HOT-ROX Banned in Australia?

Just got back from two supplement shops.

Both had taken HOT-ROX off the shelf and said that the product was now banned in Australia.

Does anybody have any details as to why??

[quote]RagingBull wrote:
Just got back from two supplement shops.

Both had taken HOT-ROX off the shelf and said that the product was now banned in Australia.

Does anybody have any details as to why?[/quote]

Well… HMB was banned here a while back seeing it was so damned ‘potent’. Australia’s laws suck.

A lot of things Biotest makes are banned in Australia.

HOT-ROX hasn’t been available there in some time.

(They’re a suspicious lot, those Aussies.)

i thought it was just HRX as it had yohimbine in it…

[quote]TC wrote:
A lot of things Biotest makes are banned in Australia.

HOT-ROX hasn’t been available there in some time.

(They’re a suspicious lot, those Aussies.)


I’m surprised I can still get Alpha Male. I would have thought they would come under the category of oral steroids in Australia.

Its still available online at the australian Biotest site.

Its just the extreme because of the yohombine and naturally supplement shop staff would really tell the difference and just take it off the shelves to be on the legal safe side.

If you REALLY want it though you CAN buy yohimbine.hcl OTC here even though customs is against importing it. Go figure. Add in some Carbolin 19 and your set.

[quote]De sleeplijn wrote:
TC wrote:
A lot of things Biotest makes are banned in Australia.

HOT-ROX hasn’t been available there in some time.

(They’re a suspicious lot, those Aussies.)

I’m surprised I can still get Alpha Male. I would have thought they would come under the category of oral steroids in Australia.[/quote]

Hey mate i just found out that HOT-ROX were banned yesterday i havent used them in a while but i was talking to the guy at the store and he was telling me that Alpha Male is about to get pulled as well, and coincidently my mate called me yesterday and told me that some stores are already pulling the Alpha Male off shelves…dont know if this is true but hell im going to stock up on it now

They certainly are a bad lot, but not for those reasons. There is probably some ingredient in HOT-ROX that might have some side affects (not sure what). To be honest where you really have to worry about is the western countries where almost no supplements are banned (like england).

Yohimbine is banned. What exactly about Alpha Male is leading to the supposed ‘ban’, and since when was HMB EVER banned.

I ordered some Alpha Male and HRX two weeks ago from the T-store (this site) and received last week no problem. Have done previously as well with no problems.

With the exchange rate how it is at the moment much cheaper buying from this site than the Biotest Aus one.

Has anyone actually had any products siezed by customs or is it just retail outlets being paranoid?



Man, and I always thought Australia was the cool place to be. I mean come on, you guys have kangaroos and fosters, fuckin awesome!

[quote]football061 wrote:
Man, and I always thought Australia was the cool place to be. I mean come on, you guys have kangaroos and fosters, fuckin awesome![/quote]

LoL - Roos are a pest so we kill them by the thousands & BBQ them. They’re pretty cool though.

And Fosters in Australia is fucking shit. BUT international Fosters is “export” Crown Lager, one of premium beers.

[quote]sjfou wrote:
football061 wrote:
Man, and I always thought Australia was the cool place to be. I mean come on, you guys have kangaroos and fosters, fuckin awesome!

LoL - Roos are a pest so we kill them by the thousands & BBQ them. They’re pretty cool though.

And Fosters in Australia is fucking shit. BUT international Fosters is “export” Crown Lager, one of premium beers.[/quote]

I hear McDonalds was once importing kangaroo meat and using it in their burgers…yummmm yummm!!

Oh, and I forgot to mention you guys also have extremely hot women with sexy ass accents.

Hot women is right.

At above poster: really, customs let you get some HRX in? they stopped my shipment of Metabolic Drive for a day or two ;O

[quote]Burnesy wrote:
Has anyone actually had any products siezed by customs or is it just retail outlets being paranoid?



I ordered some Spike about 12 months back after they changed the recipe to include Yohimbine and had it seized by customs. I have heard of HRX getting through, but that was a while ago. I havent tried to order anything with Yohimbine in it since. Apparently it is classified as an aphrodisiac in Australia which is why it is banned.

Yohimibine is also something that Canada customs doenst like either. However my last order came across with no problems. Customs was even nice enough to check my box to make sure it was legit and seal it up agian with their fancy tape.

I ordered through another site and got some Vitrix, 2 bottles of Lipo-6, and some Ejaculoid (I know give me some shit for that last one, I’, just a very curious person and wondered if it would boost T any more) anyway! After customs took the lot! they sent me the vitrix and thats all! and how’s this, they said they will either destroy it, or send it back to the company where I got it from so I naturally said send it back so I could get in store credit, but NO! they said na we’re not going to now and so I was out of pocket with only one product. I think Australia is going a little over board.

Funny, coz we can buy yohimbe at any health shop. Dunno what the difference is though…

And for the record, id go to Maccas & buy a McSkippy. Bit of bacon, BBQ sauce, pineapple, an egg, some onioin & a roo patty. Might even knock me one up on the weekend.

Rofl McSkippy.

[quote]sjfou wrote:
Funny, coz we can buy yohimbe at any health shop. Dunno what the difference is though…

I believe the difference is that “Yohimbine HCL” is banned and “Yohimbe” is not.

I think that is because “Yohimbine HCL” is a concentrated extract and Yohimbe is just the original bark from the tree.

“Yohimbine HCL” is alos marketed as a Prty Drug and is sometimes snorted straight which is dangerous.