonight. This should rock![/quote]

Ok, I usually don’t do this after the first dose of something but HOLY SHIT! This product started working way before I even expected it to, within 5 minutes I was feeling a warm sensation in my stomach, then within 10 mins my whole body was warm, after about 30 mins I was starting to sweat a little bit. Wow this stuff rules, I went for a run about 1 hour after takeing it. I ran faster and farther than I did before, it was great feeling. If you are debating this product, just buy it already, you will not be disappointed.

[quote]Marmadogg wrote:
It has been a while since I drank coffee so that could be a one off situation.

When and how much do you take your HRX daily?[/quote]

I have now eased into taking four a day. First two before breakfast, last two in the afternoon.

[quote]BIGRAGOO wrote:
Marmadogg wrote:
How sensative are you to CNS stimulants in general?

I’m not. I have always been able to take the max does of any other thermogenic without ill effects, but HRX I have had to start with the min. dose first. So be warned, it is powerful.

I can not drink a cup of coffee but I can take a full dose of HOT-ROX.

Now you got me wondering if I should stick with regular HOT-ROX…

If a cup of coffee gets you sweaty, HRX is probably not for you. Seriously, it feels a bit like an amphetamine, plenty of energy, warm feeling all over, and appetite suppresion. All that without the nasty feeling when it wears off.[/quote]

I got the same effect. Also, my lower back and love handles feel hot, with a wierd tingling sensation there. I am sweating more, but no jitters.

I just started yesterday so my input is very preliminary.


Can I take 3 of these a day? One in the morning one in the after noon and one before I workout? This won’t be everyday, just days that I lift.

The advised limit is four a day, so I don’t see a problem with it. In fact I like that idea, if taking two at once gives you too much of a rush.