Whatsup guys. I’m struggling bad this morning. Three days ago I did my first pin with 100 mg test e and 75 mg test p in the same pin, and that was in the right glute. It flared up over the weekend and there was extreme pain and a hard knot, and swollen to the point of it almost showing. So I chalked it up as a bad injection maybe I didn’t go deep enough or went to fast whatever… so yesterday Morning I switch glutes and done my test 100 and test p 75 in my left glute and holy shit I’ll be damned if I didn’t wake up and couldn’t get out of bed and it’s just as bad or if not worse than the right side… and once again swollen and knitted up… no fever or it’s not hot around the site but it is extremely painful and It was a struggle to put my boots on this morning for work.
I’m wondering if it’s because I’m doing both in same pin because I’ve been on cylce for a couple weeks and done about 5 test e pins and like 4 test p pins BUT they weren’t in same syringe. Have you guys ever heard of this? Is it because I’m doing them in the same pin? I know test p causes more pip but I don’t even know if I would call this pip… more like a huge swollen knot that hurts so bad I can’t even move my legs lol… please someone tell me I’m all good. Or that maybe it’s because I done both in same pin… That’s the only two times I’ve done same pin with test p and e and both times it fucked me